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Conquer 500 [Finished]

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Conquer 500 [Finished]

Postby Donelladan on Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:57 am


Mapmaker : dolomite13

Introduction to the map

This is a formula 1 race. Complete the race to win the map !
Your crew will help you taking care of your car, but they can also take the pit equipment to damage your opponent's car.
Finally, take the winner's circle and crush everyone.

Size : 80 territories
Complexity : High
Maximum number of players : 8

Features :
Starting Positions
Starting Neutrals
Killer Neutrals : Final lap ( reset to 40) Winner's circle ( reset to 20) Pit row ( reset to 20)
Auto-Deploy : Crew 1-8, starting position, +2
Troop Decay : Cars engine, tires and fuel, -1
Adjusted Reinforcements
One Way Borders

Basics :

This map is divided into two rather independent parts.

- Part 1 is the track in the center on the map.

The track is divided into segment made of 3 territories. The 2nd territory of a segment is always a 3 neutral, the 1st and 3rd are starting positions of players, that can be neutral depending on the number of players.
On the track you can only attack counterclockwise. Segment A one way attack segment B, segment B one way attack segment C, and so on until segment J one way attack segment A. Any of the 3 regions of each segment can attack any regions of the same segment, as well as any regions of the next segment. For example A1 can attack A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3.

Holding 3 regions of one segment will give you a +2.
Holding 1 region in each segment will give you a +40.

- Part 2 is the Crews ( top ) the Cars ( left and right ) and the Pit equipement ( bottom ).

Cars and Pit equipment start with 2 neutral. Crew are starting territory for each players.
Cars can only be assault by their corresponding crews. Having any part ( tire/fuel/engine) of a car will give you a +1 each, and having all 3 for the same car will give you a +5. Each part of the car have -1 decay.
Pit equipment can be assaulted by all crews.
Each pit tire can bombard all car tires, pit fuel can bombard car fuel, and pit engine can bombard car engine.
Having all 3 pit equipment A, B and C of the same kind will give you a +2.
Having a pit equipment tire + fuel + engine give a +2. Having a pit equipment tool + jack give a +2.

The two parts of the map are connected via Pit Row and Winner's Circle. Both are a 20 killer neutrals.
The Pit Row can be attacked by the crews and by the pit equipment.
Pit row will allow you to attack any segment of the track, but only the red circle part of the segment. ( 2nd territory of the track that start 3 neutral).

Winner's circle can be attacked by any territory of the tracks. Winner's Circle will allow you to bombard all the territory except the ones on the track, so all crews, all cars, all pit equipment. It is the only way to attack someone's crew, so you need to take this territory to win the game.

The most important thing to remember, whatever settings you are playing, you should always try to keep a territory on the track, at any cost. If you have no more territory on the track it will be very difficult to win, and very often impossible.


In 1vs1 you win once your opponent is out of the track.

The problem is that you have to kick your opponent off the track, and at the same time be careful not to let him take too many bonus with the cars.

Some people start by deploying on their crews and try taking car engine/fuel/tire to collect bonus.
While other will deploy on the track and use the autodeployed troops of the crew to bombard the cars of their opponents.
Both strategy are valid, and you should usually make a mix of that.
You should always be careful to not let your opponent hold a complete car ( engine + fuel + tire of the same car) during one turn, because it give a +5 deploy.

On the track, taking a complete segment should be done only if you are sure that your opponent has no region on the previous segment. Remember you can only attack counter clock-wise. Choose wisely where to attack on the track.

Pit equipment jack and tools can be ignore in 1vs1.

Never try to attack pit row or winner's circle.

Once you kick your opponent completely out of the track, be sure you have one region in each segment, then you will collect the +40 bonus, and only then you can take the winner's circle and finish the game.

If you have been kicked out of the track, you have to try to attack the pit row immediately, use all troops from cars and pit equipment you have, then take a region on the track again. But this is a desperate action, if you have been kicked out of the track you most probably lost the game - except if you play escalating and spoils are very high.

Team games, no spoils, flat rate, nuclear, and zombies

Basically same strategy than 1vs1.
You will win once no one from the opponent team is on the track. Once it is the case, one player of your team has to take one region in each segment of the track to have the +40 bonus, then take winner's circle and eliminate everyone.

Be careful with turn order. If you try to bombard using pit equipment, bombard in priority the player playing after you.
Like in 1vs1, do not let anyone take a full car, ignore pit equipment jack and tools, don't bother attacking pit row or winner's circle.
Like in 1vs1 you can start deploying on your crew to take bonus, or you can deploy on the track. Though be careful, in quad, if you don't deploy on the track 1st turn, you can be kicked out of it very fast.

Team games escalating

For first turns you can apply the same strategy than in no spoils, with the addition that it is important that each player on your team take a card.
After 4 to 6 turns in quad, longer in triples and dubs, you may have the possibility to win by taking winner's circle and eliminating 1 player, using his cards to recash and eliminate everyone like in normal escalating game.
The important thing is, once players have been kicked out of the track, they can be eliminated very easily, because by taking winner's circle you will see all their remaining regions if they are no more on the track, and you only have to bombard them, not conquer them. ( Bombarding is easier than conquering regions because you do not have to let 1 troop on each region you take).
Therefore once your team start having sets, consider making a stack of at least 25 troops, and win the game using cards by taking winner circle.
25 is minimum and can be enough if one of your teammate with no more region on the track made himself weak so that you only have to bombard singles to kill him.

In escalating, if you have been kicked out of the track, you still have a small chance to come back if spoils are high enough. Stack one player, within one turn before the other team got the chance to collect the +40 bonus, take Pit Row's, one region on the track, then Winner's circle, then start eliminating players. It means you have to take Pit Row's and Winner's Circle during the same turn, so you need around 40 troops, though your teammates should start weakening pit row for you.

Note : it is possible to apply the escalating strategy in quad flat rate but with higher chance of failure.

Multiplayer escalating

Like in most of the maps, when you play escalating, you should stack.
To eliminate players you will have to take the winner's circle ( only way to bombard someone's crew), therefore you should stack on the track and avoid any fight. If possible take cards using the auto deploy of your crew all the time, anyway the troops of your crew should be of very little help when times come to eliminate players and make a sweep.

If you are playing fog, read carefully the log to see if someone has been kicked out of the track, because bonus are different on track and from the cars, if someone has been kicked out of the track, you will always be able to know it. It is important because people that are no more on the track are "safe" kills, you will see all their regions once you took the winner's circle.

Multiplayer with any spoils but escalating.

If there is no round limit, you will have take the +40 bonus to win.
If it is fog you may try to take the +40 bonus ( one region on each segment of the track) even with opponents on the track, but it has very low chance of success.

Therefore you need to be alone on the track.
This is the only case ( with 1vs1) in which taking the segments bonus on the track is really useful.
You should first take one segment, stack on this segment, then start advancing. If the first segment you took is very well protected, you do not need to have any troops on the following segment since there is only one way attack on the track. Move slowly, taking a segment after another, until you have the whole track.

Forts :

Unlimited, chained, no fort or adjacent have no influence on the general strategy, because the map has so many one way attack, there is anyway very few possible forts, and because the map is separated into two parts that can't fort each other.

Parachute allow you to fort from crew/pit equipment to the track and conversely. That change the gameplay a bit. With the other kind of fort you use troops from the crew to take cars bonus and troops on the track to take the track. In parachute you may fort the troops you get from autodeploy on crew directly on the track.
Last edited by Donelladan on Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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General Donelladan
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Re: Conquer 500 [Final Check]

Postby Donelladan on Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:24 am

Since no one commenting, I'll go ahead and declare it's finished.
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General Donelladan
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