betiko wrote:Swifte wrote: wrote:Jamie wrote:In a Nuclear spoils game, if you use a set that eliminates yourself and the only other person in the game, who wins? It would be stupid and pointless for neutral to win, but yet can you win a game you were eliminated in? Surely the other remaining person can't win since they themselves were also eliminated.
a neutal player cannot win the game
when you have a set that eliminates all players in a game, then the most left card gets played first, the person last standing(read hit by nuke) then wins
i don't understand your statement. you mean by that that the guy left with the most spoils in hands win? ergo the guy that nuked everybody still standing? (since he would end up with all cards left on the board in hand after the first nuke?)
No. When you look at your spoils in your hand (or in the game, in this case) they are listed from left to right (say spoil 1 spoil 2 spoil 3 spoil 4 spoil 5).
If you cash spoil 2, spoil 3, spoil 5 as your set, it nukes the territory for spoil #2 first because it is the 'left most' card in your hand. if that kills a player, they're out, game ends. if not, move on to the second spoil turned in "spoil #3 from your hand"), nuke it. if someone dies, the other player wins. And so on.
In other words, even though turning in and nuking everything appears to be a simultaneous event in the normal log, it actually processes your cards 1 by 1 checking to see if someone wins after the territory is nuked. and it starts with the card that was furthest left in your hand that you turned in, and works right from there.