Captn B wrote:Shut Up, caffeine! You are always sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong.
Why do you think everyone needs to hear what you have to say? What have you said here that is important or viable?
And, laughably, when I made my defense, you said I sounded whiny. How ironic. YOU are the biggest, whiny-est, cry baby on this whole site! You're ALWAYS calling someone ELSE whiny, yet you insinuate yourself into everyone else's business and complain about their perspectives-in a whiny manner! Ask yourself this: What positive contribution did I make in this thread?
The answer is: zilch. You said NOTHING of value, but you were like that Dilbert cartoon character, Loud Howard, who raises his hand to say something in a meeting. They say, "Yes, Loud Howard, what is it?" And he responds, "Oh nothing, I didn't really have anytthing to say, I just haven't said anything in a while." Whine to you think anyone wants to read any of the three lame comments that you made?
Now if you were a witness to something because you were a sitter or another participant or were being accused, then you very well SHUD contribute, but otherwise, you just make yourself look like an ass. A whiny little ass.
You called me sexist. My mistake for not putting "little" in front of "girl", which for the longest time I thot you were. It's not a sexist remark, really, but more of an epithet. Like when I say that, "You are the whiniest little bitch on the site!" I really thought you WERE a little teenage girl, always complaining about somebody, whining in the forums about someone ELSE being a whiner, your little female cartoon avatar and signature... In one of our games, I even said, well I have Miss caffeine to thank for that, because all your comments were whiny and I thot you were a girl!
We've played 9 games together. I had 5 wins, 2 losses and someone else won 2. Of those 9 games, you whined in 4 and maybe a fifth, but I couldn't tell, since it'd been archived. I've sat for other games and you were true to form there as well. Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine!
Whine don't you mind your own business instead of jumping in where you don't belong, you whiny little bitch (oh, is that sexist? Too bad, whiner.)
Oh, and since ES declared it "Cleared", it means I've been exonerated. But since he said:
Evil Semp wrote:
We do allow players to post on opponents wall to look at chat. I think sending a PM would be considered the same thing.
So for me to say that he should not suggest a mar on ratings, is fully within my right. I don't need you to tell me to
iAmCaffeine wrote:
The case got cleared. You should probably stop making issues out of nothing when you're lucky it wasn't noted.
Just shut up and stay out of other people's business, whiner.
And whatever you want to whin-ily say to defend yourself, I'll never hear it cause you're foed, you silly, whiny, little girl!