------A Template that...quits trying to help
...Instead get rid of subscriptions altogether...Just make people buy Conquer credits and get gold that way...Don't worry we will remember on our own ,if we are no longer premium...
By the fact that we have turned silver... ...We do not need a reminder...We don't need money taken out without us knowing it...Admit it...It is a scam to get those who join, turn gold,then stop playing and forget they joined C.C...CHA! CHING!...High Command...CHA! CHING!...
-----The old school style template(I do like retro...
)...Lulls people into a false sense of peace...Hey,look at this old style place...They wouldn't try and trick anyone...A NEW FLASHY ....TEMPLATE THAT INFORMS THE COMMUNITY RIGHT UP FRONT...
To put in street terms...Would throw salt into someone's game... ...Nice thought though SOLDIER ...
ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...