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Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:52 pm
by csol4846
here is an idea (stolen from a chess website)for a new feature. please comment. maybe we can generate some interest.

Predict-a-move tournament (requires system development)
Game between 2 anonymous masters , with running commentary to explain motives. It would not have be live, but a recorded game to give programmers time to set it up.
maybe small maps (to limit possibilities and keep game short )
maybe poly (to keep game interesting)
trench (limit long strings)
all other settings can be used

players signup as usual
player limit? Maybe
weekly or monthly start-ups
points available per turn equal 100 (could be any number)
players have 24hrs to predict the move of the master (one side only might be good to start with, predict both sides later)
player choose from 5_10 candidate moves listed on menu (maybe the masters make up candidate move list)
players are awarded points for correct prediction, points acquired equal 100 divided by number of correct answers. 10 people correct are awarded 10 point, 20 people correct are awarded 5 points.
Next move can start at predetermined time (e.g. 6:00 pm EST.)
Running total and standings listed on sidebar, chat bar functional.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:02 pm
by Metsfanmax
Riffing off of this, how about a public game (also stolen from a chess event) where each side (or maybe only one side) is controlled by a group of players who vote on a series of possible moves.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:38 pm
by owenshooter
this is going to swell the ranks from 8K back up to 30K... the black jesus congratulates you, you have SAVED THE SITE!!! HIP Hop, HOORAY!!! HO!!!! HEY!!!! HO!!!! HEY!!! HO!!!! the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:18 am
by Coler
a) I find this very interesting.

b) I commend you and thank you for making an interesting proposal.

c) I would like to participate in an exercise like this.

d) It's easy to sit on the sidelines and throw brickbats. This idea is worth progressing.

e) cynicism has its place somewhere but it isn't here.

Re: Waste your time on a stolen idea from another site

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:15 am
by owenshooter
Coler wrote:d) It's easy to sit on the sidelines and throw brickbats. This idea is worth progressing.

e) cynicism has its place somewhere but it isn't here.

actually, the idea isn't worth progressing.. why? it will take time and coding away from the things that matter more on this site... show me the chess numbers and prove me wrong... i think the chess aspect is used less than the forum... and also, speaking of places for things, the place for this is in suggestions and not in the GD, but i'm sure you already realize that... so, good luck in the suggestion forum and good luck getting BW to agree to take some time away from trying to improve major aspects of the site that matter, to tinker with a chess idea... i can see the site numbers are already up since this was just posted!!! *cough*... the black jesus scoffs at you...-Jésus noir

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:36 pm
by Coler
I don't think he's trying to save the site directly. I think it's just an interesting way to give new players another opportunity to learn how to play.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:41 pm
by owenshooter
Coler wrote:I don't think he's trying to save the site directly. I think it's just an interesting way to give new players another opportunity to learn how to play.

more ways to learn aside from guide games, bot games and the society of cooks? i think Big Wham has introduced plenty of ways for people to learn the game, and the SOC has been around for years. most people don't stumble onto this site, unless they are specifically searching for a game like RISK. as in, people are familiar with the game before they join. in terms of learning new maps and new game play, there are those ways i have listed above and many others within the forums to figure these things out.. unnecessary programming and time away from fixing real issues on the site... now, if you come up with a way for new player retention, drop it right in the SUGGESTIONS FORUM where this should also be... good luck.. the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:45 pm
by Coler
Tell you what one thing you want to make sure of is to piss on people who show an interest and bother to come up with an idea though - that's critical.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:54 pm
by owenshooter
Coler wrote:Tell you what one thing you want to make sure of is to piss on people who show an interest and bother to come up with an idea though - that's critical.

then they should post in SUGGESTIONS... i like my suggestions, like i like my people in the basement (oh, did you see what i did there?! ha!)... the black jesus has spoken..-Jésus noir

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:33 pm
by csol4846
owen. dude! it is predict a move for this game not chess, chess on a "risk" website seems pointless. predict-a-move was a very popular feature on the chess website(site had 25000 paying members and growing) the suggestion was not intended to save this site, is it dying? hadn't heard. however, it could be fun to learn from the pros.
so, owen, how did you get to be an expert on all things conquer club. at 10,000 plus posts you only seem to be an expert at trolling. your second post was more constructive, i will reply to that. Bots are for basics not for high level strategy. Soc is good, but your asking volunteers to drag newbies thru games that can drag there ratings down. some are willing to take the time. i thought this would be low on time commitment and no load on voluntees, maybe even fun. if the site is not fun people leave, simple as that. sorry for not taking the time to post it in the correct forum, people are finding it.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:57 pm
by owenshooter
csol4846 wrote:so, owen, how did you get to be an expert on all things conquer club. at 10,000 plus posts you only seem to be an expert at trolling. sorry for not taking the time to post it in the correct forum, people are finding it.

115 views... 9 replies... burning the forums up... *eyes rolling*... and yes, all i do is troll, create bigotry guidelines for the web site and demanded that past moderators be held accountable for their actions (who are no longer with us)... i won't throw in the changes to the clan world that i helped to bring about, because that would just really be rubbing your ignorant statement, even more so into your face... however, you are right... all i do is troll... ask anyone on team CC, i'm a very productive and active member within the community and have been for years... sorry if i hurt your little butt for your suggesting something in the wrong forum, that is not going to be implemented due to the current state of the site and Big Whams obvious efforts to right his ship... good luck!!! you nailed me!!! i'm a troll!!! the black jesus is amused...-Jésus noir

csol4846 wrote:trolling is your disagreeing with my ludicrous idea. how dare you, you cad!

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:40 pm
by csol4846
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]
examples of what constitutes cyberbullying include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, put down, falsely discredit, or humiliate the recipient. The actions are deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior intended to harm another. Cyberbullying has been defined by The National Crime Prevention Council: “When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."[5][6]

As someone who claims to be supporting the development of CC you should be aware of the above wiki definitions. Certainly you can disagree with my idea, I’ve been dead wrong before. Constructive criticism would start by congratulating me on taking and interest in making CC better. Then a few polite remarks about this being a distraction for the programmers who are currently work on x, y, z issues. Politely suggest that I put my good idea in the proper forum, where programmers prowl and they can check the feasibility in their quiet time.

You really seem to want to bicker over this with a new active member. some thing you don't think we have enough of. How many others are victims of your sarcastic wit?

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:44 pm
by csol4846
so now it become a debate about owenshooter. not predict-a-move. you have won.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:47 am
by khazalid
actually, i predicted that, so i have won.


Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:42 am
by RiskTycoon
I like the idea. I don't like trolls. this thread has everything!
It does sound fun! I'd pay that. ..

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:09 am
by owenshooter
csol4846 wrote:IYou really seem to want to bicker over this with a new active member. some thing you don't think we have enough of. How many others are victims of your sarcastic wit?

i believe you are the one that began the name calling in an effort to further your discourse, because i found your idea a non-essential idea that would not be implemented for quite some time, if at all... have you seen the log jam of things to be coded on the site? have you seen any of the promised monthly coding changes the site promised us for the year (i think i've seen one)... go to suggestions, post your wicked smart, stolen idea there and go through the proper process.. i'm sure, that in 2-3 years, if the site is still around, it may finally be moved up into the "to be implemented" category and then it will only be a few more years after that... i disagree with you, so i am a troll... *black jesus eyes rolling right out of my black jesus skull*... again, go to suggestions, looks like you have a pretty solid majority, just from the showing within this site.. the black jesus wishes you nothing but luck with this amazing stolen idea... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-usually other sites steal CC's maps, rules, game play options, etc... i think it is kind of cool that it is being suggested CC begins to steal back!!!

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:21 am
by Serbia
csol4846 wrote:so now it become a debate about owenshooter. not predict-a-move. you have won.

You did that, not owen. You could have ignored him, but instead, you made this whole thread about him. Should have skipped the language lesson on the word "troll" and stayed on point.


Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:43 am
by Metsfanmax
Yes. Ignore the trolls.

What I like most about this idea is that it provides an opportunity for large-scale community building. I have no real way of interacting with the vast majority of players who don't come to the forums (and even among forum-dwellers I only interact with some small fraction of them regularly). And they have no way of interacting with me (though they may be thankful for that). A chance once in a while to get the whole site together would be quite redeeming.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:37 am
by owenshooter
Metsfanmax wrote: A chance once in a while to get the whole site together would be quite redeeming.

please, explain to me how this is going to get all 8,364 remaining members together at one time... to predict a move in a game? you can't even get a majority of people on the site excited about THE GREAT WAR, an event that will take a number of years to complete... i must be missing something... i had no idea this was some kind of team building exercise that would rally the site and bring in the numbers... please, explain how the entire site is going to get together to "play" this type of game. do you remember when MAFIA games were in vogue and the site was listed as one of the best to play Mafia games on?! even that has faded... hell, flame wars on here was listed as the top ongoing flame war, by many online publications, now a literal "clown" site has that distinguished honor and flame wars was killed by the site... i am not being a negative nelly, just really want to know how this is going to get "the whole site together" and be so "redeeming." the black jesus is puzzled...-Jésus noir

CC team building trust falls

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:57 am
by Metsfanmax
owenshooter wrote:
Metsfanmax wrote: A chance once in a while to get the whole site together would be quite redeeming.

please, explain to me how this is going to get all 8,364 remaining members together at one time...

I don't expect that we'll literally get everyone online simultaneously. But if we have some sort of message board designed to discuss moves related to a particular game, it can allow people to chime in when they have time. And if we reward participation in some way, it's certainly plausible that a non-negligible fraction of the site would participate. I don't know how many it would be though.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:25 pm
by csol4846
ok Owen. peace?
you are clearly involved and devoted to CC.
I only suggest a different form of the game because certain aspects of cc don't appeal to me. hearts, stars, cannons, or 3 year touraments are ok for some. Just saying, that following along with a high level game would be interesting for me, maybe others. I would actually perfer an instant play format, done in an hour. I'm not a programmer, so I didn't understand the complexities.
learning in Clan games is instructive. Sometimes it takes a while to get input from team mates, sometimes it is conflicting plans with fuzzy reasons. catch 22, you have to be good to be accepted into most good clans.
It is conceivable that 1000 players could enter a predict-a-move game. Start at a scheduled time, no waiting for game too fill.

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:36 pm
by ConfederateSS
-----We've tried to get everyone online at once. ;) You should have caught my joke in "Is CC Declining"..We've tried stealing ideas from Chess sites. Now lets try Battleship sites. In Battleship you try and predict the location of enemy ships. AH! 2 jokes in one... As for CHESS..Like I said in another post...THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO PLAY CHESS(yes, I know about St.Upid 3-D Chess and Chinese Chess)...THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO PLAY CHESS...STRATEGO.....IN C.C.LAND...THERE ARE COUNTLESS WAYS TO PLAY RISK....It is hard to find anyone playing RISK the way it was intended to be played. With all the settings introduced...As long as the Cliques and Clans are kept happy. :lol: ....Come up with a Predict a way to PLAY THE GAME OF R.I.S.K....OLD SCHOOL...If you predict it they(20K) will come... :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)......

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:25 am
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
To find good solutions, all ideas should be explored no matter how crazy they first appear. Design 101.

For instance, when looking at how to keep overhead wires clear of snow in cold regions, methods for heating the wires was the obvious answer, but proved very costly to implement. A solution would need to be simple to maintain. Someone joked that they should get the local bears to do it. So the idea of putting meat on the pylons to attract the bears and shake pylons, thus knocking the snow of the wire was born. This is a crazy idea, but lets investigate anyway. How would we get the meat onto the pylons? Well helicopter seems easiest.

Wait hang on, the downdraft from the helicopter will get the snow of the cables, and thus the idea of clearing snow from overhead cables with helicopter was born. Without the crazy idea in between this may not have been thought of.

My point, all ideas should be investigated no matter how crazy they first appear.

-Guess a move may well be better suited to the style you get in newspapers for Chess or Bridge. Weekly competitions to guess the move Player A makes in the situation shown, and then an explanation from the player as to why they made the move they did. The critical move which won them the game would be best. Similar to what Nietzche constantly writes, except the game winners and not the point where the dice turned on him...

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:55 am
by ConfederateSS
--------Except The High Command is Combining everything and getting rid of things to save space. They are not in an adding mode. Also, you forgot there is no critical move that's wins a Risk game. No matter how great your strategy is. It all comes down to one thing in Risk. THE DICE....In real life ,with real dice.... Or the Conquer Club way to play...with Conquer Club DICE... We all know about that already. In Chess,the outcome is all on the player. So predict a move in The Game of R.I.S.K. is already flawed. WAKE UP!!. :roll: .ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). :D :D :D

Re: Predict-a-move game design

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:28 am
by WingCmdr Ginkapo
Is there any harm with people discussing this, regardless of whether it will or even could ever be implemented? If not, do you think it is beneficial for the site to try and prevent people interacting on the forums? You and Owen have made your point, and it is a valid point, repeating it serves no purpose.