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Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn notice

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:49 pm
by paulk
I'm a bit tired to always have to write a novel in the chat of every game I am agreeing on a truce.
Players have their own definitions of 2 turn notice or 3 turn notice.
Can't we have one single dedicated spot where all versions of these are collected and explained?
That way anytime anyone is offering or accepting a truce they can just have this reference to point at.

My definition of a 2 turn notice goes something like this:

2015-10-31 06:02:43 - henchoi: red, agreed, two turn notice?
2015-10-31 09:42:59 - paulk: sure, and third turn only the one who didnt break it has first right to strike.
2015-11-01 07:23:35 - henchoi: red, that makes it a 4 turn notice. sorry no deal. But I have no intentions on S America
2015-11-01 09:29:45 - paulk: k, explain the 2 turn notice to me plz.
2015-11-02 07:32:43 - henchoi: Let's say a player on turn #10 states that he wants to end the truce, he or the other player would be able to attack the other on turn #12.
2015-11-02 16:12:30 - paulk: in this game, since you take your turn before me, that would not be in my favor. that's why I usually play with the modification that the player not canceling the truce has first go at attacking.
2015-11-02 16:16:19 - paulk: in other words, for a 2 turn notice, if I cancel the truce in turn #10 you can attack me turn #12, but if you cancel the truce you have to wait for me to take my turn #12 (attacking or not) before you can attack. Since you take your turn #12 before me
2015-11-02 16:22:11 - paulk: -> you have to wait until turn #13. In practice it's 1) PlayerA cancels & sets up troops, 2) PlayerB sets up troops, 3) PlayerA sets up troops, 4) PlayerB can attack, 5) PlayerA can attack

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:20 pm
by IcePack
Don't use truces and no novels needed ;)

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:39 am
by owenshooter
why would the site make a reference guide for something that isn't a written rule? makes absolutely no f'ing sense... the black jesus is annoyed by truce makers...-Jésus noir

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:50 am
by Ronaldinho
Truces are stupid. Don't get involved in them & you'll be just fine ;)

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:50 am
by Donelladan
Forgive the forum's troll.

Most people agree that the one giving the notice attack last already.
Just offer the guy a one turn notice :)

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:08 pm
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
Donelladan wrote:Forgive the forum's troll.

Most people agree that the one giving the notice attack last already.
Just offer the guy a one turn notice :)

Don, this isnt even true. Most will break truces.

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:53 pm
by owenshooter
Donelladan wrote:Forgive the forum's troll.

Most people agree that the one giving the notice attack last already.
Just offer the guy a one turn notice :)

"most"? that is laughable. how many C&A complaints and threads are there about truces being broken, blah, blah, blah... all of a sudden, there are UNWRITTEN RULES we have to follow. snaps for fog games, cry me a river, i'm taking my damn turn. following truces, f*ck you, i'm breaking it as soon as it gives me an advantage. the site is not going to write some official guideline for something that is not a RULE. continue to write your little books at the start of games, and continue to be upset when people bust what you feel should be done, because it gives them a shot at a win...-Jésus noir

p.s.-donel, you really need to research what a troll is. someone that is always right and speaks in a manner that upsets you, is not a troll. they are merely a person that is always right and hurts your little butt... sorry about your little butt.

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:30 pm
by Metsfanmax
owenshooter wrote:why would the site make a reference guide for something that isn't a written rule?

Because not everyone on this site is an asshole?

If we had a guide that recommended definitions for various truces and the like, that wouldn't be an endorsement of using truces in a game, it would just be recognizing that it's a commonly used tactic and trying to make the lives easier of people who choose to use it. Nor would it mean that breaking a truce you agreed to is now a rule violation. It would help if you stopped viewing every issue as black and white.

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:36 pm
by IcePack
owenshooter wrote:
Donelladan wrote:Forgive the forum's troll.

Most people agree that the one giving the notice attack last already.
Just offer the guy a one turn notice :)

"most"? that is laughable. how many C&A complaints and threads are there about truces being broken, blah, blah, blah... all of a sudden, there are UNWRITTEN RULES we have to follow. snaps for fog games, cry me a river, i'm taking my damn turn. following truces, f*ck you, i'm breaking it as soon as it gives me an advantage. the site is not going to write some official guideline for something that is not a RULE. continue to write your little books at the start of games, and continue to be upset when people bust what you feel should be done, because it gives them a shot at a win...-Jésus noir

p.s.-donel, you really need to research what a troll is. someone that is always right and speaks in a manner that upsets you, is not a troll. they are merely a person that is always right and hurts your little butt... sorry about your little butt.

He never said anything about making any "official" guideline, he's simply asking about collecting info and having it located in one place. Pretty sure any user could post a unofficial guideline and have it all in one place and satisfy what the OP is asking for.

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:07 pm
by paulk
wow, the trolls attacked... :D

I think it would be just fine with a sticky somewhere with 'semi-official' truce rules, somewhere you could point to if you are making a truce agreement with someone.

The chance that a player breaks a truce is obviously always there unless truce agreements become an option coded into the game, but that was not what I was asking for.

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:52 pm
by owenshooter
paulk wrote:wow, the trolls attacked... :D

I think it would be just fine with a sticky somewhere with 'semi-official' truce rules, somewhere you could point to if you are making a truce agreement with someone.

The chance that a player breaks a truce is obviously always there unless truce agreements become an option coded into the game, but that was not what I was asking for.

you guys roll heavy with this troll shit. just because people don't agree with you for VALID reasons, they are not trolls. that, and i didn't even notice that your moms had posted in here...

go write your little guideline and good luck with that. there is no possible way to write a guideline for something that is not an official rule on the site and that is not something every player utilizes. sounds like you need to suck it up, cupcake... you are just beating a dead horse because people don't play by your rules. you are trying to create a false rule to make people adhere to what you think they should do when you are in a truce with them...-Jésus noir

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:07 am
by iAmCaffeine
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
Donelladan wrote:Forgive the forum's troll.

Most people agree that the one giving the notice attack last already.
Just offer the guy a one turn notice :)

Don, this isnt even true. Most will break truces.

Yes, because you're more of an experienced source than Don or myself in this regard.

I rarely use truces, but I have very, very rarely seen them broken. Of course when they are there is often forum overspill, which is where all the ignorant comments are coming from.

Re: Clearly stated truce rules / alliance rules / 2 turn not

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:56 am
by IcePack
owenshooter wrote:
paulk wrote:wow, the trolls attacked... :D

I think it would be just fine with a sticky somewhere with 'semi-official' truce rules, somewhere you could point to if you are making a truce agreement with someone.

The chance that a player breaks a truce is obviously always there unless truce agreements become an option coded into the game, but that was not what I was asking for.

you guys roll heavy with this troll shit. just because people don't agree with you for "VALID" reasons, they are not trolls.

Sorry about your little butt!