The mob is probably right in this case.
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demonfork wrote:I got this meal for about $3 last month when I went to China... Granted it's prob dog & cat, even so it's still a bargain...
ConfederateSS wrote:-----I'd let St.Paul handle it..."MANY MAY RUN IN THE RACE. BUT ONLY ONE RECEIVES THE PRIZE."ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)...
MudPuppy wrote:While I would've preferred he state his case without the flames, he clearly deserves the semi-final prize, imo. I see no rules stating a lapse in premium membership would result in a drop in standing or a forfeiture of any prizes that would have otherwise been awarded had the player remained a premium member. As a freemium, he shouldn't have been able to advance to the finals had he won his semi-final match... but his new freemium status shouldn't negate his accomplishment or the prizes associated with that accomplishment. GC was a semi-finalist in good standing and prizes for semi-finalists include 2000 credits and a Bronze Champion Trophy.... there are no caveats in the rules as I read them that would exclude him from these prizes.
I think the prize should be awarded regardless but another consideration is many of these Championship tourneys experienced significant delays beyond just waiting for games to finish. I don't recall how big of a factor that was for the 1v1 tourney but I suspect, had these delays not occurred, the tourney may have been completed before GC's premium expired.
I If I were in general cod's position, I'd feel cheated too... but I'd also not resort to the bashing of TOs striving to make CC more enjoyable for all. He has a right to be upset but the flames are excessive.
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.
shit was badass
general cod wrote:Just one more thing - isn't it strange how they havent been here to present their case ?! Guilty as charged.
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