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Tribute to Currahee68

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 10:56 pm
by Ltrain
So I searched the forums and there aren't any posts by him or about him so I though I would just make one out of respect. He passed away about a year and a half ago.
He was a medic in the Vietnam War. Here are some quotes from him about his experience there:
Here is his obituary:

We were in 72 team games together. I just searched through his games and he did seem to like middle ages a lot, even tho we never played it together.
His last comment on a game was after he had been gone for a few days, and it was more of a question than a comment. Which is pretty cool...
He logged in one more time after that to take town saxibot and whambot before passing away exactly a week later.

I just thought it would be nice to give him a footprint here since he spent a lot of time here yet created no footprint himself.

Stephen A Oliphant, Jr

Re: Tribute to Currahee68

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:16 pm
by 2dimes
Very nice, you missed making a clickable like this.


Re: Tribute to Currahee68

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:58 pm
by riskllama
a nice thing to do.

Re: Tribute to Currahee68

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2018 2:56 am
by The_Samurai
Thank you, Lawson. Steve was a great guy and is dearly missed. RIP Steve


Ltrain wrote:So I searched the forums and there aren't any posts by him or about him so I though I would just make one out of respect. He passed away about a year and a half ago.
He was a medic in the Vietnam War. Here are some quotes from him about his experience there:
Here is his obituary:

We were in 72 team games together. I just searched through his games and he did seem to like middle ages a lot, even tho we never played it together.
His last comment on a game was after he had been gone for a few days, and it was more of a question than a comment. Which is pretty cool...
He logged in one more time after that to take town saxibot and whambot before passing away exactly a week later.

I just thought it would be nice to give him a footprint here since he spent a lot of time here yet created no footprint himself.

Stephen A Oliphant, Jr

Re: Tribute to Currahee68

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:12 am
by CaronylKluster
I have been meaning to say some words about Steve for quite some time. In light of the recent celebration of Veterans Day, I wanted to remember Steve as I know he was a veteran and faithful to his brothers in arms.

I played with him often and enjoyed his devotion to the game. He and I shared similar medical issues, so we talked often about how things were going. I know Steve would liked more time, but I also know he enjoyed the time he had and was grateful for having played with all of us.

RIP currahee68