Moderator: Community Team
Dukasaur wrote:saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.
Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.
ConfederateSS wrote:Just because people are idiots... Doesn't make them wrong.
DirtyDishSoap wrote:Where is the poll you scrub?!
mrswdk wrote:Chinese are cleaner than Western. Western don't even shower before going to bed.
mrswdk wrote:Chinese are cleaner than Western. Western don't even shower before going to bed.
MagnusGreeol wrote:mrswdk wrote:Chinese are cleaner than Western. Western don't even shower before going to bed.
- I shower after work, 3-4 hours before I go to bed, Is that clean enough?
- And quick questions for you mrswdk, Is that actually you in your avatar, and who is the bald headed guy on right breastassist?
mrswdk wrote:Thanks for the response, MGM!MagnusGreeol wrote:mrswdk wrote:Chinese are cleaner than Western. Western don't even shower before going to bed.
- I shower after work, 3-4 hours before I go to bed, Is that clean enough?
Why do you shower then, rather than right before bed? I am curious about your system.- And quick questions for you mrswdk, Is that actually you in your avatar, and who is the bald headed guy on right breastassist?
That is indeed my fine self, and the little faces used to keep my avatar mod-friendly are Chairman Mao, known to some people as Grandpa Mao.
MagnusGreeol wrote:mrswdk wrote:Thanks for the response, MGM!MagnusGreeol wrote:mrswdk wrote:Chinese are cleaner than Western. Western don't even shower before going to bed.
- I shower after work, 3-4 hours before I go to bed, Is that clean enough?
Why do you shower then, rather than right before bed? I am curious about your system.- And quick questions for you mrswdk, Is that actually you in your avatar, and who is the bald headed guy on right breastassist?
That is indeed my fine self, and the little faces used to keep my avatar mod-friendly are Chairman Mao, known to some people as Grandpa Mao.
- Well then, first, you are beautiful -
- Second, I work in construction field, I couldn't wait until "right" before bed, meaning I can't hang around filthy dirty for 3-4 hours until sleepy time.
mrswdk wrote:MagnusGreeol wrote:mrswdk wrote:Thanks for the response, MGM!MagnusGreeol wrote:mrswdk wrote:Chinese are cleaner than Western. Western don't even shower before going to bed.
- I shower after work, 3-4 hours before I go to bed, Is that clean enough?
Why do you shower then, rather than right before bed? I am curious about your system.- And quick questions for you mrswdk, Is that actually you in your avatar, and who is the bald headed guy on right breastassist?
That is indeed my fine self, and the little faces used to keep my avatar mod-friendly are Chairman Mao, known to some people as Grandpa Mao.
- Well then, first, you are beautiful -
- Second, I work in construction field, I couldn't wait until "right" before bed, meaning I can't hang around filthy dirty for 3-4 hours until sleepy time.
- Thanks handsome. Can I join your clan and be given points by you and your clan members?
- Good point. Thanks for sharing!
Conquer Club wrote:If you wish to play casually, a few minutes per day is all that is required. If you want to delve deeper, Conquer Club offers many options for hardcore strategy game players and online Risk experts.
owenshooter wrote:i think CC is a wonderful idea, but it has lost it's direction/vision... instead of increasing ease of play and the flow of games, they have ostracized the new user, the casual user and those that still believe in the original vision of lackattack. it can be seen within the subtle change on the landing page of the site:Conquer Club wrote:If you wish to play casually, a few minutes per day is all that is required. If you want to delve deeper, Conquer Club offers many options for hardcore strategy game players and online Risk experts.
remember when it said you could take your turns while enjoying your morning cup of coffee? remember when this was about casual gaming? now we have HARDCORE GAMING and RISK® EXPERTS. remember before the overdose of complicated and painfully game slowing settings? remember how easy it was to find, join and play a speed game in between classes or diaper changes (as we got older), before the speed game rules were changed? remember how fun this site was before all the settings got convoluted, people started chasing medals and people wanted to only play games they had an absolute certainty of winning. it became about points and the best way to hoard them without losing a game to a lower rank player.
*in this section, refrain from commenting on clans contributing mightily to the decline with the clan mods and zealot clan members screaming into the site owners ears for the cement settings that have now settled around CC's ankles and are pulling it quickly to the bottom of the internet sea*
remember when this was more of a community, when the forums were alive in so many areas, not just C&A, General Discussions or Off Topics. Remember peeking into the mafia forum and wondering what in the hell was going on and why were so many people in love with what you couldn't understand? remember when you joined the site and your friends or casual people in the forums would warn you to not post in flame wars? remember when these forums were listed in the top 5 of the entire INTERNET?!! remember the first time you stumbled into Live Chat late at night and met an entirely new set of CC users?!! that was what i loved most, the community. you could click on a new section and instantly, there was an entire new set of CC enthusiasts, here for other reasons, yet the same damn game. and then came the rumored sell to Hasbro and the great cleanse began... so many personalities and notable CC people were banned, pushed out or made to feel not welcome... sections of the forum were shuttered... a former admin used a community led guideline revamp of an escalating scale and applied it to ALL infractions, not just bigotry infractions as was the original intent... they literally killed the forums and didn't care... oh, i'm sorry, the Xbox killed CC, yes, i have heard you skirt blame with that one many times... and yes, i applaud the efforts of the new regime to revive them...
remember when the MAP FOUNDRY was useful and productive, before they ran off casual users and then chased after medal chasers to bring their forum back to life? remember CC before the glut of maps with complicated settings that now only have specialist on them? remember being able to find games on all kinds of maps? remember clicking on a game, just because they needed one slot and you had never played it before? that would never happen today, not unless you were a newb and had no idea that game was going to take 4 months to finish. today, my search for a game yielded very little of interest. i am not interested in slow, 1-2-3 or more month long games where i can't see the board, my opponent can magically parachute people all over the board, napoleon suddenly has control of a nuclear arsenal and zombies can jump out of nowhere and kill me. it is ridiculous. if you can't do it on the original board, it doesn't belong on this site.
yes, CC is a wonderful idea. yes, CC can be tons of fun. yes, CC can reverse the decline. i feel like someone needs to sit Big Wham down in a chair, throw buckets of water on him and repeatedly shout, "WHY DID YOU FIRST JOIN CONQUER CLUB?!! WHY DID YOU FIRST JOIN CONQUER CLUB?!!!" the solution to making this place fun again is simple. strip it down. break the concrete free from CC's ankles and swim back to the surface... get rid of the glut of maps (anyone rememberWicked rushing a map through, so she could play on a map from her state? Anyone remember half the cluster fucks that we got out of the medal chase, beginning with Blitzaholics shit-tastic CLAN WAR map? ugh..)... get rid of the asinine settings like parachute, trench, nuke, zombie, et al... they were all meant to expand game play and bring in new players... they drove people away in gaggles... change the speed game rules back to what they were, before they were changed and the speed community vanished over night. literally 10K people vanished over night, like a bad M Night Shyamalan movie... all we needed to complete that horror flick was a Cornfield map with mel gibson chasing them (i smell a medal). and for black jesus' sake, if you won't eliminate maps, break them down into the categories that everyone has been shouting since this slide began!!! put them into categories such as Beginner, Medium, Difficult, EXPERT. make them all visible, but have them unlock when you hit a certain scrore or milestone (number of games played)... this is something that so many people have suggested and it just falls on deaf ears...
yes, CC is a great idea. it just needs to get back to that initial idea that fired us all up. that spark that made us give a damn about this place. this place that made a scorned mod attempt to bring down CC's servers with her minions!! this place that caused a mod to fake her own death and for people to fight about it for months after!! this place that caused a member to get ARRESTED in alaska for using the library wi-fi in the parking lot after hours to take his turns?!!! that idea that caused a prominent member to cheat for YEARS to maintain his rank and finally push back to the top of the site as CONQUEROR?!! this place that caused a member to issue death threats to lackattack, Twill and another member, JUST BECAUSE HE WAS F'ING NUTS and hated the users posts?!!! this site that had Happy2seeyou represent it at a RISK convention and drive the nerds crazy with her MILF-iness (she pretty much invented the term)?!!! that spark that made us all pony up $25 bucks over and over and over and just beg for more abuse from the dice, the mods, other users, our family and friends?!!!! that spark that caused a wife to break into a husbands account and destroy hundreds of games and clan war games, JUST BECAUSE HE SPENT TOO MUCH TIME ON THE SITE?!!!! we all had it in us, this site still has it within itself... my god!! DOES ANYONE REMEMBER LAUGHTER?!!!!
the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
iAmCaffeine wrote:Magnus is getting seriously catfished and it's hilarious.
MagnusGreeol wrote:iAmCaffeine wrote:Magnus is getting seriously catfished and it's hilarious.
- Seriously Caff., How do you follow Owen's post with something about me? You have a serious issue if you can ignore his words and the next thing out of your mouth is something about me?? Get over whatever your on kid, I have no interest in going back and forth with you, And please with your avy, it's hard to take you serious when your avy looks like a little girls 3rd grade lunchbox theme. Or if you are a girl I apologize, no one really knows?
- As for Owens speech, I've always thought that he makes sense, And has a personality that people (whether like it or not), need here.
-\M∆GS/- ♎
iAmCaffeine wrote:MagnusGreeol wrote:iAmCaffeine wrote:Magnus is getting seriously catfished and it's hilarious.
- Seriously Caff., How do you follow Owen's post with something about me? You have a serious issue if you can ignore his words and the next thing out of your mouth is something about me?? Get over whatever your on kid, I have no interest in going back and forth with you, And please with your avy, it's hard to take you serious when your avy looks like a little girls 3rd grade lunchbox theme. Or if you are a girl I apologize, no one really knows?
- As for Owens speech, I've always thought that he makes sense, And has a personality that people (whether like it or not), need here.
-\M∆GS/- ♎
I didn't actually read Owen's post yet, but that has nothing to do with you. I was letting you know that mrswdk is in actual fact a man. But whatever, if you want to criticise me instead and chase this e-love of yours, feel free.
mrswdk wrote:I think what owen is saying, in a nutshell, is that people like me are what makes CC great and I deserve a bit more recognition.
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