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Dice or Die: The Dice Love Thread

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 5:41 am
by Symmetry
A thread for people to express their love of those six sided little scoundrels.

Do you have a favourite side? Are you part of the big six crew? Do you secretly love it when you beat someone with a two?
Do you use dice outside of CC? For other games? Do you own a set in real life?
Have you experimented with dice without pips? Without numbers?
Have you flirted around with dice with more than six sides? How about fewer?
Are you secretly annoyed if people refer to a single "dice"?

Share with CC your favourite tales of the dice, your funniest moments, your darkest secrets...

Re: Dice or Die: The Dice Love Thread

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:05 am
by Symmetry
From D or D confessions:

Dear D or D,
My boyfriend bought me my first set of dice and turned me on to rolling. So, when he was out of town, and two players approached me for a few games, how could I resist? Let's just say we all rolled a 6 that night.
Yours, Alea

Dear D or D,
I'm a D20 kind of guy- halfling, kind of a rogue, but I have a confession. We have a game night most weeks, and one night things got a little hot. Our dungeon master pulled out a board and a set of dice, six sides, and frankly, we were all into it. It was a Risk game, sure, but we were all in. Paladin on paladin, paladin on cleric. And yeah, a mage/thief for once had no illusions.
Jack Test

All confessions will remain confidential.