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Jdsizzleslice wrote:All his stunts are just for him to get his E-penis a rise. Simple.
mookiemcgee wrote:I'd set this up as a poll if I knew how to do it...
owenshooter wrote:
he is not here to be constructive, he is here simply to tear at the fabric of the forums and push a ridiculous agenda, that has been a non-issue for several years
Symmetry wrote:owenshooter wrote:
he is not here to be constructive, he is here simply to tear at the fabric of the forums and push a ridiculous agenda, that has been a non-issue for several years
What ridiculous outdated agenda would that be?
King_Herpes wrote:Symmetry wrote:owenshooter wrote:
he is not here to be constructive, he is here simply to tear at the fabric of the forums and push a ridiculous agenda, that has been a non-issue for several years
What ridiculous outdated agenda would that be?
There you go again, Slim. Letting someone get the best of you. Sheesh you're a hot mess sometimes you know that?
You return from one Gayborday weekend and you just can't help but to resound your trumpets. Now you were doing pretty good there for a couple of days I don't want to detract from progress but look, just because someone is sticking out their chest doesn't mean we have to go and poke at it.
You're cool, Slim. Everybody's mocking you amidst their boredom yes but they're still imitating you. It should still be felt as flattery. Chin up, bubb.
King_Herpes wrote: Nobody takes him seriously because he doesn't play and most likely has an overbite.
owenshooter wrote:King_Herpes wrote: Nobody takes him seriously because he doesn't play and most likely has an overbite.
but we all take Freddie Mercury seriously... the black jesus is confused and watching the paralympics on BBC-703...-Jésus noir
BoganGod wrote:owenshooter wrote:King_Herpes wrote: Nobody takes him seriously because he doesn't play and most likely has an overbite.
but we all take Freddie Mercury seriously... the black jesus is confused and watching the paralympics on BBC-703...-Jésus noir
Fred is dead, an advantage to be sure. No one can argue with a dead man without looking like an A class case of impacted anal warts. Even SimpleT, wouldn't try to argue with a dead man, co opt and misappropriate the opinions of the dead. Sure of course. Argue with the dead, not if people are watching. Freddie had talent and charisma. Freddie is sorely missed. Freddie was valid. I would have turned gay for Freddie.
Metsfanmax wrote:He also hasn't volunteered to host the CC Little League World Series tournament so I think he does hate both Paralympians and children.
mrswdk wrote:Metsfanmax wrote:He also hasn't volunteered to host the CC Little League World Series tournament so I think he does hate both Paralympians and children.
Nah, Symmetry seems like the type who'd lead a troop of boy scouts. Definitely not a child hater.
mrswdk wrote:Metsfanmax wrote:He also hasn't volunteered to host the CC Little League World Series tournament so I think he does hate both Paralympians and children.
Nah, Symmetry seems like the type who'd lead a troop of boy scouts.
Beast Of Burson wrote:mrswdk wrote:Metsfanmax wrote:He also hasn't volunteered to host the CC Little League World Series tournament so I think he does hate both Paralympians and children.
Nah, Symmetry seems like the type who'd lead a troop of boy scouts.
Why do you want to punish innocent children with the poop he spews from his anal orifice attached to his face?
Symmetry wrote:Just as a check, this thread is CC relevant, but the thread that it refers to, suggesting that Paralympians not be snubbed, got moved away from GD?
Not sure I get the logic behind that
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