Serbia wrote:ConfederateSS wrote:In fact the only part of The German War.That had any glimpse of being fought with Honor. Was The North African War ,fought under Rommel. Both sides treated each other's wounded with care. There were really no civilians in the area to be effected. Nothing but miles of sand.
Did you know that there are cities in North Africa? And they were there back in the 1940's too? And that they were fought over during WWII, and that actual civilians lived in them?
-----Did you know,those people,The Desert People,mostly sided with The Axis forces? Most of the Major battles. Were the British and Axis forces chasing each other back and forth along the coastal road. Or in the middle of the Desert.Between Libya and Egypt. Most Commanders used the Stars,like a sea captain. To find their way. So damage to cities and civilian population was keep to a minimum. Except for The Island of Malta. Malta had the crap bombed out of it,by the Axis forces.But held out... ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...