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How to create Username&Password if you log in from facebook

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:35 am
by Niparo
I first log in to conquerclub via facebook.
I want Username & Password to log in to the game and to do nothing with facebook.

How can I got it ?

Re: How to create Username&Password if you log in from faceb

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:08 am
by Dukasaur
Niparo wrote:I first log in to conquerclub via facebook.
I want Username & Password to log in to the game and to do nothing with facebook.

How can I got it ?

While logged in, you can go to the Settings page:

There you can set your password. After that you can log in without the facebook.

Re: How to create Username&Password if you log in from faceb

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:22 am
by Niparo
Dukasaur thanks for answer.
I go in to setting menu on your link but I can't find where to set my password.

Can you help with more detail ?

At menu App Settings --> facebook
it's current status is Authorize.
May be I must change it to ReAuthorize or UnAuthorize ?????

Re: How to create Username&Password if you log in from faceb

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:29 am
by Dukasaur
Niparo wrote:Dukasaur thanks for answer.
I go in to setting menu on your link but I can't find where to set my password.

Can you help with more detail ?

At menu App Settings --> facebook
it's current status is Authorize.
May be I must change it to ReAuthorize or UnAuthorize ?????

Sorry, I posted the wrong link. To set/change password, you need Control Panel > Profile > Edit Account Settings.

After that you can go to Settings and turn off Facebook. (Click Unauthorize)

Settings and Control Panel are both on the left side menu.
I gave quick links but it's probably a good idea for you to explore those on your own. There's tons of different options to play with.

Re: How to create Username&Password if you log in from faceb

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:28 am
by Niparo