Symmetry wrote:Beast Of Burson wrote:Symmetry wrote:riskllama wrote:sym, perhaps you should've adhered to CC's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. if you would've kept yer fool cake hole shut, you wouldn't have to constantly whine about this shit...
now, please go away - again.
Dude, I've asked you nicely for the death wish posts to stop. I'm gonna leave it here. The nightmarish death threads should be a thing of the past.
You've been consistently one of the posters who threaten and insinuate death every time I suggest that people should be able to post without threats.
I'm blind I guess.... How exactly is RL making a "death post" toward you with his post? I see nothing even remotely close to that here.
ALL of your posts seem to be about trying to "stir up the pot" just to argue with people.
Isn't trolling against the rules?
He's referring to a locked troll thread polling people on whether they'd like to see me suffer a long lingering death. You're very right if you consider that to be trolling.
If you feel that asking whether there should be an LGBT mod, to gauge opinions before even making a suggestion, is trolling, then I think you should re-assess your priorities.
And why does it matter, being nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is asked any personal info except their email. So explain to me why this needed. If you volunteer that kind of info in chat or the forums, then so be it. Don't demand that ALL people approve of your lifestyle.
And don't demand special Mods for your cause. Maybe all hetro's should ask for a liaison for us also. Let's segregate all who are not the same. Let's make CC all it can be.
How about talking about the real problems in the world? Why bring up an issue that, as far as I am concerned, is less important in the grand scheme of things?
What's really puzzling me about you (Symm), is why the hell haven't you foe'd RL already since he made these diabolical threats to you? Sounds to me that you just like to fight and argue with people, bringing in issues, or in this case, non-issues, to post. And if you HAVE foe'd him, why are you showing his posts and reading them? Then you REPLY to his posts with quotes and all. Tells me you just like to hear yourself talk. I think one of your cakes was made with ex-lax and you have the "hershey squirts" coming out of your mouth and can't get it to stop.
BTW... your poll is a losing proposition at this point. So why not drop it, go think up another ridiculous issue to post, and start a new battle?
Why don't you go to a white supremacist site and talk shit in their forums? They are against not only non white people, but gays and lesbians too.
How about a Christian site? They are against gays and lesbians also.
That's where your tantrums should be fought, on the front lines! Unless you're................... scared?