Fair enough.
But I'm curious, are there paid staff who help out here with codling, customer service, daily web/forum updates etc?
If not, and I'm assuming not, here are some thoughts oh gentle readers:
- 1. Back off chewing out the coloured names... they are volunteers.
2. Stop asking volunteers to upgrade software and coding. That's the owners job. Send a note to Big Wham LLC.
3. Stop complaining to volunteers about the lack of things you would like, such as better tablet and phone function. A volunteer should not be doing that work. A paid person should.
All of this has been true since lack owned the site.
If we have serious concerns as consumers then those concerns should be directed to the appropriate spot: the owner or his/her paid representative. It is the only power consumers have. Go straight to the source. It holds the ownership accountable, it puts pressure for positive change right where it belongs, and it helps volunteers remember the chain of command and the governance model and keeps them from burning out and/or making inappropriate promises.