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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:01 pm
by danduz007
Just tried to join a game & it states I cannot because I'm a foe. How did I become a foe?


PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:04 pm
by IcePack
danduz007 wrote:Just tried to join a game & it states I cannot because I'm a foe. How did I become a foe?

People can foe you (and you can foe them) at any point, for many reasons. They might have played against you and had a bad experience, or dislike something you said, or maybe felt you cheated, or a huge variety of things. Some people will even foe people because they are looking for unique kills on a specific medal and have already played vs you in a type of game they are medal hunting in.

You do it by clicking on their name, clicking the "foe" button on their wall.

The only way to get it removed would be to PM them and ask nicely