by jefjef on Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:03 am
Nah, it's pretty clear that this thread is currently the target of the "we don't have a coherent answer to give you, so we'll pretend not to hear you until you stop asking" tactic. Slightly more subtle than the "unjustifiable lock" manoeuvre, but equally juvenile, just as counter-productive.
Anyway, for those joining us at this late stage in the game, things have basically gone like this so far:
Thread gets locked for no apparent reason
Inquiry as to reasons for lock are made
Moderators say that it was locked for several unwritten reasons that do not feature in any of the written guidelines (i.e. because one of them just felt like locking it)
Users question the fairness of that, asking why unwritten rules only seem to apply to certain users
Most moderators shout "Shut up! You have had your answer! So what if we're abusing our powers and acting contrary to the guidelines we're always demanding that everybody else follows! Just accept it without comment!"
One Mod sees the light of reason and unlocks thread
Another angry Mod sticks to his untenable line of reasoning and re-locks it
Users continue to point out that Mods are clearly abusing their powers, and that the lock is 100% unjustifiable
Mods continue to point out that they don't really care what the guidelines say, and that they will just lock whatever they feel like, then ignore any complaints that they're inventing rules on the fly.
Users attempt to point out to mods why this is clearly a gross abuse of their position and utterly counter-productive
Mods try to ignore the complaints away because they've run out of new ways to dodge difficult questions
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".