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Cross Map

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:09 pm
by Mishalex
Hi all,

How can we easily know which map we've already crossed ? And which ones we are close to ? Is there a way to have a look of all the maps we needed to cross and how many victories we need ?

It's hard to know other than doing a map finder map per map !!

And I have to say that I have some difficulties to know if I've crossed a map or not ! This afternoon, i've check for the germany map, and it seems that I had only 4 victories on this so i've won an other game and this doesn't increase my counting stats on the medal stats ! It has been the same number all day long !

Thanks for your response guys !


Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:30 pm
by IcePack
Mishalex wrote:Hi all,

How can we easily know which map we've already crossed ? And which ones we are close to ? Is there a way to have a look of all the maps we needed to cross and how many victories we need ?

It's hard to know other than doing a map finder map per map !!

And I have to say that I have some difficulties to know if I've crossed a map or not ! This afternoon, i've check for the germany map, and it seems that I had only 4 victories on this so i've won an other game and this doesn't increase my counting stats on the medal stats ! It has been the same number all day long !

Thanks for your response guys !


The only easy way I know of is using Map rank

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:38 pm
by JCR
problem is that once poly games were introduced maprank will no longer load. for me it gets stuck at 87% every time. i sure miss maprank

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:05 am
by macbone
Maprank still works for me. Mishalex, I checked, and you're good for Germany. You actually have 10 unique defeats there.

Maps for you that show 4 unique defeats: All Your Base, Archipelago, California, Egypt: Lower, Fractured America, Greater China, Midgard, Nordic Countries, Pearl Harbor, Rorke's Drift, Solar System, and USA Rockies.

3 defeats: Battle of Actium, Classic Cities: Madrid, Crossword, Golfe Du Saint-Laurent, Happy Valentine's Day, Northwest Passage, Steamworks, and Temple of Jinn.

You need 13 more maps with 5+ victories for the Crossmap Platinum, according to Maprank.

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 4:27 am
by Donelladan
How do you get maprank to works macbone? may I ask you to give me same informations on me concerning the maps I still need to cross map? :D

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:25 am
by macbone
I'm running Google Chrome with the latest update for MapRank, and it seems to work for me. Sure, I can do a maprank for you. =)

But you can try it for yourself. dgz has been maintaining it, and it works for polymorphic, but not for the teammate medal. I just tried it out, and I couldn't use it from the side panel, but it worked fine from Game Finder.

dgz345 wrote:dgz345 maprank temp fix ... nk.user.js

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:54 am
by sm8900
hi. can anyone please tell me where did I win my crossmap achievements?

also, I'm not sure how this works, actually. is it defeating various opponents on the same map? or defeating the same opponent on various maps? or something else? thanks for any help with this question.

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:05 am
by Donelladan
is it defeating various opponents on the same map?


or defeating the same opponent on various maps?

Not exactly.

If you beat 5 different players on one map, you got 1 crossmap achievement.
If you then beat the 5 same players on another map, you got a 2nd crossmap achievement.
But if you beat 10 different players on one map, you still only have 1 crossmap achievement.

For each map, if you defeated 5 different players on this map, you have 1 crossmap achievement.

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:50 am
by xroads
I get an error when I try that link on chrome

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:51 am
by xroads
Would it be so hard for ownership to actually fix it?

Re: Cross Map

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:09 pm
by owenshooter
xroads wrote:Would it be so hard for ownership to actually fix it?

why would they fix something that that isn't theirs? if they are down with that, i have a fixture on one of my tubs that needs to be fixed.. put that on the list, too...-Jésus noir