by Votanic on Tue May 21, 2024 8:02 pm
The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, more commonly known as the Shakers, were a people set apart, far too good for this vile, tainted world. Through Divine knowledge, given by God's grace, they saw that sexual union is a foul and repugnant sin (which it indeed is) and that its consummation leads to the sad continuation of all other sins. Eventually the Shakers shut their doors to new members of any kind upon discovery that later generations were far too gone, lost forever to the materialist clutches of Satan.
Yes, the Shakers are no longer here and the evils of this world can no longer touch them, for they are with GOD and dwell in his house FOREVER!
Advertisement be yet another form of sinful procreation, and one that shall do naught but send the noisome stench of Satan's pestilence into these pure and cloistered walls of God's virtual fortress. Any despicable lucre received will not bewworth even the fading vision of all that would be lost. I beg of thee brethen, do not let thyselves be lured into the temptation of mass-marketing. Instead, stand steadfast upon the bedrock of unbending rightousness. ...and when the last stalwart guardian does finally surrender this mortal coil, passing on to Greater Glories beyond mortal imagining, know in full Truth, that this mere wretched world of disease and damnation shall never again, nay not ever, see the likes of such angelic titans of virtue.