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Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:22 am
by Melkor52
In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?


Re: Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:35 am
by King_Herpes
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?


When dealing in Polymonogamy, Polyamory, Polyonymy or plain ol' Polygamy there are no winners. Take it from me, kid. I know it looks appealing, may sound like what you might need at first but the problems with life balance just compound and it ends up being a nightmare with communicating as to why. In short, it's nice laying around snuggling with your friends having coffee but sooner or later someone has got to talk about feelings*shudders* I know, right?


My advice, get a tube of grape seed oil and wrestle out your frustrations solo.

Re: Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:34 am
by mrswdk
The real winner is the player who can win a game without just waiting for the round limit to time out.

When it comes to time limit game ends, there are no winners.


Re: Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:38 am
by owenshooter
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?


well, my little eager beaver... here is a video to help you decipher this miracle of human sexual deviance... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

Re: Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:21 pm
by mookiemcgee
King_Herpes wrote:
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?


When dealing in Polymonogamy, Polyamory, Polyonymy or plain ol' Polygamy there are no winners. Take it from me, kid. I know it looks appealing, may sound like what you might need at first but the problems with life balance just compound and it ends up being a nightmare with communicating as to why. In short, it's nice laying around snuggling with your friends having coffee but sooner or later someone has got to talk about feelings*shudders* I know, right?


My advice, get a tube of grape seed oil and wrestle out your frustrations solo.

I must totally disagree with Herpes on there being no winners. The real key is there only being one winner, and that winner being you!!! I think where his advice hoes wrong is in trying to have a threesome with folks you already have a pre-existing relationship/friendship with. In my formidable experience I've only ever had issue when emotions are involved so it's best to only engage in threesomes with strangers... Use a fake name, and use an app to hide your real phone number... AND MEET THEM ON THE INTERNET! Only when emotions, and indeed future contact are 'not even an option' will you truly be satisfied with your experience in the weeks and months following. If you dont believe me, just ask Charlie Sheen... He's always winning! I mean he even beat AIDS, only other person that can claim that is Magic Johnson (who's name is truly ironic given his condition)

Re: Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:42 pm
by IcePack
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?


I believe it's single slot highest troop total

Re: Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:59 pm
by owenshooter
IcePack wrote:
Melkor52 wrote:In a poly game where their are round limits is the victor the player with the highest total troops of all slots, or the single slot with the highest troops?


I believe it's single slot highest troop total

actually, you try to treat all the slots equally or one will get jealous... now, back to this poly question... be careful, my friend caught E.S.S. throwing down with some french trollops in paris... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

E.S.S. Educational Video

Re: Round limits in poly games question

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:37 pm
by DoomYoshi
I'm pretty sure the cold shoulder is wrong and all the sluts are counted. If you only count one, the others get jealous.