I just tried using it, didn't specify any map, only that I wanted a 6 players escalating sunny no trench game.
Since 5 people had already made the same request the game was created immediately.
15387016One would notice that this Game Request is more than 1 month old since the 2nd player,
hartwood72603 didn't log into CC since the 30 may.
This also shows that there is probably very few persons using the request system since something as popular as a "standard escalating 6 players sunny game" took more than 1 month to start.
I have questions. ( and since the Q and A part of the forum has been deleted, I'll ask them here...)
Game Requests will NOT help you:
Choose your opponents (though you can invite players to queue the same request from the Game requests Tab)
Play team games
Play polymorphic or speed games
Control certain game options not specified below such as Round Length and Initial Troops
1)Why not speed games? This game request feature would be awesome for speed games !
I actually think we should get rid of the usual join a game for speed and replace it by game request exclusively.
I have many times seen 2 exact same settings for a speed game in the waiting game page. People just wanted to farm and didn't want to play against another experienced player I assume...
2)How does the request system work with foe? Are they automatically excluded or not at all?
Game Requests are the quickest way to get a game going. Submitting a Game Request does not create a game, but instead queues a request for a type of game. These queued requests appear on your Requests Tab until enough requests are queued, whereupon the game is started. Game Requests will match to both other Game Requests and existing waiting games.
Well so it is written
Game Requests will match to both other Game Requests and existing waiting games.
This is probably not working.
There is currently 211 waiting game matching the settings I choose for this one
Game 15387016EDIT : ( tried to put a link from the game finder but doesn't work, no idea how to do it).
But still, obviously, the 5 other players having the same request than me didn't automatically joined one of those 211 waiting games.