Round limits in poly games question

In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?
Conquer Club, a free online multiplayer variation of a popular world domination board game.
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?
King_Herpes wrote:Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?
When dealing in Polymonogamy, Polyamory, Polyonymy or plain ol' Polygamy there are no winners. Take it from me, kid. I know it looks appealing, may sound like what you might need at first but the problems with life balance just compound and it ends up being a nightmare with communicating as to why. In short, it's nice laying around snuggling with your friends having coffee but sooner or later someone has got to talk about feelings*shudders* I know, right?
My advice, get a tube of grape seed oil and wrestle out your frustrations solo.
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?
IcePack wrote:Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?
I believe it's single slot highest troop total