colton24 wrote:owenshooter wrote: You bigoted little piece of flem. You provincial piece of dried up dung.
it is only funny if they are real, colton...-0
p.s.- herpes won with those "nshooter" posts... classic!!!
Moderator: Community Team
colton24 wrote:owenshooter wrote: You bigoted little piece of flem. You provincial piece of dried up dung.
Timminz wrote:ronc8649 wrote:was that kiddicus maximus that called him nshooter?
or am i thinking of someone else?
Wasn't it Reminisco?
colton24 wrote:owenshooter wrote: You bigoted little piece of flem. You provincial piece of dried up dung.
owenshooter wrote:you're the greatest person on conquer club, john... keep being amazing!! -0
natty_dread wrote:Do ponies have sex?
(proud member of the Occasionally Wrongly Banned)Army of GOD wrote:the term heterosexual is offensive. I prefer to be called "normal"
john9blue wrote:owenshooter wrote:you're the greatest person on conquer club, john... keep being amazing!! -0
owenshooter wrote:i am sure there are better ones... timminz, i'm looking at you!!-0
nagerous wrote:you get even more when you are on his or 5 or 6 person mailing list when he finds something on the forums that peaks his interest and he has to share, like this thread for instance.
owenshooter wrote:so, i was banned for zilch... and the bandits awoke to a fresh topic in the forum started by an admin... yeah, they NEVER go into user group forums... ahem...Twill wrote:Soooo, owen finally gets his wish - twill comes a-trollin in bpb
I've heard a lot of grumbling recently coming from this corner of the world and wanted to have a quick chat about it so that we don't start going at eachother in a pissing contest. You guys are a formidable force, and you could wreak havoc if you wanted...but then we'd have to start issuing bans and it would end up in a vicious cycle that neither of us want.
Sooooooooooo, here's the deal.
My understanding (from owen's often long and winding rants over skype) is that you guys think we're making the GD et all 'stale' and the "nazi mod" argument has finally been fallen back on.
Let me just clarify - we're not trying to clamp down on "fun", quite the opposite, we'd love to see more people enjoy their time here as much as you guys do and take it "as a game" rather than "the be all and end all of a sad and lonely life" (wait, that one is me....). What we're trying to do is to stop threads from going wildly off topic, even when they are done.
a lot of times, especially since the bpb has become popular, we've seen a lot of threads become secondary to what you guys decide it should be.
If it's a thread on the dice, someone will make a comment about a user and it becomes a thread on that user rather than on dice.
If a thread is asking a question and that question gets answered, someone often comes in and takes it somewhere completely different.
For us, this has a lot of consequences - it makes it more difficult to decide where a thread should go, to find information when it is needed, to lock topics that are on 5 different subjects and to keep threads going in directions that are useful and meaningful. It makes moding very difficult.
We generally let the community decide where things are going and don't censor anything. Man, we followed "forum best practices" half the threads on this site would disappear and I've had other CM's berate me on it
Anyhoo, I've kinda lost my train of thought here.
Basically, all I wanted to say was:
Have your fun, but have fun within the bounds of a topic. Commenting on posters, or taking a topic off track makes life a lot harder for us as mods and if anything will force us to put in more strict and clear cut rules to deal with it - which will cut down on fun for everyone.
If you guys can self-regulate, it will help us to keep from doing that.
I'm not much of a "rules" person. So help me keep them out of CC and stay on topic in threads. Make jokes, have fun, but don't take a thread off topic. If you see someone else comment off topic, follow up in PM or start a new thread and link to it in the original thread, just let that thread run its course and live or die on its own merit.
OK, I go now. I'm off for the weekend, so I probably wont reply for a while
squishyg wrote:I haven't been hoarding an -o pm collection, but he did send me some genuinely sweet pms when I gave birth to my daughter. Which was juxtaposed with him busting my balls (or ovaries, rather) on GD on the same topic.
owen's parenting advice was really helpful! better than Dr. Spock for getting a baby to sleep at night.
notyou2 wrote:squishyg wrote:I haven't been hoarding an -o pm collection, but he did send me some genuinely sweet pms when I gave birth to my daughter. Which was juxtaposed with him busting my balls (or ovaries, rather) on GD on the same topic.
owen's parenting advice was really helpful! better than Dr. Spock for getting a baby to sleep at night.
Does it involve rum????
owenshooter wrote:every single time i open my box, i have fucking green all over it and i get terrified!-0
Timminz wrote:The end of an era?
owenshooter wrote:word... i'm just happy posting in the bandit forum... not interested in being baited into another quick 6 month ban or having ANOTHER rule created out of thin air to Krystal Nacht me again... andy and OP are being cool, but i just really am not that interested in the forums anymore, at least not posting right now... i'm still hanging out in live chat and talking to the same people from CC i have always talked to on various chat engines. plus, there is enough fun in the bandit forum... not even sure if i'm going to remain a bandit anymore... for now i'm just going to keep playing my games and doing what i've been doing... love your tits!!!-0
owenshooter wrote:i had pm'd him about his ridiculous comment too... he is a suggestion forum moderator and thinks he is an admin/global mod. the influx of all the new mods that are essentially the nice trolls that have been in the forums for the past 6 months is sad. they don't know the rules, they break more rules than they enforce, and they are now given carte blanche to troll/spam... i think this is a bad decision...-0
Subject: Bring Back Flame WarsBones2484 wrote:JoshyBoy wrote:Lockerbots, roll out.
That saying made much more sense when:
1. Optimus Prime said it referring to the Transformers.
2. The topic was actually able to be locked by the person saying it.
owenshooter wrote:lord voldemort wrote:lmao...i only want a challenge to pull your heads in is all...reognise your place
lord vegimite...
we are a social clan that has made the finals of the CLA... the CLA never even invited us to the table when it was formed and we had to be put on trial as to whether or not we were even a competitive clan. regardless of being the most kick ass clan CC has ever seen, it was somehow still in question. i am sure that you and your fan boys would love to go toe to toe with the bandits, but it just isn't going to happen by your attempts at goading me into one. again, contact Lord Fruitcake at the appropriate CC box, and he can fill you in on all the paperwork/requirements, etc, needed to be put into the Bandits que. as of now, which i have clearly stated, we are too busy preparing for the CLA finals to deal with all the riff raff that did not make the CLA final cut. i wish you and your brethren the best of luck in the future and i truly do hope to face you in a clan war someday. however, lord vegimite, that day is not today, it is not tomorrow, and with the length of the cue rapidly approaching the length of nag's cock, it may not even be within the foreseeable future (notice how i did not use my cock as a reference point, because that would pretty much make any foreseeable challenge a mute point... you can't wait out the black anaconda, my lad!!!)... again, contact Lord Fruitcake, and he will get you the proper forms and legalities to fill out. we are very cautious about covering ourselves so we don't end up paying off widows as we did in our first challenge... have a wonderful day, and i look forward to teaming with you in some more games soon. oh, and one more thing... the black jesus loves you, my son...-the black jesus
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