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This sucks.

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Re: This sucks.

Postby Army of GOD on Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:45 pm

I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: This sucks.

Postby owenshooter on Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:22 pm

Army of GOD wrote:I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore

what does MOD EDIT or MOD EDIT have to do with this?-Jésus noir
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Re: This sucks.

Postby Compound on Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:01 am

Army of GOD wrote:I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore

Maybe a whore trophy?
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Re: This sucks.

Postby ConfederateSS on Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:57 am

-------THIS IS THE 10th ann. of Conquer Club....Not to take anything away from the other 2 threads...Or steal their Glory...Even though this looks to be the oldest(complaint) thread. People are starting to get jealous...Great job Compound...For the bump...If they will not sticky it...I'LL KEEP POSTING ...WHY? BECAUSE IT IS THE OLDEST COMPLAINT THREAD.WITH A NAME THAT TELLS IT LIKE IT IS... ON CONQUER CLUB...SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE FOR FRONT...ONCE AGAIN...NICE JOB Compound... =D> =D> =D>
-------Posters....Post you Complaints from now on in "This sucks" =D> =D> =D> ...
-------Don't worry haters...THE LONGEST RUNNING THREAD in the OT...Still counts as the longest running thread. ....Is C.C. Declining in the GD...Is still KOOL... 8-) 8-) 8-) ...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D ....
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Re: This sucks.

Postby Compound on Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:21 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:-------THIS IS THE 10th ann. of Conquer Club....Not to take anything away from the other 2 threads...Or steal their Glory...Even though this looks to be the oldest(complaint) thread. People are starting to get jealous...Great job Compound...For the bump...If they will not sticky it...I'LL KEEP POSTING ...WHY? BECAUSE IT IS THE OLDEST COMPLAINT THREAD.WITH A NAME THAT TELLS IT LIKE IT IS... ON CONQUER CLUB...SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE FOR FRONT...ONCE AGAIN...NICE JOB Compound... =D> =D> =D>
-------Posters....Post you Complaints from now on in "This sucks" =D> =D> =D> ...
-------Don't worry haters...THE LONGEST RUNNING THREAD in the OT...Still counts as the longest running thread. ....Is C.C. Declining in the GD...Is still KOOL... 8-) 8-) 8-) ...ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D ....

I agree strongly with this post. :D
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Re: This sucks.

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Feb 27, 2016 3:42 am

-------When people delay games on purpose...Missing turns...Taking 23hrs and take their turn,then let the time run out...The High Command ....does their usual NOTHING. ;) ....SURPRISE.... :lol: ....ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). :D
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Re: This sucks.

Postby 2dimes on Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:16 am

TeeGee wrote:
Serbia wrote:
Out of curiosity, why should necro-bumping be so frowned upon? Is it really that heinous a crime? Asking for a friend.


I wish I had an answer, even a bad answer, but I don't

A long time ago some ancient mod decided to make a rule that necrobumping was bad, as bad a porn.. and so it was

I think it was a way to make it easier to punish the occasional members who would stay up late and bump the last two to four pages, making them the first when everyone would wake up.

Just make necro bumping an offense and if there was fifty to one hundred necro bumps one morning.. Forum vacation.
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Re: This sucks.

Postby owenshooter on Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:01 pm

2dimes wrote:Just make necro bumping an offense and if there was fifty to one hundred necro bumps one morning.. Forum vacation.

Community Guidelines wrote:The following list is a set of guidelines to avoid being annoying. It is not 100% comprehensive, but please read this carefully to ensure you don't accidentally breach the guidelines:

Necrobumping (bringing dead forum topics back to life) if no new meaningful content is being added.

yeah, that is an awesome idea... oh, it already is... my bad!!!-Jésus noir
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Re: This sucks.

Postby 2dimes on Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:16 am

I was not suggesting it. The word "was" is there to indicate the past tense, as in, when "some ancient mod" did it.

So how about you fa-*COUGH*
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Re: This sucks.

Postby owenshooter on Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:44 am

2dimes wrote:I was not suggesting it. The word "was" is there to indicate the past tense, as in, when "some ancient mod" did it.

So how about you fa-*COUGH*

you edited your post...-Jésus noir
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Re: This sucks.

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:14 am

owenshooter wrote:
2dimes wrote:I was not suggesting it. The word "was" is there to indicate the past tense, as in, when "some ancient mod" did it.

So how about you fa-*COUGH*

you edited your post...-Jésus noir

No he didnt
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Postby 2dimes on Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:52 am

Someone must have hacked my account.
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Re: Lightly Sucks

Postby owenshooter on Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:56 am

2dimes wrote:Someone must have hacked my account.

i think i found it!!! i have it narrowed!!! in the intro, they clearly say, "take down gaming servers." i apologize, i now realize your account was hacked.

the black jesus has filed an e-ticket on your behalf...-Jésus noir
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Re: This sucks.

Postby 2dimes on Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:36 pm

The Phreak is lead suspect.
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Re: This sucks.

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:22 pm

owenshooter wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore

what does MOD EDIT or MOD EDIT have to do with this?-Jésus noir

I don't know what your problem is, but I am leaving this to team leaders to drop you an infraction as they see fit. You have no right to say that about me or any other woman on this site.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: This sucks.

Postby riskllama on Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:38 pm

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Re: This sucks.

Postby fishydance on Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:06 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore

what does MOD EDIT or MOD EDIT have to do with this?-Jésus noir

I don't know what your problem is, but I am leaving this to team leaders to drop you an infraction as they see fit. You have no right to say that about me or any other woman on this site.

It's little wonder women are not inclined to hang out here.
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Re: This sucks.

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:17 pm

fishydance wrote:
Shannon Apple wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore

what does MOD EDIT or MOD EDIT have to do with this?-Jésus noir

I don't know what your problem is, but I am leaving this to team leaders to drop you an infraction as they see fit. You have no right to say that about me or any other woman on this site.

It's little wonder women are not inclined to hang out here.

Because of my good looks and stunning charm?
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: This sucks.

Postby Serbia on Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:57 am

Dukasaur wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:I was always under the impression necro-bumping is okay if it's useful.


The offense of necrobumping is "reviving an old thread without adding any meaningful content." {emphasis mine} If you are adding something to it, or if you have any use for it, even just because you think the information needs to be reviewed, then it's not necrobumping, per the definition.

Bumping random old threads 'just because' used to be a pastime of bored spammers. It's just another way of spamming, which is why it is banned. Bumping for a valid reason is NOT in the same category.

This is nonsensical on many levels.
First off, the whole idea that some angry old guy (duk) is sitting at his Compaq 486 desktop deciding whether or not a comment represents "meaningful content" is hilarious. Each day plenty of new threads can be determined to be totally devoid of any "meaningful content".

Secondly, let's imagine a thread about the first season of Game of Thrones. First aired in April of 2011. People posted in this thread, but it died and drifted to the bottom. Now in 2016, a user searches for threads on GoT, finds this one, and writes simply "GoT is AWESOME!" This comment adds nothing to the discussion, and could be determined to be "meaningless". Although, had that comment been posted one day after the thread was created, it would be just as meaningless, but within the rules. Which is stupid.

You bring up bumping by bored spammers. Why not just have a rule that says "no spamming"? It's like saying "no cruelty to animals", and then a separate rule saying "no touching 3 year old male donkeys with a four foot long stick from an Ash tree greater than .25" in diameter". That rule doesn't specifically saying "beating" or "harming", and there might be a situation where it's perfectly fine, if your just prodding the donkey in the right direction without inflicting pain, yet it's on the books. Common sense man. I can start a couple idiotic threads tonight that are devoid of any intelligence, and be fine, probably won't even get a warning. If I necrobump, a warning will be my best result. That's stupid. If someone posts a throw away comment in 20 active threads, I doubt anyone will notice. If someone posts an on-topic, yet not really useful (again, decided by who?) comment on 20 old threads, they're facing a forum ban? Idiocy.

Moderating should be based on some sort of logic. I'm not blaming any individual here, just interested in the conversation.

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may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: This sucks.

Postby owenshooter on Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:30 am

Serbia wrote:Moderating should be based on some sort of logic. I'm not blaming any individual here, just interested in the conversation.


but do you remember when moderation was by the book that we were not allowed to see and that book varied from user to user?!! do you remember when moderation varied from moderator to moderator and they were ALWAYS correct? do you remember the nightmare moderators that created on this site? do you remember the self righteous imposing of others religious beliefs upon comments/thoughts expressed and even on non-pornagraphic posted images (they were offensive to certain moderators moral codes). do you remember threads being locked for questioning a mods ruling or members being banned for doing the same? the very lax attitude within the forums now, can be infuriating when you observe the simplest of moderation tasks being ignored or not enforced or absolutely freeing when a thread goes off topic and finds new life.

yes, there are oodles of issues with the new Jr. Mint's, but the overall air and attitude of the moderation within the fora is somewhat refreshing. the "IS CC DECLINING" thread would not have existed for as long as it has back in the old days. hell, they locked down the "GENERAL CONGRATS" thread on 3 separate occasions. i agree that the logic is somewhat lacking around here at times, look at the slack that Symmetry has been granted... however, the goose step moderation of the past is not something i wish to return to... yes, there is a sweet spot to be found in there... and i think every so often, the forums hit that sweet spot and then we all get giddy, turn into 12yr olds and take it too damn far, one way or the other, and we get butt hurt when they step in.

anyway, this is a very interesting conversation. i hope it continues along this line...-Jésus noir
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Re: This sucks.

Postby owenshooter on Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:08 am

Shannon Apple wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore

what does MOD EDIT or MOD EDIT have to do with this?-Jésus noir

I don't know what your problem is, but I am leaving this to team leaders to drop you an infraction as they see fit. You have no right to say that about me or any other woman on this site.

don't have a problem, didn't get an infraction... and give me a break. do you really think happy2seeyou, fwblb, clapper, squishy g and robinette would be in a clan with me (3 of them real life friends, by the way) if i had an issue with women?! whatever... sorry i offended... i should have known better... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: -BJ
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Re: This sucks.

Postby Army of GOD on Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:17 am

do any of them still exist?
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: This sucks.

Postby Serbia on Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:48 pm

owenshooter wrote:
Serbia wrote:Moderating should be based on some sort of logic. I'm not blaming any individual here, just interested in the conversation.


but do you remember when moderation was by the book that we were not allowed to see and that book varied from user to user?!! do you remember when moderation varied from moderator to moderator and they were ALWAYS correct? do you remember the nightmare moderators that created on this site? do you remember the self righteous imposing of others religious beliefs upon comments/thoughts expressed and even on non-pornagraphic posted images (they were offensive to certain moderators moral codes). do you remember threads being locked for questioning a mods ruling or members being banned for doing the same? the very lax attitude within the forums now, can be infuriating when you observe the simplest of moderation tasks being ignored or not enforced or absolutely freeing when a thread goes off topic and finds new life.

yes, there are oodles of issues with the new Jr. Mint's, but the overall air and attitude of the moderation within the fora is somewhat refreshing. the "IS CC DECLINING" thread would not have existed for as long as it has back in the old days. hell, they locked down the "GENERAL CONGRATS" thread on 3 separate occasions. i agree that the logic is somewhat lacking around here at times, look at the slack that Symmetry has been granted... however, the goose step moderation of the past is not something i wish to return to... yes, there is a sweet spot to be found in there... and i think every so often, the forums hit that sweet spot and then we all get giddy, turn into 12yr olds and take it too damn far, one way or the other, and we get butt hurt when they step in.

anyway, this is a very interesting conversation. i hope it continues along this line...-Jésus noir

No I definitely agree, and I remember those days well. The simplest thing back then would get you a forum ban. In fact, there were times I felt like McCringleberry after scoring a touchdown. The mods were there, just waiting, watching, and I couldn't help myself... I knew if I made one more post, I'd get a ban; said one more line, I'd be on that escalating scale... Yet just like McCringleberry, I couldn't stop.

saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: This sucks.

Postby owenshooter on Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:51 am

fishydance wrote:
Shannon Apple wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:I support necrobumps. I think Compound should be given a trophy and a whore

what does MOD EDIT or MOD EDIT have to do with this?-Jésus noir

I don't know what your problem is, but I am leaving this to team leaders to drop you an infraction as they see fit. You have no right to say that about me or any other woman on this site.

It's little wonder women are not inclined to hang out here.

except mrswdk isn't a woman, fact...-Bj
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Re: This sucks.

Postby owenshooter on Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:56 am

Serbia wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
Serbia wrote:Moderating should be based on some sort of logic. I'm not blaming any individual here, just interested in the conversation.


but do you remember when moderation was by the book that we were not allowed to see and that book varied from user to user?!! do you remember when moderation varied from moderator to moderator and they were ALWAYS correct? do you remember the nightmare moderators that created on this site? do you remember the self righteous imposing of others religious beliefs upon comments/thoughts expressed and even on non-pornagraphic posted images (they were offensive to certain moderators moral codes). do you remember threads being locked for questioning a mods ruling or members being banned for doing the same? the very lax attitude within the forums now, can be infuriating when you observe the simplest of moderation tasks being ignored or not enforced or absolutely freeing when a thread goes off topic and finds new life.

yes, there are oodles of issues with the new Jr. Mint's, but the overall air and attitude of the moderation within the fora is somewhat refreshing. the "IS CC DECLINING" thread would not have existed for as long as it has back in the old days. hell, they locked down the "GENERAL CONGRATS" thread on 3 separate occasions. i agree that the logic is somewhat lacking around here at times, look at the slack that Symmetry has been granted... however, the goose step moderation of the past is not something i wish to return to... yes, there is a sweet spot to be found in there... and i think every so often, the forums hit that sweet spot and then we all get giddy, turn into 12yr olds and take it too damn far, one way or the other, and we get butt hurt when they step in.

anyway, this is a very interesting conversation. i hope it continues along this line...-Jésus noir

No I definitely agree, and I remember those days well. The simplest thing back then would get you a forum ban. In fact, there were times I felt like McCringleberry after scoring a touchdown. The mods were there, just waiting, watching, and I couldn't help myself... I knew if I made one more post, I'd get a ban; said one more line, I'd be on that escalating scale... Yet just like McCringleberry, I couldn't stop.


oh, man... i remember those days... i would literally craft my posts to not break the rules, but to appear as if they did... then i would rely on a mod with a brain to bail me out... ha!!! the buttons were so big.. and just sitting right there... like the Easy Button!!

ahhhh, the good ol' days...-Bj
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