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Displaying Dice Stats in game

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:15 pm
by Attila the Fun!
I'm a big user of Dice Stats in my decision making. Currently, before every battle, I have to pull up the profile of my opponent and look up their recent rolls. It takes 2 clicks. It would be easier if we displayed Dice Stats (last 5 rolls) in a game's Statistics column. I've made a mock-up here:


This would remove the need to click twice to get into a player's dice stats.

If some players do not want this, maybe it's something that could be achieved via a Chrome or Firefox extension.

What does the community think?

Re: Displaying Dice Stats in game

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:29 pm
Lol I was discussing about it into my clan and I was near to create a suggestion topic about it.

Definitely an important option to add!

But why 5 rolls? I would say dice stats for the whole game.
Also it would be only the rolls made into this proper game.
5 last rolls could include rolls into another game, what is not what you suggest I presume.