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ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 11:28 pm
by Symmetry



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Deeply offensive username


I hope that nobody is going to pretend that they don't know why Confederate is offensive, or what the SS was, and is guilty of. Dude needs a name change. Probably a history lesson too, but I suspect that's beyond the C&A remit.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:27 pm
by DarkestManager
Everybody loves to get offended on the internet nowadays. Pathetic.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:30 pm
by elfish_lad
SS stands for (if he is thinking of the Nazis created by Hitler pre WWII) Schutzstaffeln, meaning the secret police.

Not sure the SS need celebrating, nor do I think the South should rise again, but I am not offended.

Not in the least.


Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:00 pm
by Dukasaur
I always assumed the SS in his name stood for Southern States. It doesn't make sense the other way.

Tons of things are called SS besides Schutzstaffeln. I went to Lockview SS (Secondary School) and I drove a Malibu SS (Super Sport.)

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:31 pm
by Evil Semp
Symmetry you have been around since 2007 and confederateSS has been around since 2008. The both of you are regular forum posters which leads me to believe you have seen some of his posts before. confederateSS first post from what I can tell was in 2013. Three years. What took you so long to become offended?

I am going to mark this CLOSED.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:39 pm
by ConfederateSS
-----My feelings exactly E.S....He never said,he was offended.He was hoping to get others to fight his battles for him....I AM GLAD,C and A SAW THROUGH THAT. =D>
-----He attacked America in a thread.I defended America in another.If that's for the "all of a sudden report." :roll: ...That and another poster finally put him in his place.I think he is trying to look else where,to stir things up...Which is funny.He has been here 9 years and played 71 total games.We can see how he spends his time ON A WAR GAMING SITE...
-----THANKS AGAIN EVIL SEMP FOR SEEING THROUGH HIS FLAME GAME. =D> =D> =D> =D> IT'S NICE TO SEE SOMEONE ON TOP OF THINGS FOR A CHANGE...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...I would also like to thank the member who PMed me. About this,bringing it to my attention...To bad the accuser couldn't be bothered to do so...If that person is/was so offended. :roll:

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:13 pm
by BIG_John
I am glad this was decided quickly! I had to laugh when I noticed it. Good thing that person was looking out for you bud! ;) ;)!

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:21 pm
by Symmetry
Evil Semp wrote:Symmetry you have been around since 2007 and confederateSS has been around since 2008. The both of you are regular forum posters which leads me to believe you have seen some of his posts before. confederateSS first post from what I can tell was in 2013. Three years. What took you so long to become offended?

I am going to mark this CLOSED.

Some spurious logic at play here. What makes you assume that I haven't considered his name offensive before now? I've complained to him personally before, but I confess that I did not know that you had a strange form of a statute of limitations for me.

As with many institutions that have offered support for the confederacy and its symbols, I thought that perhaps the cultural atmosphere had perhaps changed, and that glorification of the systematic enslavement, brutalisation, rape, and murder of African-Americans would be considered unacceptable.

Or at least that considering it offensive would not be dismissed so out of hand.

I was a little surprised to hear from Owen that the mod team had decided not to celebrate black history month on the site, and that anti-Black Lives Matter threads are thriving.

I hope that the site alters the path it has chosen to go down.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:18 pm
by Symmetry
ConfederateSS wrote:-----My feelings exactly E.S....He never said,he was offended.He was hoping to get others to fight his battles for him....I AM GLAD,C and A SAW THROUGH THAT. =D>
-----He attacked America in a thread.I defended America in another.If that's for the "all of a sudden report." :roll: ...That and another poster finally put him in his place.I think he is trying to look else where,to stir things up...Which is funny.He has been here 9 years and played 71 total games.We can see how he spends his time ON A WAR GAMING SITE...
-----THANKS AGAIN EVIL SEMP FOR SEEING THROUGH HIS FLAME GAME. =D> =D> =D> =D> IT'S NICE TO SEE SOMEONE ON TOP OF THINGS FOR A CHANGE...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...I would also like to thank the member who PMed me. About this,bringing it to my attention...To bad the accuser couldn't be bothered to do so...If that person is/was so offended. :roll:

ConfederateSS wrote:I would never fly the real flag of hatred "The Stars and Stripes"

Cheer leading a rogue nation founded on the cornerstone of slavery is not defending any version of America I can stand behind. I will always stand against your Confederate States of America.

For one of my earlier requests that you politely change your username:

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:23 pm
by Symmetry
Symmetry wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:-----My feelings exactly E.S....He never said,he was offended.He was hoping to get others to fight his battles for him....I AM GLAD,C and A SAW THROUGH THAT. =D>
-----He attacked America in a thread.I defended America in another.If that's for the "all of a sudden report." :roll: ...That and another poster finally put him in his place.I think he is trying to look else where,to stir things up...Which is funny.He has been here 9 years and played 71 total games.We can see how he spends his time ON A WAR GAMING SITE...
-----THANKS AGAIN EVIL SEMP FOR SEEING THROUGH HIS FLAME GAME. =D> =D> =D> =D> IT'S NICE TO SEE SOMEONE ON TOP OF THINGS FOR A CHANGE...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...I would also like to thank the member who PMed me. About this,bringing it to my attention...To bad the accuser couldn't be bothered to do so...If that person is/was so offended. :roll:

ConfederateSS wrote:I would never fly the real flag of hatred "The Stars and Stripes"

Cheer leading a rogue nation founded on the cornerstone of slavery is not defending any version of America I can stand behind. I will always stand against your Confederate States of America.

For one of my earlier requests that you politely change your username:

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:45 pm
by MagnusGreeol
Symmetry wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:-----My feelings exactly E.S....He never said,he was offended.He was hoping to get others to fight his battles for him....I AM GLAD,C and A SAW THROUGH THAT. =D>
-----He attacked America in a thread.I defended America in another.If that's for the "all of a sudden report." :roll: ...That and another poster finally put him in his place.I think he is trying to look else where,to stir things up...Which is funny.He has been here 9 years and played 71 total games.We can see how he spends his time ON A WAR GAMING SITE...
-----THANKS AGAIN EVIL SEMP FOR SEEING THROUGH HIS FLAME GAME. =D> =D> =D> =D> IT'S NICE TO SEE SOMEONE ON TOP OF THINGS FOR A CHANGE...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...I would also like to thank the member who PMed me. About this,bringing it to my attention...To bad the accuser couldn't be bothered to do so...If that person is/was so offended. :roll:

ConfederateSS wrote:I would never fly the real flag of hatred "The Stars and Stripes"

Cheer leading a rogue nation founded on the cornerstone of slavery is not defending any version of America I can stand behind. I will always stand against your Confederate States of America.

For one of my earlier requests that you politely change your username: ... eBTgp6YHIA

- America is quite the melting pot of all nations, but was first settled by Europeans? ... 190bb3ZLGQ

- Read this^^ It explains how Europeans started slavery and brought it to its English settlements in America? Wasn't it the North who didn't believe in slavery? Half the Country?

- Please read this and you tell me?


Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:51 pm
by MagnusGreeol
- Roots was on last week, Throughout the movie you always here "The King", and everything is in pounds? The accent is familiar to, Sounds English?


Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:59 pm
by Symmetry
MagnusGreeol wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:-----My feelings exactly E.S....He never said,he was offended.He was hoping to get others to fight his battles for him....I AM GLAD,C and A SAW THROUGH THAT. =D>
-----He attacked America in a thread.I defended America in another.If that's for the "all of a sudden report." :roll: ...That and another poster finally put him in his place.I think he is trying to look else where,to stir things up...Which is funny.He has been here 9 years and played 71 total games.We can see how he spends his time ON A WAR GAMING SITE...
-----THANKS AGAIN EVIL SEMP FOR SEEING THROUGH HIS FLAME GAME. =D> =D> =D> =D> IT'S NICE TO SEE SOMEONE ON TOP OF THINGS FOR A CHANGE...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...I would also like to thank the member who PMed me. About this,bringing it to my attention...To bad the accuser couldn't be bothered to do so...If that person is/was so offended. :roll:

ConfederateSS wrote:I would never fly the real flag of hatred "The Stars and Stripes"

Cheer leading a rogue nation founded on the cornerstone of slavery is not defending any version of America I can stand behind. I will always stand against your Confederate States of America.

For one of my earlier requests that you politely change your username: ... eBTgp6YHIA

- America is quite the melting pot of all nations, but was first settled by Europeans? ... 190bb3ZLGQ

- Read this^^ It explains how Europeans started slavery and brought it to its English settlements in America? Wasn't it the North who didn't believe in slavery? Half the Country?

- Please read this and you tell me?


While it's not true that "Europeans started slavery" (examples of slavery can be found throughout history, all over the world), the American system of slavery at the time of the Civil War was certainly developed based on the trans-Atlantic slave trade brought from Europe.

I'm not sure that Europeans first settled America. The first settlers became what are now known as Native Americans, I thought.

Interesting stuff, but I'm not sure of the relevancy.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:23 pm
by MagnusGreeol
Cheer leading a rogue nation founded on the cornerstone of slavery is not defending any version of America I can stand behind. I will always stand against your Confederate States of America.

- When were being founded on the cornerstone of slavery, The English King still ruled, America wasn't a melting pot until after. So Europeans started slavery in America, whilst still pushing the Native Americans aside. And in no way am I defending Confederates SS, But who would still be here if Europe never came and stayed, The Native Americans,, The only true Americans, Everyone else comes from somewhere else ") So all Our ancestors are to blame for that shame of an error.


Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:39 pm
by Symmetry
MagnusGreeol wrote:-
Cheer leading a rogue nation founded on the cornerstone of slavery is not defending any version of America I can stand behind. I will always stand against your Confederate States of America.

- When were being founded on the cornerstone of slavery, The English King still ruled, America wasn't a melting pot until after. So Europeans started slavery in America, whilst still pushing the Native Americans aside. And in no way am I defending Confederates SS, But who would still be here if Europe never came and stayed, The Native Americans,, The only true Americans, Everyone else comes from somewhere else ") So all Our ancestors are to blame for that shame of an error.


Still not sure how this relates, nor why you're posting here- you raise some interesting points that could be better taken up in off topics.

Of course, there was slavery in America before the Europeans came:

And of course, the US was a melting pot before British rule- I'd point you towards an excellent history of New Amsterdam (later New York)- Russell Shorto's The Island at the Centre of the World.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:53 pm
by MagnusGreeol
- OK, sorry, I went off topic, I'm outta here ")


Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:11 pm
by Symmetry
MagnusGreeol wrote:- OK, sorry, I went off topic, I'm outta here ")


No worries, the mods leapt pretty quickly to close the main point. I was mostly replying to the points raised by it.

I think you'd enjoy the book I recommended though. Check it out if you get the chance, and feel free to start a thread in off topics. It's a fascinating part of history.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:23 pm
by MagnusGreeol
Symmetry wrote:
MagnusGreeol wrote:- OK, sorry, I went off topic, I'm outta here ")


No worries, the mods leapt pretty quickly to close the main point. I was mostly replying to the points raised by it.

I think you'd enjoy the book I recommended though. Check it out if you get the chance, and feel free to start a thread in off topics. It's a fascinating part of history.

- I could use a brush up on history,, Will do Symm!


Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:06 pm
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
Am I too innocent, I just thought he wanted to emphasis plurality.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:48 pm
by Symmetry
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:Am I too innocent, I just thought he wanted to emphasis plurality.

Seems unlikely- here's ConfederateSS in his first ever post explaining his username:

I'm just one who knows History,and who likes the Generals of THE SOUTH and Germany..Some of the best war minds ever.Lee,Rommel,Jackson,Manstein,Stewart,Kesselring,etc..It's the winners of wars who writes the History books..

Manstein and Kesselring were convicted of war crimes after the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:12 am
by owenshooter
ConfederateSS wrote:

i believe this explains it quite clearly... thank you Confed, for clearing that all up...-Jésus noir

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:57 am
by Metsfanmax
Evil Semp wrote:Symmetry you have been around since 2007 and confederateSS has been around since 2008. The both of you are regular forum posters which leads me to believe you have seen some of his posts before. confederateSS first post from what I can tell was in 2013. Three years. What took you so long to become offended?

I am going to mark this CLOSED.

I urge you to try and consider this independent of what Symmetry thinks. There is at least a legitimate argument to be made that his screen name is offensive, and while I will be fine with whatever decision you make, please don't base it on what the trolls think.

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 1:22 pm
by owenshooter
Metsfanmax wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Symmetry you have been around since 2007 and confederateSS has been around since 2008. The both of you are regular forum posters which leads me to believe you have seen some of his posts before. confederateSS first post from what I can tell was in 2013. Three years. What took you so long to become offended?

I am going to mark this CLOSED.

I urge you to try and consider this independent of what Symmetry thinks. There is at least a legitimate argument to be made that his screen name is offensive, and while I will be fine with whatever decision you make, please don't base it on what the trolls think.

ummmm... he CLOSED it... i think the decision has been made... welcome to 8 days ago!!-Jésus noir

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:11 pm
by Symmetry
Metsfanmax wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:Symmetry you have been around since 2007 and confederateSS has been around since 2008. The both of you are regular forum posters which leads me to believe you have seen some of his posts before. confederateSS first post from what I can tell was in 2013. Three years. What took you so long to become offended?

I am going to mark this CLOSED.

I urge you to try and consider this independent of what Symmetry thinks. There is at least a legitimate argument to be made that his screen name is offensive, and while I will be fine with whatever decision you make, please don't base it on what the trolls think.

Thanks, I guess...

Re: ConfederateSS- offensive username

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:41 pm
by TeeGee
Although this was about North and south USA -and I admit I know very very little about the whole thing living in a real other world country where USA history holds little to no importance, it is an interesting topic for discussion. We ban usernames that offend some users, yet this is an international website and we allow all players regardless of nationality, religion of political belief.

I am sure we did and may still have members of the Taliban as members and I am sure they are offended by patriotic American usernames, should we ban them all too. It is a case of, this is a war gaming site and we all need to be thicker skinned.

Apologies to ES for driving this off topic.