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JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:I retired
natty_dread wrote:I almost quit but then I didn't, can I get on this list?
I just love getting on lists.
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:I retired
King_Herpes wrote: but rules are rules and I'm going to need to see a public moping thread.
natty_dread wrote:King_Herpes wrote: but rules are rules and I'm going to need to see a public moping thread.
Oh noes. Does it count if I just mope a little bit? Or does it have to be like full on moping? Is there a scale of moping with a treshold I have to cross to be accepted?
Stephen Wayne wrote:I appreciate keeping me out of the list but i think i should be on there. I had good reasons for being gone however i did make a big deal out of my leaving (or at least tried to) and if you dont know or believe why i was gone then im just another player to clam loyalty then run.
King_Herpes wrote:natty_dread wrote:King_Herpes wrote:Stephen Wayne wrote:I appreciate keeping me out of the list but i think i should be on there. I had good reasons for being gone however i did make a big deal out of my leaving (or at least tried to) and if you dont know or believe why i was gone then im just another player to clam loyalty then run.
I'll meet you half way and add the link into your name but you'd have to prove to me that you were lying if you want it in the actual list. Which is a catch 22 because I remember telling you that if it was that I take everything back and hope you get hit by a car.
King_Herpes wrote:owenshooter added to help further commiserate.
Funny although it may be that people actually bought into his farewell, it's important to note here that he has done this other times in half vain attempts to ressurect General Discussion's beating heart.
Each time causing an equivalent amount of separation while also at the same time allowing for adequate amount of bereavement to best stage his return. He is a vital artery in the life blood of our fora but still a bit of a ponce move IMO.
Never the less, a warm welcome back is due. Nobody plays on our heartstrings quite like The Beej. He's like a restraining order gone wrong that somehow keeps on waking up next to you shirtless and asking, "What's for breakfast"?
AAFitz wrote:After nearly exactly 4 years
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