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is this normal in conquer club>?

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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:20 pm

Rasberry wrote:so if you check my last game played please I invite to tell me where I went wrong what I said wrong I took the advice of a person who said don't chat which I didn't

I remained quite while all players screamed and yelled at each other

I am open to suggestions

Saying "my last game" means nothing. Do you think people are going to look through all your games to see which one ended most recently? If you want people to look at a game, provide a link.

In any case, ratings you receive don't get posted until the game is archived, which is about 5 days after they end, so if you've changed your policy it will take at least five days before it starts to have an effect. Patience, grasshopper.
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby BrutalBob on Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:17 pm

Dukasaur if you've changed your policy.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby BoganGod on Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:36 pm

Rasberry wrote:so if you check my last game played please I invite to tell me where I went wrong what I said wrong I took the advice of a person who said don't chat which I didn't

I remained quite while all players screamed and yelled at each other

I am open to suggestions

Remained quite the hypocrite? Remained quite lukewarm? Remained quite ambivalent?
I would suggest not playing three player games ever, not posting threads like this that with a bit of simple reading make you look like a little bit of a two faced arsehat. Either you think you're a lot smarter than the average forum user, or you have no concept of how much time people are prepared to waste on the interwebs. Posting woe is me, the bad folks are being mean to me threads is one thing. However when you are being a gobby little tool bag, mouth defecating in chat. Makes it hard to have sympathy. Play, say, or do both. Just don't be a princess when people rate and say things back.
FYI is spelt quiet.
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby riskllama on Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:47 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
was wondering when someone was gonna say something... 8-)
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:54 am

I've said worse things and will continue to do so.
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby BrutalBob on Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:48 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:I've said worse things and will continue to do so.

Yes, but not to everyone!
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby DP_Danno on Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:27 pm

Raspberry, there is a small contingent here that are abusive and the moderators are useless and do nothing even when it gets downright nasty. The FOE button s the best way to block those few. It doesn't take long to make sure those few don't get into your games and then your games are much more civil.

Also, don't worry about ratings. That way when you do run up upon an asshole, you can blitz him and make him even more pissed and not worry about losing the game. That behaviour teaches them not to get so bent out of shape or they eventually fade away from CC.

One of the best parts about this game is that it is like global war. There are crazy people and there are strategic people and you have to deal with each and those in between differently to be successful.
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby nietzsche on Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:42 pm

I bet my left nut this guy is a multi.

It just can't be proven I guess.

but yeah, for sure he's a multi. He plays everything flatrate, then he plays an esc game, the obvious would be that he'd made a gameplay mistake for playing mostly flatrate, but he doesn't, he's remained stoic, waiting for another's mistake.

And he's not a nice guy in chat either, uses many of the techniques like saying he's going to deadbeat, complaining that only he's being attacked, trying to get others to like him, etc.

and I might be mistaken.. but i think he's using bob? what new user uses bob?
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby BoganGod on Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:50 pm

nietzsche wrote:I bet my left nut this guy is a multi.

It just can't be proven I guess.

but yeah, for sure he's a multi. He plays everything flatrate, then he plays an esc game, the obvious would be that he'd made a gameplay mistake for playing mostly flatrate, but he doesn't, he's remained stoic, waiting for another's mistake.

And he's not a nice guy in chat either, uses many of the techniques like saying he's going to deadbeat, complaining that only he's being attacked, trying to get others to like him, etc.

and I might be mistaken.. but i think he's using bob? what new user uses bob?

Also having the sense to STFU after I called him on his hypocrisy and bs. Suddenly thought maybe a lower profile might be smarter, maybe remembered had something to hide? Not that the site cares about multis, loves them in fact, another opportunity to get more money out of the one person if managed right.
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby Rasberry on Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:10 pm

yes ofourse everyone who is good at this game is a multi same ole cc idiots crying cause they cant win a game for the life of them

I'm well used to this place now !

buncha grown men crying about getting the short end of the stick .

in the end we get assimilated to the garbage that goes on here and you end up learning how to take it with agrain of salt

or you can hang out in global chat bashing each other with insults and bragg about your drinking and drug use

well done m8tes

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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:49 pm

Rasberry wrote:yes ofourse everyone who is good at this game is a multi same ole cc idiots crying cause they cant win a game for the life of them

Same old. Curious phrase that one for a new user....
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby nietzsche on Sun Aug 07, 2016 6:57 pm


and what about bob?
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:52 pm

nietzsche wrote:lol

and what about bob?

Some people consider it the funniest movie ever made.
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby Silly Knig-it on Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:43 am

I do look at the evaluations in the following way. If you have a 3.2 and have played 16 games, I ignore it. If you have a 3.2 and have played 2000 games, I probably don't want to play with you because it is really hard to get that low a ranking. Really hard. You have to be a ______, to get there.

The most important part of the ratings to me, if I am looking to invite you in to a group, clan, social club, etc. is what ratings did you give to others and what kind of comments did you leave.

The other useful part of ratings can be to look at who flamed you. Stick them on your foe list and don't see them again.

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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby Sey69 on Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:25 am

don't worry about ratings, rank, anyone's comments (ignore the negative, acknowledge the positive). after a few thousand games, you'll see what jdsizzleslice & IcePack said is correct. It's gonna take you a looong time but, keep playing games, having fun, and if you wanna learn some new maps, I'd suggest you try some team games. I'll consult some of the regulars I team up with, see what they think about it if you'd like.

P.S. also grow thicker skin if you can, it helps. heheh.

I've actually lost sleep over a couple of games! lol.

Now, I see how flipping ridiculous that is. These are only games, mostly with people I don't know in real life. Soon as I'm not having any fun here, I'm GONE dude!

(been here 6+ years now)

don't let the negatives preclude you from experiencing the positives. :D
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:36 am

WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
Rasberry wrote:yes ofourse everyone who is good at this game is a multi same ole cc idiots crying cause they cant win a game for the life of them

Same old. Curious phrase that one for a new user....
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby BoganGod on Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:51 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
Rasberry wrote:yes ofourse everyone who is good at this game is a multi same ole cc idiots crying cause they cant win a game for the life of them

Same old. Curious phrase that one for a new user....

The contempt borne from familiarity is strong in this "new user"....
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:46 am

Was looking for something... I dunno, maybe the meaning of life...

Typed my name in the search engine... this pops up...

I have no clue what made me think this lady was a multi, but within two seconds of looking at this forum post i can tell you this is a multi...

who the f*ck jumps on the forum within a week (disregard the red flag amount of games) and says "hey what's up with the blah blah blah on CC"... i mean who the f*ck calls it CC...

who the f*ck after a week gives a shit enough to go to the forums and read enough to know that its referred to as CC to its members, and yet doesn't read enough to know that people like to be miserable to each other....

I don't buy it... so without going back to even investigate the game from which i was quoted and during which i was clearly on the hooch, i agree with my statement that she paid money for a new account thinking that she would get this great win percentage, and it didn't work out like she thought it would... and now she's awful to people and they leave her bad ratings...

I been playing risk online since '95 and it took me 2 months to give a shit enough to remember to take my turn here...

"cc"... charlie sheen is rolling over in his grave at this embarrassing display
Last edited by KraphtOne on Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby KraphtOne on Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:49 am


See what I did there? Called him a she... Consida yaself trolled, multi!

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Re: is this normal in conquer club>?

Postby owenshooter on Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:35 pm

KraphtOne wrote:P.S.

See what I did there? Called him a she... Consida yaself trolled, multi!

Sincerely, Krapht "the king of cheap heat" One

where you been, Boo?!!! miss you!!! the black jesus has spoken...-Bj
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