Moderator: Community Team
.That said, what is not allowed is any form of bigotry, cyber-bullying/harassment or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines. Please report any such comments that you find offensive
IcePack wrote:I understand your point, but it isn't private and the chat is public. Those same guidelines you quote also tell people to report any issues they see in a game chat that are offensive:.That said, what is not allowed is any form of bigotry, cyber-bullying/harassment or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines. Please report any such comments that you find offensive
The paragraph you referenced is essentially in regards to things other than bigotry, like cussing, trash talk, etc
mrswdk wrote:However, I was under the impression that a 1v1 non-tourney game was a private affair.
TeeGee wrote:Not entering into any debates, and unless instructed differently from the site owner the following will come into effect immediately
The "N" word and any and ALL variations on spelling and pronunciation will be considered to be a racist remark and will be dealt with under the current guidelines for bigotry and racism.
Edit: Context is to be considered. However, using it to call someone or a group of people a name, even if as a joke is not acceptable.
It has been mentioned to me that the word is used in many song lyrics, most sung by those who are most offended by the word, when they mention it, it is not racist or bigoted.
Fair play
If you think it may be considered bigoted or racist, then please do not use it, find another word or better still do not post that sentence
Thank you
2dimes wrote:Huh, how about making game chat private as an option?
It would be the same as team chat, only the people involved could read it. I don't need it so I'm not going to make the thread in suggestions to languish for years until it gets implemented if ever.
IcePack wrote:I understand your point, but it isn't private and the chat is public. Those same guidelines you quote also tell people to report any issues they see in a game chat that are offensive:.That said, what is not allowed is any form of bigotry, cyber-bullying/harassment or those extremes outlined in the Forum Guidelines. Please report any such comments that you find offensive
The paragraph you referenced is essentially in regards to things other than bigotry, like cussing, trash talk, etc
owenshooter wrote:i don't think so!!! and wiggers don't count!!! YES, happy2seeyou, I AM LOOKING AT YOU!!! YOU DO NOT COUNT!!! white girls in michigan that
listen to eminem and pour 40's on their pool table for their homies that
get speeding tickets, are not black. deal with it.-0
owenshooter wrote:i've poured a 40 on that wigger arse.-0
owenshooter wrote:DiM, that means a lot coming from a "flaming lesbian faggot from hell". HA!! i personally think you should get that made into a CC shirt as soon as you can!-0
King_Herpes wrote:Owen, would you consider this to be racist behavior?-0owenshooter wrote:i don't think so!!! and wiggers don't count!!! YES, happy2seeyou, I AM LOOKING AT YOU!!! YOU DO NOT COUNT!!! white girls in michigan that
listen to eminem and pour 40's on their pool table for their homies that
get speeding tickets, are not black. deal with it.-0owenshooter wrote:i've poured a 40 on that wigger arse.-0
Also, should this be seen as bigotry?-0owenshooter wrote:DiM, that means a lot coming from a "flaming lesbian faggot from hell". HA!! i personally think you should get that made into a CC shirt as soon as you can!-0
owenshooter wrote:turn me into C&A... Good luck... all posted well before the bigotry guidelines... and none of those players are active (happy has popped in to say hello, but has not played a game in about 3- years)... good luck with this!!!-Bj
King_Herpes wrote:owenshooter wrote:turn me into C&A... Good luck... all posted well before the bigotry guidelines... and none of those players are active (happy has popped in to say hello, but has not played a game in about 3- years)... good luck with this!!!-Bj
More excuses, just as I suspected. Spare me your indignant routine. I asked you very specific questions, Owen and made no threats of turning you into C&A. I'm well aware of the time frame in which they were posted and when the owentry guidelines were put in place. I was there if you recall admiring from afar.
Can you persuade logic and answer my questions in a way that averts you from hubris or are you content with being branded a hypocrite?
owenshooter wrote:not seeing the C&A thread. and those were before the guidelines, would have been nice to have the links to the threads attached, so people could view those dates as they pleased. i assume they will be included within the C&A thread... good luck!!-Bj
mrwdk wrote:Could also question this contribution owen made to the guess who's next thread:
What led owen to predict that a long gone player with no record of ever posting in the forums might post in that thread? Perish the thought he scoured CC for members whose usernames were racial slurs so that he could get some trolling mileage out of them!
owenshooter wrote:mrwdk wrote:Could also question this contribution owen made to the guess who's next thread:
What led owen to predict that a long gone player with no record of ever posting in the forums might post in that thread? Perish the thought he scoured CC for members whose usernames were racial slurs so that he could get some trolling mileage out of them!
sooo, posting a username is now racist? again, please put this into C&A vs. this weak attempt at baiting. you said the most vile and disgusting racist slur there is on the planet. sorry, no escaping it. now you are comparing what you did to my posting a username in a forum game? ok... good luck with this. now you are beating a dead horse and clearly unable to grasp the black darkness in your soul that is racism... the black jesus has reported you for baiting and beating a dead horse. put me in C&A and let the mods/admins decide. the decision against your actions was swift and just, i have not violated a rule. have a great day trolling.-Bj
p.s.-in case anyone wants to know what this is really about: Subject: mrswdk/ EXCESSIVE RACISM [ka]
owenshooter wrote:oh look, the little hillbilly from Tennessee is flaming me again in the forums... wishing death upon someone is not really that amusing... talk to the kid that issued death threats to 3 members of CC and was visited by the canadian mounties... seriously, your repressed homosexual feelings for me are becoming an issue for you... deal with them, hillbilly, before i begin a campaign to get you banned for your repeated harassment and flaming of me in the forums. you are a child that really needs to find something better to do than obsess about me and dream about being taken by me on your wedding night... it isn't going to happen...
and yes, there was a very small group of us that brought those changes about to CC and were never even thanked... if i recall, andy turned right around and banned me for a good 6 months using the very guidelines i had helped to create, simply by being called the "N" word by another user in the forums. now, i will admit that andy gave us the rope-a-dope by suddenly taking our increasing scale and applying it to ALL infractions in the forums, just not for cheaters in the game (still doesn't make sense)... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
p.s.-your dream not going to happen, lil' stephan...
King_Herpes wrote:
TeeGee wrote:C&A is not the place for this discussion.. If you wish to discuss this matter please start a thread in GD
King_Herpes wrote:TeeGee wrote:C&A is not the place for this discussion.. If you wish to discuss this matter please start a thread in GD
We were told specifically by a moderator to carry out the discussion here, Owen. I'm not baiting you. I want to know your opinion on these things that you've messaged thoughout the years and if you consider them to be racist yourself?
mrswdk wrote:Englis not my first language, why you so races
King_Herpes wrote:
owenshooter wrote:no, what you are doing is accusing me of violating the bigotry guidlines
Butters1919 wrote:owenshooter wrote:no, what you are doing is accusing me of violating the bigotry guidlines
False (I think). He's accusing you of bigotry in general, regardless of when the site decided to make it a punishable offence. Bigotry did not come into existence at that point, it existed well before. So you are correct, you cannot be punished for it here or elsewhere. That does not mean you did not make a bigoted statement (and I'm not saying you did, I can't be bothered to read the posts you made ages ago to see their context).
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