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Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:47 pm
by macken
From a time to this part the dice are really pure crap.
That there are continuously 10-0 series against, and when you attack fail again, in several turns. It makes playing impossible. Makes not sense play here.
They make you want to stop wasting time here.
So really are very negative for the site. A strategy game can not depend to such a degree on this kind of whims and not sense.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:52 pm
by riskllama
well, I've had my share of bad dice but these "negative dice" you're referring to sound truly bad. think it might be time you kill a rooster and paint your laptop/monitor in its blood. whatever it
takes to get rid of this bad mojo you got going on.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:01 pm
by xroads
HA I thought it was just me today.

Several times today I lost 6-1.

We must be in the bad cycle

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:13 pm
by JBlombier
You got a bad streak. That's a shame. But it'll pass and it's probably not even that bad. We'll leave that to the statistic masterminds among us.

What if someone would call your rise to your 4000+ ranking a mere good streak of dice? That would feel like that person doesn't take you seriously, right? So why turn it around?

I believe you've earned (in your own way) your way to the top. You seem pretty good at the game.
But let the dice rest, mate. They're not worth the trouble of you being worried about 'em. Let alone your worries about the future of this site, lol. We've got plenty of people worrying about that!

- JBlombier

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:50 pm
by armati
I think the dice are "crap" too.
I play another online risk game and its the same thing.
its the algo.
I asked a couple "geeks" about it and was told it required alot of hours to fix it.
it is too bad tho, some people figure its the same for everyone but it destroys games imo.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:59 pm
by mookiemcgee
The road to perfectly balanced dice (like you have, 3.5 across the board) involves some ups and downs.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:08 am
by BrutalBob
The dice are the main reason I am not premium any more.

Sure, they balance out in the longer run, but they are way too streaky.

I am not sure of the analysis that has been done, but I hope its not just looking at the overall averages. I get my fair share of incredible wins, but my main beef is that they are too streaky

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:40 pm
by warmonger1981
If I get bad dice in two straight games I'll log in and out a few times then take more turns. It seems to stop. A few days ago I list 28-7. Haven't had it tgat bad in a long time. But yeah the dice are ridiculous.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:46 pm
by Beast Of Burson
In the last few days I have lost:

10 v 1, I lost 7 and the one still standing
15 v 3, I lost 12 and left 1 standing

and just 15-20 minutes ago, cashed a set for 25 and had 13 deploy to go with it:

19 v 3 and lost 10!

I took out 7 terts of the opponents in a triples game with 38 deployment and most of the terts were 1's! oh did I mention it's a hive game?

Averages my ass.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:55 am
by Symmetry
Generating a number between 1 and 6 would naturally give an average of 3.5, but that tends to be rounded up to 4, as 3.5 isn't a valid output here. The generator must be generating numbers to a higher number of decimal places to avoid the average being 4.

How does CC process the numbers?

I'm curious, because if you're just taking one of the numbers in an apparently random set, it might be a problem.'s_law

Benford's law, also called the first-digit law, is an observation about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many real-life sets of numerical data. The law states that in many naturally occurring collections of numbers, the leading significant digit is likely to be small.[1] For example, in sets which obey the law, the number 1 appears as the most significant digit about 30% of the time, while 9 appears as the most significant digit less than 5% of the time. By contrast, if the digits were distributed uniformly, they would each occur about 11.1% of the time.

So yeah, there might be something in this depending on where the data is drawn from and how CC uses it.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:31 pm
by tzor
First, let's take the computer out of the equation. (I remember back when I worked for the Multi-Player Games Network) the chat room programmer gave us a dice generator where d4's went literally 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4... but let's ignore this for a moment.) Here is a detailed analysis of Risk Dice Rolling.

Click image to enlarge.

Look at the 80% line. ONE OUT OF FIVE TIMES YOU LOOSE.

When we get to the basic model (I start out with 3 units, I get 3 troops and I attack a 3 unit territory. The chance to win the territory is 85.692% which 3 out of 20 times you loose. 4 against 2 is even worse, 78.545%.

STRATEGY TIP – It's better to attack then defend. Be aggressive.

STRATEGY TIP – Always attack with superior numbers to maximize the chances of your attack being successeful.

STRATEGY TIP – If attacking a region with the same number of armies as the defender, make sure that you have at least five armies if you want the odds in your favour (the more the better).

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:10 pm
by waauw
warmonger1981 wrote:If I get bad dice in two straight games I'll log in and out a few times then take more turns. It seems to stop. A few days ago I list 28-7. Haven't had it tgat bad in a long time. But yeah the dice are ridiculous.

Do you also wear your get-lucky underpants when going to a bar?

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:32 pm
by trapyoung
makes not sense indeed.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:31 pm
by Kaskavel
The dice are negative? I had my bad rolls, but I cannot recall a minus 4 roll

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:31 pm
by Symmetry
Kaskavel wrote:The dice are negative? I had my bad rolls, but I cannot recall a minus 4 roll

Only free players get those and only against premium players.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 6:51 am
by macken
Jusl one exemple today
In a clan CL8 game, rival with only 6 troops bombed 3,3,4,3,2,2,3,3, total 8 terts, 23 troops, including strategic areas in Stalingrad.. Perhaps he lost 2-3 ??!! ....

One game that was playing and we had good options....This has made the game directly to the trash. Pure CC dice shit. Unfortunately this happens me very often.

[-( :(

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:47 pm
by KraphtOne
The problem is that the program is designed to average out to 3.5... which means that your dice against neutrals will always be perfect no matter what. After a thousand attacks you will have rolled every number the exact same. The problem is that when you play another player whose dice are also specifically designed to average out to 3.5 the system will adjust itself based on where their average is... the trick is to play the bots and attack nothing but random neutrals for an insane amount of rolls. At this point you will have established your "even dice" at a better ratio than the people against which you are playing. This way your 3.5 will be better than their 3.5 on a consistent basis... and never play people who have a dice average that skews toward the right side of the 3 for the majority of their rolls. If someone's dice look like mine, and it's something like 1-6-3-5-4-2 as far as how Often each die is cast... it means even though my average is 3.5 I am much more likely to roll a 1 or 3 than a 5 or 4... so if your dice have been trained to be even you will win every game we play... also, f*ck this place :)

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:42 am
by iancanton
KraphtOne wrote:The problem is that the program is designed to average out to 3.5... which means that your dice against neutrals will always be perfect no matter what. After a thousand attacks you will have rolled every number the exact same.

look at the dice stats for any player. virtually no-one has exactly the same number of rolls for each number.

ian. :)

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:18 am
by TotoroHat
I just rolled 12 V 30 and won with 4 men remaining. These dice are awesome. Also, if everyone says the dice blow then wouldn't that mean that everyone's dice are equally as bad.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:08 pm
by rotean
I couldn't agree with this site more. My dice have been crud for two months now. Absolutely crud. many times, I lose the first 6 or 7 rolls as soon as the game starts, a lose. Then I check the dice stats.... -25.... Give me a break, eh? Then I recently received EIGHT red spoils in a row.... it guaranteed that I lost the game. It happened to me before.... & time is a 10 000 to one longshot. Twice, however, is a pattern of the games being fixed, like Las Vegas. Then there are other games in which I don't even lose one dice roll. There is no in between. Zero luck or Horseshoe. It ruins the game. The program for the dice is not random. It follows patterns.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:14 pm
by Symmetry
rotean wrote:I couldn't agree with this site more. My dice have been crud for two months now. Absolutely crud. many times, I lose the first 6 or 7 rolls as soon as the game starts, a lose. Then I check the dice stats.... -25.... Give me a break, eh? Then I recently received EIGHT red spoils in a row.... it guaranteed that I lost the game. It happened to me before.... & time is a 10 000 to one longshot. Twice, however, is a pattern of the games being fixed, like Las Vegas. Then there are other games in which I don't even lose one dice roll. There is no in between. Zero luck or Horseshoe. It ruins the game. The program for the dice is not random. It follows patterns.

What patterns?

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:49 pm
by armati
glad 2 c im not the only 1 that cs the dice r crap.
due to the dice algo it is debatable as to which is better, attack or defend. actual dice the attacker has the edge.
i always am curious as to how many 6s the defender will roll when i attack, some times a single defender can roll 5-6 6s in a row, makes for a rael fun game.
i have said 4 a very long time, the best stratagy is roll 6s, nutin beats it.

When the defender rolls 2 many 6s, it destroys the game.
i roll until i have nutin left but singles everywhere.

i figure i might as well get it over with and start another one.

some day, somebody is going to fix the dice algo, i predict that will become the most popular "risk" based game on the net.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:04 am
by Symmetry
armati wrote:glad 2 c im not the only 1 that cs the dice r crap.
due to the dice algo it is debatable as to which is better, attack or defend. actual dice the attacker has the edge.
i always am curious as to how many 6s the defender will roll when i attack, some times a single defender can roll 5-6 6s in a row, makes for a rael fun game.
i have said 4 a very long time, the best stratagy is roll 6s, nutin beats it.

When the defender rolls 2 many 6s, it destroys the game.
i roll until i have nutin left but singles everywhere.

i figure i might as well get it over with and start another one.

some day, somebody is going to fix the dice algo, i predict that will become the most popular "risk" based game on the net.

Because people love to play dice games in places where the dice are fixed, right?

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:06 pm
by riskllama
your strategy is horrible, armati.

Re: Why the CC dice are really negative?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:37 am
by bobdakota
Fun experiment - flip a coin 100 times and record each flip. You will have a streak of 5 - 7 heads or tails in a row. It's rigged!

When throwing hundreds of dice in a game, streaks will happen. We remember the bad rolls (rigged dice), but forget the good dice (Skill).