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Fun little game?

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Fun little game?

Postby Elaterate on Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:26 pm

I liked Razorvich's Scavenger Hunt so much that it has inspired me to do something similar....

I will be asking for names of maps **EDIT** (MAPS from this site, that we play on) in Global Chat and/or in the Chat Rooms today, tomorrow, the next day, and so on if it takes that long... for a tournament idea I have...

Players with the most "responses" gets invite here... ... nt_id=7431

"Responses" will be counted by first one to respond.... with serious response.

Have already been told once that this is "unintelligent" but other negative comments are more then welcome ;)
Last edited by Elaterate on Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:39 pm

False, but thanks for trying to twist my words.

The questions are stupid. When you pop into chat and say, "name a map that starts with U." Yeah, dumb question and you can't expect serious responses. That information is in multiple places readily available to anyone so why would someone bother to answer it? Plus GC is not exactly known for being a serious place so you're getting exactly what I'd expect from the GC crowd.

If you come into chat and say, 'Hey guys, I'm hosting a game to (fill in the blank reason), let's play." That is a completely different scenario and would be met positively. However, that's not what you're doing. First, people don't know you're trying to host a game, they're seeing questions out of context. Second, they may not even want the prize if they do happen to know it's a part of a game. You're getting silly, random answer because of how you're going about attempting to do this. You need to reevaluate the process. You're idea as a whole is a decent one, it's your approach that's flawed.
11:36:19 ‹Swifte› #RazYouUselessTwit
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby Elaterate on Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:11 pm

Twist words?? I quoted one word... did I spell it wrong? Definitely didn't attach any names to it...

I'm getting "silly, random answer" from one player which can be ignored.... Why would someone bother to answer it? Same reason people answer other "dumb" questions in GC... to have a conversation? to be helpful? curiosity as to why their asking?...

"approach that's flawed" is immediately telling someone there question is "unintelligent" without asking why their asking it...

Stay positive ;)
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby CatchersMitt14 on Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:14 pm

Elaterate wrote:Twist words?? I quoted one word... did I spell it wrong? Definitely didn't attach any names to it...

I'm getting "silly, random answer" from one player which can be ignored.... Why would someone bother to answer it? Same reason people answer other "dumb" questions in GC... to have a conversation? to be helpful? curiosity as to why their asking?...

"approach that's flawed" is immediately telling someone there question is "unintelligent" without asking why their asking it...

Stay positive ;)

Quoting one word into a completely different context than it was spoken is textbook twisting of words.
11:36:19 ‹Swifte› #RazYouUselessTwit
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby TeeGee on Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:21 pm

ok, that's enough you pair.
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby Elaterate on Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:23 pm

Honestly was expecting no comments on this... Just something people could read and maybe follow/play.

My apologies for any wrong doing and hurt feelings I may have caused.
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby 2dimes on Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:01 pm

Uterus 2.0
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby jfm10 on Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:13 am

Yikes 2.1
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby IcePack on Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:03 pm

Elaterate wrote:I liked Razorvich's Scavenger Hunt so much that it has inspired me to do something similar....

I will be asking for names of maps in Global Chat and/or in the Chat Rooms today, tomorrow, the next day, and so on if it takes that long... for a tournament idea I have...

Players with the most "responses" gets invite here... ... nt_id=7431

"Responses" will be counted by first one to respond.... with serious response.

Have already been told once that this is "unintelligent" but other negative comments are more then welcome ;)

Nowhere in here does it say the answers must be correct. So I am correct in assuming that an incorrect, serious reply would qualify as a “response”?

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Re: Fun little game?

Postby Elaterate on Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:37 pm

IcePack wrote:
Nowhere in here does it say the answers must be correct. So I am correct in assuming that an incorrect, serious reply would qualify as a “response”?

Not sure how an incorrect, serious reply would help any future tournaments but I have made an edit to post in hopes that clears things up.
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby MagnusGreeol on Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:35 pm

Elaterate wrote:Honestly was expecting no comments on this... Just something people could read and maybe follow/play.

My apologies for any wrong doing and hurt feelings I may have caused.

El brother! You are one positive persona this place will always need! No need apologizing when your constantly making this place more enjoyable! You are always polite/sincere and lift up rather than put down, I for one am a big Elaterate fan! '')>

Keep up the good work and let your ideas flow!!



ps- I don't want in tourney, But came up with "Island of Doom Yoshi!" '')>
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby Elaterate on Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:12 pm

Thanks Mags :D

Scores/Responses so far....

Swifte - 7
MSpitts24 - 6
ButternutJosh - 3
MyNameIsJack - 3
jfm10 - 2
NomadPatriot - 1
codierose - 1
Mageplunka69 - 1
Strider_88 - 1
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby IcePack on Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:21 pm

Elaterate wrote:
IcePack wrote:
Nowhere in here does it say the answers must be correct. So I am correct in assuming that an incorrect, serious reply would qualify as a “response”?

Not sure how an incorrect, serious reply would help any future tournaments but I have made an edit to post in hopes that clears things up.

Well I was just pointing out nowhere does it say the responses have to be correct to count towards the response, only that it had to be serious.

So you could theoretically ask “what map first used the bombard feature?” And I could legitimately / seriously guess “das schloss?” As my answer. According to what you’ve written, that should score as a response whether it’s correct or not. As long as the response is serious (meaning not just answering “hahaha your butt!” Or something stupid) it should count.

The edits still don’t correct this. I’m sure it doesn’t matter and it’s doesn’t really bother me, I just like to look at rules and sometimes they aren’t that clear :)

As far as how it helps future tournaments, that part of the OP isn’t really that clear how the maps or responses tie into future tournaments so I can’t really answer that part of your question.

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Re: Fun little game?

Postby Elaterate on Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:50 pm

Let me point out that "I will be asking for names of maps" is not the same as "I'll be asking Trivia Questions about maps"

I'm asking for people to name a map, plane and simple.... Not a Trivia contest so I do believe the edit should clear things up. I have been getting the "your butt" type of responses which is why I added the "serious responses"

The "your butt" type of responses is what I was referring to as an "incorrect/serious" response that couldn't possibly help future tournaments so I hope can you agree those shouldn't count towards any scoring.
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby chapcrap on Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:23 am

Your butt
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Re: Fun little game?

Postby Elaterate on Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:57 pm

Thanks to all who participated and Good Luck to Swifte here... ... nt_id=7431
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