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I'm new; Is it possible to leave a game in progress?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:39 am
by MajorMarmite
See above.

Re: I'm new; Is it possible to leave a game in progress?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:41 am
by Lord Arioch
Not as such no ... u need to lose/win for it to end.

Or u can deadbeat but thats against the site rules ...

Re: I'm new; Is it possible to leave a game in progress?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:46 am
by iAmCaffeine
You're only in a guide game, which is designed to be an introductory game for new players in which no points are gained or lost. As TeeGee said in the game, it doesn't matter. To play a private game with your mates you'll need to create a password and you can only do that if you're premium. I'm not sure if invites are still limited to premium as well or if you can invite by email address as a free player.

In the end, you'll either love it or you'll hate it.