During the investigation, Masli has decided to step down from being a C&A moderator.
I would still like to thank him for being a volunteer since May 2010, and during that time he has contributed a lot of good to the website in the form of Chat Modding, Clan Directing, and of course as a very active Multi Hunter.
We have always encouraged volunteers to be proactive in performing their duties on Conquer Club. This sort of self motivation and determination is a critical aspect of volunteering, and we look for this in all our volunteers.
As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time. He was not obligated to check a player first before joining a game and this is the case for him. If he does check the player afterward, he only did his duty as a hunter. There was no malicious intention on his part.
After discussing this report with the other administrators, we can agree that busting multi accounts when they are in-game opponents has the possibility of looking suspicious. Eye84free, didn't bother to check the account first before joining the games. Masli was performing his Multi Hunter duties while operating in a grey area where specific guidelines were never formally clarified. In error, we did not specify when, or who, should perform a background check for in-game opponents. Generally, the hunters were not in any obligation to check if a player is a multi or not before joining here.
We realize that our own lack of guidance contributed to this situation. So, to prevent this from happening again, we have updated and clarified our policies:
Hunters will not bust, directly or indirectly, in-game opponents they have identified as multis. If there is a public report about the suspect user, another multi hunter will take over the case and make the bust. This policy can be found