Shebab wrote:Hello,
How is it possible to pick up Conquer Credits without paying real money for them? Ya I know, I'm cheap.
Thanks for your help!
You can use your stars to sign up for some Auto Tournaments ... urnaments1Some of them will give you credits as prizes.
You can volunteer for different positions as a moderator by watching the announcements page for "callouts" where they look for help
viewforum.php?f=1You can refer friends and family to the game and earn credits through their purchases on the site ... g3p4qi7kbAYou can help build the strategy program
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=213882You can participate in contests all over the site (no link because they are part of different departments) but live chat events, clan events, tribal events, etc all from time to time have credits as prizes.
You can participate in some mafia contests, they sometimes have prizes there (or you can host one and earn prizes i think)
viewforum.php?f=213You can complete surveys etc and earn credits through sponsorships etc. can join a tribe and participate in contests there. More info:
viewtopic.php?f=802&t=214310Join here ... anactivityI believe you can still earn credits through map making
viewforum.php?f=10If you have a few already, you can join an existing campaign or you can create one of your own and post in one of these threads to get opponents and win more
viewtopic.php?f=31&t=212026viewtopic.php?f=31&t=211843(start a game page on the left and then look for the "campaign" tab)
Sometimes Community tournaments have prizes, watch here for those
viewforum.php?f=90Sometimes the announcements have requests for banners or imagery to be created and can win prizes
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=214666Generally site wide events like the Olympics that were just held have prizes
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=214629There are plenty more ways and contests that if you keep an eye open in the forums, there are many ways to get involved and even more where you can win!