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Mentoring Pilot Program

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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby jsnyder748 on Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:58 pm

Armandolas do you want freestyle help?
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby SaMejoHn on Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:58 am

hello, I need help with maps :oops:
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Armandolas on Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:06 am

jsnyder748 wrote:Armandolas do you want freestyle help?

Yes, i would like to. I want to be super in Mogul/freestyle to become a conqueror :P

But surely yes, if u would like to help i will contact you as soon i get a stable internet (recentlly moved home)

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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Rayfinkle on Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:38 pm

I played mostly 2v2 with a friend last year for a period of about 3 months and it was a blast. Unfortunately he does not play anymore and he was kind of the brains of the operation. I'm getting back into CC and would love a mentor for... well, everything. I am interested in all styles (except freestyle) and would just like to start getting better.

I will eventually start PMing potential mentors, but I just wanted to post this in case anyone is looking for a new pupil. I rank around a 3 on the scale on the first page. Thanks!
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Viceroy63 on Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:29 pm

Rayfinkle; I know you from "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective" LOL. :lol:

See that is how you do this! You PM the person who said on this thread that they are willing to mentor others. You ask them if they are available to mentor you and let them set up the team games. Or if you want to learn single playing strategies, then you talk to them about getting advice from them as you play that game. But the seeker of a mentor must be the one who initiates first and continual contact.

Please feel free to contact me for Team Games but I will put you to read some forum threads on the subject of team strategy first.

But the very best thing that you can do for single games is to sign up with the SoC Training Program and learn the strategy of escalating spoils, Strategy of the Stacks known as the F4M (First 4 Moves) and build on that first before learning team strategies. Trust me, in the long run it works out better if you take it one step at a time. Join the SoC first and learn that first like the back of your hand and then seek out team game action. That way you can participate in the "Brains of the Operation!"

Here is a link below to the SoC sign up page. Click on it and sign up...

Sign up here for Training -- New Group Starts on 3/4/13
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Cartman58 on Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:10 am

I'm a strong solo player, but would love to find a mentor to teach me the team games, starting with doubles. I've tried a few times without feeling like I really "get it."
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby celliottii on Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:31 am

I've been playing at CC for just over a year now...I do fairly well in normal games, but get toasted in 1 v 1 games. I've roller coastered between Lt. and down to PFC and then back up again.
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby danielfolsom on Fri May 03, 2013 12:45 am

I'd love a mentor. Skill level is probably 1-2 - I played a bit in 2009 but only ever ok; came back this year.
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Armandolas on Fri May 03, 2013 10:46 am

danielfolsom wrote:I'd love a mentor. Skill level is probably 1-2 - I played a bit in 2009 but only ever ok; came back this year.

What kind of mentoring would you like?
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby wacicha on Fri May 03, 2013 1:35 pm

danielfolsom I will email you on Saturday
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Viceroy63 on Wed May 08, 2013 10:06 pm

celliottii wrote:I've been playing at CC for just over a year now...I do fairly well in normal games, but get toasted in 1 v 1 games. I've roller coastered between Lt. and down to PFC and then back up again.

And now at the writing of this comment, you are a raw cadet. =)

Seems to me, going over your games that you play a wide diversity of maps and strategies. Perhaps you just have not figured out what works where with which. As a graduate of the SoC you should know that the basic strategy for escalating spoils on the classic map is one that is sure to raise your score and your rank in the position you are in now.

Being in a clan should be a means of improving your understanding of a great many strategies and winning tactics. If it is not doing that for you, then you should really consider the usefulness of being in the clan. The whole point in being in a clan is to form a team that will help you to raise your score and rank. But I also understand that there are problems and learning difficulties in clans as well.

Some times it's just a simple question of finding what works and sticking to it. So perhaps if something does not work then Change it and see what happens. Sometimes being in a clan is not the best that you can do, depending on the kind of clan and clan members???

The student asked, "Master, of all the different kung fu styles, which is the best?" The humble priest replied, "That would depend on the fight. A tiger may never hope to defeat a dragon but against a lion, the king of Beast's, the tiger's paw, rules supreme. Even so the snake's subtlety can bring the tiger down." To this the student ask, "Then would it not be wise to learn all the different styles there are?" To which the Shaolin munk replied, "It may take a lifetime, to truly master just one style."

Think about it.
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby coche01 on Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:21 pm

looking to get mentored....not winning enough to be happy
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:44 am

coche01 wrote:looking to get mentored....not winning enough to be happy

Are you interested in team games or singles?
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby AfroCameron on Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:29 pm

Im level 4 mentoree im alright at the freestle sequential etc need help really on other maps to see make strategies for them, anyone fancy helping me just drop me a PM ill be prompt with replies Q's etc I can help new people too if they need it, dont look at my rank ive been playing this for about 6 years but wanted to start afresh :)
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby kuma32478 on Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:40 am

AfroCameron wrote:Im level 4 mentoree im alright at the freestle sequential etc need help really on other maps to see make strategies for them, anyone fancy helping me just drop me a PM ill be prompt with replies Q's etc I can help new people too if they need it, dont look at my rank ive been playing this for about 6 years but wanted to start afresh :)

You've only played 4 games over the last six years? Seems like you meant to imply that you broke CC rules and created a new account.
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:46 pm

I reported him as soon as he made that post, no worries there mate. ;)
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby tinkota on Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:02 pm

I just joined this site, and would love a mentor! :) I guess I would rate myself a 1. I've played a couple games of risk, and I love the game, but totally suck at it!
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:42 am

tinkota wrote:I just joined this site, and would love a mentor! :) I guess I would rate myself a 1. I've played a couple games of risk, and I love the game, but totally suck at it!

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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby jbadbear on Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:13 pm

Hi Looking for a clan mentor

I have been around for about a year, played about 500 games and am winning around 30% of the time.

I have found myself the leader of a new clan that was formed out of a tournament. We lost our original leader mid war on our second war, He just vanished. We regrouped and we have about 25 members and while they are good guys they are all rather new and it is hard to get them excited about anything. I would love a mentor that could assist me in pumping some life into our clan and helping me understand what I need to do as the leader to make this work.

Also as teams we are not winning very much. This is part of the enthusiasm issue.

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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby maecilla on Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:24 am

I'd be interested in joining. I'm about level 3, familiar with basic gameplay and controls in standard games
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby DannyX on Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:54 am

I'm brand new and know nothing about World
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby j1mathman on Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:18 am

I'm looking for a mentor on strategy- i would rate myself 3 or 4.

I guess i like to play a lot of maps, which is why I'm not sure about 4.

I'm especially looking for help developing strategy- like material to read, etc. I'm not having a very high gameload at the moment. Thanks!
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby jubes on Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:23 am

Hi, I'd love to have a mentor.
I'm probably a level 2, (I've only played 40 games so far, won 20), and I seem to need strategy help especially with 2-player games; (and, actually, all other games as well).
I usually play standard flat rate, but sometimes escalating, generally on fairly uncomplicated maps. I'm open to learning about new ways of playing with different settings that I'm not used to, or just the usual.
Thanks! :)
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby 3mp3r0r on Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:51 pm

heyo, looking for a mentor

I used to be on the site fairly regularly until i started college, randomly saw a post on facebook a month ago and decided to come back to realise i need some help getting back in the game. id rate myself as a level 3 as i know most of the non-game stuff and have a decent grasp of basic strategys, just cant seem to get the strategys to work as well as i want them to lol

i prefer team games, fog and flat rate spoils but if someone can broaden my horizons id be happy to learn things with other settings
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Re: Mentoring Pilot Program

Postby Viceroy63 on Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:03 pm

For all new people to CC: Welcome and please Join the SoC. The Link is below...


As far as mentoring, I believe that there are a lot more people looking for mentors then there are willing to mentor. And not everyone can mentor in every type of game. And the good mentors are those who follow a system and a plan like those advisors who teach in the SoC program. They teach from a book, "The F4M" or "First Four Moves." You can read it on this link below...


They only Teach in this plan and it is a good plan to start out with and better understand other more progressive strategies on different settings.

Something is something and the SoC is definately a good place to start out your education. :)

See you in the battle field!

Show me what you got?! :lol:
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