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what the best medal display would look like

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what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:39 am

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:59 am

interesting to see where the ones with roman numbers stop. I had no idea.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby xroads on Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:55 am

I hate there is a limit for tournament wins personally. If you win 100 tournaments, you should have 100 medals for it
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:15 am

Yeah, i don't really understand the logic there either.
All those roman number medals have different logics and for most it doesn t make much sense
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby 2dimes on Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:46 am

"I don't know anything about any cocaine. It's a windy day. It must have flown through the window and into my purse,"

Nothing? I guess none of you have google.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:44 am

xroads wrote:I hate there is a limit for tournament wins personally. If you win 100 tournaments, you should have 100 medals for it

I feel the same for clan medals

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby lanyards on Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:26 pm

This is how they are displayed on user profiles already, so I am assuming you're talking about how they're displayed in the forum? For a lot of posts, medals double or triple the height of the post, wasting a lot of space on the page. Having medals displayed in the same format as on profiles would make this that much worse. Having a 'Display Case' where you pick 5-10 medals you are most proud of would solve this issue.

I agree about the roman numeral limits on the medals though, that should not be there.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby jfm10 on Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:52 pm

The Roman Numerals represent the number of times you have achieved it.It shouldn't stop at 30 though xxx
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:57 pm

xroads wrote:I hate there is a limit for tournament wins personally. If you win 100 tournaments, you should have 100 medals for it

According to the OP, the limit is at 200.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:05 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:
xroads wrote:I hate there is a limit for tournament wins personally. If you win 100 tournaments, you should have 100 medals for it

According to the OP, the limit is at 200.

Not true. The highest Roman numeral is 200, but you donā€™t get 200 medals.
You max at 34 for winning and organizing 68 total).
You get x1 medal per for 1-30, then x1 for 31-50, x1 for 51-100, x1 for 101-150, and x1 for 151-200.

So you get 1 medal for 50 tournaments. Pretty stupid. And that is just tournaments.
Other medals have other stupid tiers / caps that completely discourage activity after a certain point

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby DoomYoshi on Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:07 pm

I think that's a much better system. The tournaments shouldn't over-run the other types of medals. You can only get 4 for nuclear spoils...
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:08 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:I think that's a much better system. The tournaments shouldn't over-run the other types of medals. You can only get 4 for nuclear spoils...

Sure, itā€™s a great system if you want to discourage activity once you top out of the normal medals.

You can only get four for nuke but if you group all those assorted ones you can get up to 80 or more depending what you count as part of it.

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:08 pm

IcePack wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I think that's a much better system. The tournaments shouldn't over-run the other types of medals. You can only get 4 for nuclear spoils...

Sure, itā€™s a great system if you want to discourage activity once you top out of the normal medals.

You can only get four for nuke but if you group all those assorted ones you can get up to 80 or more depending what you count as part of it.

So if someone spends years to accumulate all 80 of those, but then someone else races ahead accumulating 500 tournament and clan medals, we want to leave the hard-working public-pool player completely in the dust?

It's total bullshit. The medals should be built on something like a square root formula. You get one medal for your first success, second medal for the fourth, third medal for the ninth, and so on. The Battle Royale formula is the one that comes the closest to making sense.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:33 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
IcePack wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I think that's a much better system. The tournaments shouldn't over-run the other types of medals. You can only get 4 for nuclear spoils...

Sure, itā€™s a great system if you want to discourage activity once you top out of the normal medals.

You can only get four for nuke but if you group all those assorted ones you can get up to 80 or more depending what you count as part of it.

So if someone spends years to accumulate all 80 of those, but then someone else races ahead accumulating 500 tournament and clan medals, we want to leave the hard-working public-pool player completely in the dust?

It's total bullshit. The medals should be built on something like a square root formula. You get one medal for your first success, second medal for the fourth, third medal for the ninth, and so on. The Battle Royale formula is the one that comes the closest to making sense.

Apparently you can only be "hard working player" if you don't do clans / tournaments?
News flash, people ALSO spend years working to accumulate clan and tournament medals. Not everyone "quickly races ahead accumulating these". Lot of them take hard work. I've signed up for TONS of tournaments, yet won very few.
You know what I would never do? Sign up for a tournament I knew I wouldn't get a medal for. Because to get to the next tier literally might take me a decade.

Sorry that I think if you earn a medal, you should get it. Taking years to get a "tiered" clan or tournament medal is the definition of bullshit imo. Not only does it discourage people from actually participating and trying in those areas,
it stops giving them a reason to stay and play here. Without people, this site is nothing. So yeah...I think people should get medals if they earn 'em. I don't care about some stupid arbitrary tiered bullshit that might have mattered when there was 25-50k people playing. But now we are trying to keep the few people around and give them a reason to play.

If I win a tournament, I want a medal. It links to the achievement. It highlights players success and activity. It provides people something to shoot for. Gives them a reason to care. Gives them a sense of pride and achievement.
Win a tournament and nobody can tell? Who the hell cares about that? Why would you bother? Just gives people a reason to leave / quit, some of the tiers would take years. While there might be some who "speed through" i highly doubt that would be the norm. Its just diminishing peoples achievements

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby xroads on Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:31 pm

Last I knew it was an achievement to win any tournament. How many years would it take to win 500?

Clan medals are so so. So many players are just along for the ride, but again its not like anyone is getting dozens of clan medals every year.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:46 pm

IcePack wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
IcePack wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I think that's a much better system. The tournaments shouldn't over-run the other types of medals. You can only get 4 for nuclear spoils...

Sure, itā€™s a great system if you want to discourage activity once you top out of the normal medals.

You can only get four for nuke but if you group all those assorted ones you can get up to 80 or more depending what you count as part of it.

So if someone spends years to accumulate all 80 of those, but then someone else races ahead accumulating 500 tournament and clan medals, we want to leave the hard-working public-pool player completely in the dust?

It's total bullshit. The medals should be built on something like a square root formula. You get one medal for your first success, second medal for the fourth, third medal for the ninth, and so on. The Battle Royale formula is the one that comes the closest to making sense.

Apparently you can only be "hard working player" if you don't do clans / tournaments?
News flash, people ALSO spend years working to accumulate clan and tournament medals. Not everyone "quickly races ahead accumulating these". Lot of them take hard work. I've signed up for TONS of tournaments, yet won very few.
You know what I would never do? Sign up for a tournament I knew I wouldn't get a medal for. Because to get to the next tier literally might take me a decade.

Sorry that I think if you earn a medal, you should get it. Taking years to get a "tiered" clan or tournament medal is the definition of bullshit imo. Not only does it discourage people from actually participating and trying in those areas,
it stops giving them a reason to stay and play here. Without people, this site is nothing. So yeah...I think people should get medals if they earn 'em. I don't care about some stupid arbitrary tiered bullshit that might have mattered when there was 25-50k people playing. But now we are trying to keep the few people around and give them a reason to play.

If I win a tournament, I want a medal. It links to the achievement. It highlights players success and activity. It provides people something to shoot for. Gives them a reason to care. Gives them a sense of pride and achievement.
Win a tournament and nobody can tell? Who the hell cares about that? Why would you bother? Just gives people a reason to leave / quit, some of the tiers would take years. While there might be some who "speed through" i highly doubt that would be the norm. Its just diminishing peoples achievements

Diminishing people's achievements is EXACTLY what I'm worried about. There are 72 Achievement medals (from Standard to Bot... 76 if you want to count the fluff medal for Ratings.) I can't imagine how much work it takes to get all of those. I've won over 5000 games and still don't have Platinum in most of them. In fact, don't have Gold in several.

Like you, I've joined many tournaments and won very few. Still, as a ratio of effort expended, my 30 tournament medals probably represent something in the neighbourhood of 3000 games played and probably something like 600 won, while my 48 Achievement medals have taken the totality of my 15000 games played and 5000 won. I won't minimize the effort that I've put into tournaments, but there's no doubt that the medals per game ratio is a lot higher than the Achievement medals.

And as for Clans, there the ratio is totally out of whack. I've played less than 200 clan games, and I already have 25 medals there. That's a medal for every eight games. Compare that to my 2700 Terminator games played and four Terminator medals (finally got my platinum just a couple months ago), which is almost 700 games per medal. Looking at it that way, clan participation accumulates medals 83 times faster than playing terminator games. That's a catastrophic difference! And to me, that's what it's all about. Ideally medals should work in such a way that effort in any area is rewarded at an approximately equal rate, and that's certainly not where we're at.

And here's another perspective: when I joined the site, the people at the top of the medal scoreboard had something like 100 medals. I think there were 48 Achievement medals at that time, so someone who had all the Golds was half way to the top. Today, there are 72 Achievement medals and the player at the top of the board is closing in on 280 medals total, so someone who only has Achievement medals now is only a quarter of the way to the top. Thus, the players who are chasing the most difficult medals continue to lose ground on the scoreboard versus players who chase more cost-effective medals. We're beating the shit out of the public player pool.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:50 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
IcePack wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
IcePack wrote:
DoomYoshi wrote:I think that's a much better system. The tournaments shouldn't over-run the other types of medals. You can only get 4 for nuclear spoils...

Sure, itā€™s a great system if you want to discourage activity once you top out of the normal medals.

You can only get four for nuke but if you group all those assorted ones you can get up to 80 or more depending what you count as part of it.

So if someone spends years to accumulate all 80 of those, but then someone else races ahead accumulating 500 tournament and clan medals, we want to leave the hard-working public-pool player completely in the dust?

It's total bullshit. The medals should be built on something like a square root formula. You get one medal for your first success, second medal for the fourth, third medal for the ninth, and so on. The Battle Royale formula is the one that comes the closest to making sense.

Apparently you can only be "hard working player" if you don't do clans / tournaments?
News flash, people ALSO spend years working to accumulate clan and tournament medals. Not everyone "quickly races ahead accumulating these". Lot of them take hard work. I've signed up for TONS of tournaments, yet won very few.
You know what I would never do? Sign up for a tournament I knew I wouldn't get a medal for. Because to get to the next tier literally might take me a decade.

Sorry that I think if you earn a medal, you should get it. Taking years to get a "tiered" clan or tournament medal is the definition of bullshit imo. Not only does it discourage people from actually participating and trying in those areas,
it stops giving them a reason to stay and play here. Without people, this site is nothing. So yeah...I think people should get medals if they earn 'em. I don't care about some stupid arbitrary tiered bullshit that might have mattered when there was 25-50k people playing. But now we are trying to keep the few people around and give them a reason to play.

If I win a tournament, I want a medal. It links to the achievement. It highlights players success and activity. It provides people something to shoot for. Gives them a reason to care. Gives them a sense of pride and achievement.
Win a tournament and nobody can tell? Who the hell cares about that? Why would you bother? Just gives people a reason to leave / quit, some of the tiers would take years. While there might be some who "speed through" i highly doubt that would be the norm. Its just diminishing peoples achievements

Diminishing people's achievements is EXACTLY what I'm worried about. There are 72 Achievement medals (from Standard to Bot... 76 if you want to count the fluff medal for Ratings.) I can't imagine how much work it takes to get all of those. I've won over 5000 games and still don't have Platinum in most of them. In fact, don't have Gold in several.

Like you, I've joined many tournaments and won very few. Still, as a ratio of effort expended, my 30 tournament medals probably represent something in the neighbourhood of 3000 games played and probably something like 600 won, while my 48 Achievement medals have taken the totality of my 15000 games played and 5000 won. I won't minimize the effort that I've put into tournaments, but there's no doubt that the medals per game ratio is a lot higher than the Achievement medals.

And as for Clans, there the ratio is totally out of whack. I've played less than 200 clan games, and I already have 25 medals there. That's a medal for every eight games. Compare that to my 2700 Terminator games played and four Terminator medals (finally got my platinum just a couple months ago), which is almost 700 games per medal. Looking at it that way, clan participation accumulates medals 83 times faster than playing terminator games. That's a catastrophic difference! And to me, that's what it's all about. Ideally medals should work in such a way that effort in any area is rewarded at an approximately equal rate, and that's certainly not where we're at.

And here's another perspective: when I joined the site, the people at the top of the medal scoreboard had something like 100 medals. I think there were 48 Achievement medals at that time, so someone who had all the Golds was half way to the top. Today, there are 72 Achievement medals and the player at the top of the board is closing in on 280 medals total, so someone who only has Achievement medals now is only a quarter of the way to the top. Thus, the players who are chasing the most difficult medals continue to lose ground on the scoreboard versus players who chase more cost-effective medals. We're beating the shit out of the public player pool.

So you know...encouraging them to branch away from the public pool and into other areas of the site is...bad? And instead we are going to chase away the people who are participating in an entire section of the site (or two?) Doesn't make sense. Sorry, but medals and the "equality" is NOT more important then keeping people on the site giving them something to play for and earn.

I mean, you can win an CCup and not even get a medal for it! Pretty crazy and HIGHLY diminishes the achievement if you are past the standard level and have to go into tiers.

I'm also not sure you are the average clan user, you say 25 medals for under 200 games. But you look at nolefan5311 who has probably 1000 clan games and is at 31 medals. Others put varying amounts of effort into clans and get varying amount of medals. Start looking at clans who don't win as often, and I'm sure their ratio is even worse for games played per medal. Some clans fight many many wars before ever getting a single medal. You can single out lots of people for all varieties and find people who earned "easy medals", that doesn't mean the medals are less worthy. People spend lots of time on clan games, it generates a lot of activity. It keeps people around on the site for longer period of time, and has a higher retention rate for clan players then public player pool.

So yeah, I think encouraging people to stay in clans and be active there is important, and that includes earning medals. Same goes for tournaments. If you want more medals for public pool, and thats important to you - then go advocate new medals for them. They already are getting new ones already if you consider stuff like monthly challenges, tribes, special events, etc. But that doesn't diminish or cause clan / tournament medals to be "less important than" or achievements any less worthy and notable then others.

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:45 pm

IcePack wrote:So you know...encouraging them to branch away from the public pool and into other areas of the site is...bad?

No, I'm all in favour of encouraging them to branch out. But when some branches are so ripe with fruit that nobody is interested in the main trunk any more, then something is out of balance.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby IcePack on Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:52 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
IcePack wrote:So you know...encouraging them to branch away from the public pool and into other areas of the site is...bad?

No, I'm all in favour of encouraging them to branch out. But when some branches are so ripe with fruit that nobody is interested in the main trunk any more, then something is out of balance.

You didn't really address the majority of my message. On top of that, you are only looking at those 80 for the "public pool". But what about Monthly Scoreboard medals? What about Monthly Challenges? Events? Society of Cooks? GA? GC? Maps? I mean, those are all available to the public pool as well. Theres a lot more then 80 available there.

Bottom line, I don't think ANY medal earned should be restricted. It keeps people around. Thats public pool, and clans / tournaments. It highlights the achievements that those people have made. If people want to look beyond it and see the ratios and where they got them, then so be it. There is no reason to restrict the medals being earned by those players.

Especially when you start considering the impacts like I stated, you can start winning very difficult major events and not even get a medal, but you can earn some pretty easy medals from the public pool side of things. You don't see me saying "you shouldn't be able to get those!" no, you earned it. But give the medals for the other people who earned them as well. Some will always be easier to get then others.

Trying to make everything balance is an impossible task and encourages people to leave the areas of their interest / stop participating, which causes them to get bored, leave the site, stop being paying members, etc. I think a little .jpg isn't worth keeping someone away from the site just cuz we want to shake our first that some are easier then others.

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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:21 am

Guys guys.... you are both right but adressing very different issues!

1) i agree with ice: it's not normal that at some point, winning a tournament stops counting after 30, while it keeps adding up past 30 for other stuff. It's just not very fair for those who won tons of tourneys (and i m not one of those...)

2) duke, yes, some medals are far more difficult to earn than others. Namely all those gameplay medals, as you are adressing it. So going from gold to platinum means going from 400 to 1000 unique kills... considering all the duplicate kills you get over time!

I think that we should get an aggregate medal score. Each win (tourney, clan, GA, etc...) should always keep adding up.
Stuff like gameplay medals, which are by far the hardest (not considering 200 tournaments as only 34 but 200) should get a higher value. Say a platinum medal = 10 on your medal score.

That would seem as the most fair solution to everyone... obviously the value of each medal could be subject to discution.

Ps: duke your personal clan example is really bad. Seems like you don t need to be really involved in your clan and that you only play 2-3 games per war... not the case for everybody in the clan world!
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:28 am

lanyards wrote:This is how they are displayed on user profiles already, so I am assuming you're talking about how they're displayed in the forum? For a lot of posts, medals double or triple the height of the post, wasting a lot of space on the page. Having medals displayed in the same format as on profiles would make this that much worse. Having a 'Display Case' where you pick 5-10 medals you are most proud of would solve this issue.

I agree about the roman numeral limits on the medals though, that should not be there.

That wasn't at all the point of this thread. Actually, your new signature made me want to do it. Since no one is ever going to come close from that medal bonanza in the OP, I just wanted to see what a profile page would look like with everything existing. While doing that, i noticed that we could play with the html and see what is the highest roman number you can get for each medal, since there are a lot of differences from one medal to the next i thought it was pretty interesting.

By the way... i have passed the 30 GA a long time ago; past 30 the medals keep adding up, even though there is no medal after XXX
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby xroads on Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:53 am

Honestly, platinum medals in most of the game play categories is the most impressive.

Anyone can ride the coattails in a clan, host 34 tournaments, and tailor them to your strengths so you win many of them.

But if you have 5-10 platinum medals, then you have really accomplished something
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby Mad777 on Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:01 am

xroads wrote:Last I knew it was an achievement to win any tournament. How many years would it take to win 500?

Clan medals are so so. So many players are just along for the ride, but again its not like anyone is getting dozens of clan medals every year.

You won't get anything for 500 wins...the amount is caped at 200 (34 medals, 1 to 30-50-100-150-200), for both tournament achievement & tournament contribution.

jfm10 wrote:The Roman Numerals represent the number of times you have achieved it.It shouldn't stop at 30 though xxx

This is not always true, Clan medal "Roman count" stop at XXX (30) but I think Clan is cap at 50 (if it is cap) despite showing XXX, another question could be why does Clan achievement to be different as Tournament achievement? Both have the same rule as far minimum played game (3), tournament for instance ask you to win 4 games while playing a simple 16 player bracket is versus Clan only ask you to be part of 3 games (yes your Clan has to win overall), is this correct or am I reading wrong? so you can have a player who lost his 3 games but still receive a medal....that's wrong.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby betiko on Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:38 am

Mad777 wrote:
xroads wrote:Last I knew it was an achievement to win any tournament. How many years would it take to win 500?

Clan medals are so so. So many players are just along for the ride, but again its not like anyone is getting dozens of clan medals every year.

You won't get anything for 500 wins...the amount is caped at 200 (34 medals, 1 to 30-50-100-150-200), for both tournament achievement & tournament contribution.

jfm10 wrote:The Roman Numerals represent the number of times you have achieved it.It shouldn't stop at 30 though xxx

This is not always true, Clan medal "Roman count" stop at XXX (30) but I think Clan is cap at 50 (if it is cap) despite showing XXX, another question could be why does Clan achievement to be different as Tournament achievement? Both have the same rule as far minimum played game (3), tournament for instance ask you to win 4 games while playing a simple 16 player bracket is versus Clan only ask you to be part of 3 games (yes your Clan has to win overall), is this correct or am I reading wrong? so you can have a player who lost his 3 games but still receive a medal....that's wrong.

i think they were aware of that and they were talking about the tournament medal in particular, that has this weird way of counting you are commenting.
Basically, about every medal with roman number has its own logic. Like the contribution medal that only goes up to 20... there are a few mods around here that are about to pass that number if it isn't done yet.
Or the hardest medal for me is the mapmaker medal... cairnswk has 38 if i'm correct but it stops at 30.

regarding clans, if you don't win any of your games and your clan wins, you don't get a medal.
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Re: what the best medal display would look like

Postby Mad777 on Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:17 am

Believe me, I disagree with the way it count for the tournament area, I don't want others to think I like it, I was recently told this won't be change....I was only responding to xroads who asked the question about reaching the 500 count...

As far the Clan, and since I wasn't sure, I checked the Clan rule and found this below, that is why I made the assumption a player didn't need a win to get the Clan achievement medal as long as his/her clan win a war or event:

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