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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:20 pm

2dimes wrote:Most people who use the foe feature would just leave if they couldn't foe people.

I propose time limits to the foe feature

At certain time intervals the person would be unfoed and the person who issued the foe could then re-foe or maybe they could be matched in a game and at the end of that game, then the person who issued the foe-ing could re-foe then

Amends people. Can't we all just get along
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby 2dimes on Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:30 pm

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Re: Dear mods....

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:59 pm

2dimes wrote:Most people who use the foe feature would just leave if they couldn't foe people.

Exactly. It's your protection against assholes. Nobody has a right to tell you to stop using your foe list, just as nobody has a right to tell you to stop using condoms.

There's been a few occasions when one or more trolls on this site got me pissed off to the point that my blood pressure shot up to life-threatening levels, complete with the blurred vision, ataxia, dysphasia, etc. Foeing them was the only way I could carry on. I'm pretty sure I would have left the site years ago if it didn't have a foe function.

Sad but true, there are people out there who take delight in destroying your sanity. The foe function is your crucifix in the valley of the vampires. It is truly sacred to me.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby NomadPatriot on Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:05 pm

HitRed wrote:First time I saw "restraining orders" mentioned in CC. Quite amazing.

what,me worry? wrote:I'm concerned for the future of CC The longer one has been on CC, the more this would be an issue

what,me worry? joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:40 pm

it sounds like maybe you have pissed off a huge crowd of people over the past.. 13 years.. and you cannot join any games anymore because the people you pissed off have already joined the queue

maybe everyone fully understands Foeing.. maybe you don't realize you have pissed off so many people in 13 years...

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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:31 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:
HitRed wrote:First time I saw "restraining orders" mentioned in CC. Quite amazing.

what,me worry? wrote:I'm concerned for the future of CC The longer one has been on CC, the more this would be an issue

what,me worry? joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:40 pm

it sounds like maybe you have pissed off a huge crowd of people over the past.. 13 years.. and you cannot join any games anymore because the people you pissed off have already joined the queue

maybe everyone fully understands Foeing.. maybe you don't realize you have pissed off so many people in 13 years...


Should there not be an option for second chances after a cool off period?

If someone is being outrightly offensive, that sounds like temporary site ban

There are many reasons to foe people. Anything from the frivolous to the deserved

Example 1: Sally foe's Dave because Dave joined too many of her games while she's medal hunting without any explaination

Example 2: Sally foe's Dave for saying, " accept Jesus or go to hell" instead of using the mute chat box button

Example 3: Sally foe's Dave for suiciding or dead beating too many games. This should expire as people change and the behavior wasn't malicious

Example 4: Sally foe's Dave for proven collusion and multi-accounts

Example 5: Sally foe's Dave after Dave tries to extort money from Sally with nudes he found after hacking her email. This is a bannable offense and should be reported to the police
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:55 pm

what,me worry? wrote:Example 3: Sally foe's Dave for suiciding or dead beating too many games. This should expire as people change and the behavior wasn't malicious

Let's look at this example.

I personally couldn't care less if someone deadbeats a game (well, except in an Assassin game where it's pretty annoying, but still nothing to lose sleep over.) But some other people get very, very angry about it.

Who are you to judge how angry someone should be? If you deadbeat against me, I won't foe you at all. If you deadbeat against Sally, she might be forgiving and unfoe you in a few days. But if you deadbeat against Joe_the_Monster, he may be one of those who becomes positively apoplectic about deadbeats. Why should he not have the right to protect himself against your behaviour as long as he wants?

The foe button is a pure expression of freedom of choice. Someone can choose not to associate with you. Their reasons may be wise or stupid. Their reasons may be of catastrophic importance or they may be utterly frivolous. Ultimately, they are exactly that: their reasons, not mine or yours. Just as nobody questions why you went to Burger King instead of MacDonald's today, nobody questions why Joe_the_Monster doesn't want to play with you any more. It's his right to choose.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:26 pm

This is not a debate if freedom. This is a plea for rationality and sensibility

Humans are emotional animals

Emotions change and we are extremely forgetful

I propose piloting this idea as it will increase community

We'd send a notification of the following members being unfoe'd from your list. They'd have the option to recheck boxes if they like or auto-check all boxes

The trend would be, if we all start foe'ing each other, over the course of a decade, CC'ers would have less options to have workable tournies and clan shootouts, not to mention less options to play one another
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby 2dimes on Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:48 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
2dimes wrote:Most people who use the foe feature would just leave if they couldn't foe people.

Exactly. It's your protection against assholes. Nobody has a right to tell you to stop using your foe list, just as nobody has a right to tell you to stop using condoms.

There's been a few occasions when one or more trolls on this site got me pissed off to the point that my blood pressure shot up to life-threatening levels, complete with the blurred vision, ataxia, dysphasia, etc. Foeing them was the only way I could carry on. I'm pretty sure I would have left the site years ago if it didn't have a foe function.

Sad but true, there are people out there who take delight in destroying your sanity. The foe function is your crucifix in the valley of the vampires. It is truly sacred to me.

Wow. I would get someone to tell him I'm sorry it was supposed to be funny but just maybe we'll let him relax. Nobody should be forced to read my posts. Especially if it raises their blood pressure.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby nietzsche on Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:38 pm

he's fucking 98. everything raises his blood pressure. and to anyone that has to drink maxwell coffee every day life must be hell

life sucks so much for Duk that he enjoyed season 8 of game of thrones.

i don't know hwy he continues to be a mod, he's calling people retard and is at least partially causing the great decline.
el cartoncito mas triste del mundo
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby riskllama on Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:27 pm

foeing is for the weak, duk. embrace the CC assholes, it builds character
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:08 am

nietzsche wrote:he's fucking 98. everything raises his blood pressure. and to anyone that has to drink maxwell coffee every day life must be hell

life sucks so much for Duk that he enjoyed season 8 of game of thrones.

i don't know hwy he continues to be a mod, he's calling people retard and is at least partially causing the great decline.

*crosses arms* word.

I stand by the idea we should audit mods by having them take an IQ and EQ test so we know what we're dealing with
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby NomadPatriot on Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:35 am

what,me worry? wrote:The trend would be, if we all start foe'ing each other, over the course of a decade, CC'ers would have less options to have workable tournies and clan shootouts, not to mention less options to play one another

as I suggested earlier... -->
NomadPatriot wrote:it sounds like maybe you have pissed off a huge crowd of people over the past.. 13 years.. and you cannot join any games anymore because the people you pissed off have already joined the queue

WMW = Sad.

here are some legitimate Foeing reasons:

1) Dave foe's Sally because she is constantly accusing him of doing things.
2) Dave's friends foe Sally because they see how she treated Dave & they do not want to deal with her nonsense
3) Sally creates a forum topic insinuating the mods are low IQ and people do not like Sally for speaking down about people . so they foe her for that.
4) sally realizes she has pissed off a large section of the CC Community with her activities over the years and cannot play the games or engage in the tournaments she wants too because so many members have foed her. she whines and cries about it in the forums. annoying even more people .. who in turn foe her for simply being an annoying little bitch
5) Sally says she smells like carrots.. Justin hates carrots. so he foes her.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:34 am

NomadPatriot wrote:
what,me worry? wrote:The trend would be, if we all start foe'ing each other, over the course of a decade, CC'ers would have less options to have workable tournies and clan shootouts, not to mention less options to play one another

as I suggested earlier... -->
NomadPatriot wrote:it sounds like maybe you have pissed off a huge crowd of people over the past.. 13 years.. and you cannot join any games anymore because the people you pissed off have already joined the queue

WMW = Sad.

here are some legitimate Foeing reasons:

1) Dave foe's Sally because she is constantly accusing him of doing things.
2) Dave's friends foe Sally because they see how she treated Dave & they do not want to deal with her nonsense
3) Sally creates a forum topic insinuating the mods are low IQ and people do not like Sally for speaking down about people . so they foe her for that.
4) sally realizes she has pissed off a large section of the CC Community with her activities over the years and cannot play the games or engage in the tournaments she wants too because so many members have foed her. she whines and cries about it in the forums. annoying even more people .. who in turn foe her for simply being an annoying little bitch
5) Sally says she smells like carrots.. Justin hates carrots. so he foes her.

While I'm glad you're not affected by this issue, there is a population that is and it may grow which will cause harm to this site

If people truly would like to opt out against playing certain users, at the end of the day they can.

I'm not asking for freedom or the option to be taken away. I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby NomadPatriot on Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:19 am

what,me worry? wrote:If people truly would like to opt out against playing certain users, at the end of the day they can. I'm not asking for freedom or the option to be taken away. I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together

Re: How do you picture CC forum members?

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:40 am

what,me worry? wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:One day you'll be a legend man... just like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris!

reason people in California are lunatics.. they think the Columbine high school shooters are "Legends"... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I'm now building a time machine to influence your mother's misccariage

I shrugged at the birth of Stalin and Hitler. Take that in for a moment

you , are Sally....
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:17 am

NomadPatriot wrote:
what,me worry? wrote:If people truly would like to opt out against playing certain users, at the end of the day they can. I'm not asking for freedom or the option to be taken away. I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together

Re: How do you picture CC forum members?

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:40 am

what,me worry? wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:One day you'll be a legend man... just like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris!

reason people in California are lunatics.. they think the Columbine high school shooters are "Legends"... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I'm now building a time machine to influence your mother's misccariage

I shrugged at the birth of Stalin and Hitler. Take that in for a moment

you , are Sally....

We all are Sally

We all are Dave
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby jfm10 on Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:57 am

what,me worry? wrote:This is not a debate if freedom. This is a plea for rationality and sensibility

Humans are emotional animals

Emotions change and we are extremely forgetful

I propose piloting this idea as it will increase community

We'd send a notification of the following members being unfoe'd from your list. They'd have the option to recheck boxes if they like or auto-check all boxes

The trend would be, if we all start foe'ing each other, over the course of a decade, CC'ers would have less options to have workable tournies and clan shootouts, not to mention less options to play one another

For the conquer club tournies and clan games the foe feature doesn't work I believe.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby Keefie on Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:07 pm

jfm10 wrote:
what,me worry? wrote:This is not a debate if freedom. This is a plea for rationality and sensibility

Humans are emotional animals

Emotions change and we are extremely forgetful

I propose piloting this idea as it will increase community

We'd send a notification of the following members being unfoe'd from your list. They'd have the option to recheck boxes if they like or auto-check all boxes

The trend would be, if we all start foe'ing each other, over the course of a decade, CC'ers would have less options to have workable tournies and clan shootouts, not to mention less options to play one another

For the conquer club tournies and clan games the foe feature doesn't work I believe.

and add Tribes to that.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jun 26, 2019 1:50 pm

what,me worry? wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:
what,me worry? wrote:If people truly would like to opt out against playing certain users, at the end of the day they can. I'm not asking for freedom or the option to be taken away. I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together

Re: How do you picture CC forum members?

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:40 am

what,me worry? wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:One day you'll be a legend man... just like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris!

reason people in California are lunatics.. they think the Columbine high school shooters are "Legends"... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I'm now building a time machine to influence your mother's misccariage

I shrugged at the birth of Stalin and Hitler. Take that in for a moment

you , are Sally....

We all are Sally

We all are Dave

Dave's not here man
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:53 pm

2dimes wrote:Most people who use the foe feature would just leave if they couldn't foe people.

No, they wouldn't.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:17 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
2dimes wrote:Most people who use the foe feature would just leave if they couldn't foe people.

No, they wouldn't.

People like the Conquer-Crack too much
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby 2dimes on Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:10 am

Ok, most is probably wrong or an exaggeration.

Still, few people like Justin here.

How's that time machine going?
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby NomadPatriot on Thu Jun 27, 2019 8:10 am

WMW doesn't understand apparently his actions have consequences.

he comments on june 26th on a different thread about wanting to 'influence my mother's miscarriage".
39 minutes later he posts on this thread--> " I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together"

you can start WMW by not suggesting you would want their family members to go through something like the death of a child yet to be born..

I am not saying he has a mental disorder. but there is seriously something going on there. multiple personalities maybe.. or pyschosis ( I think it's Sally.... )
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby what,me worry? on Thu Jun 27, 2019 1:12 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:WMW doesn't understand apparently his actions have consequences.

he comments on june 26th on a different thread about wanting to 'influence my mother's miscarriage".
39 minutes later he posts on this thread--> " I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together"

you can start WMW by not suggesting you would want their family members to go through something like the death of a child yet to be born..

I am not saying he has a mental disorder. but there is seriously something going on there. multiple personalities maybe.. or pyschosis ( I think it's Sally.... )

And our village idiot has arrived. See?

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Re: Dear mods....

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Jun 27, 2019 2:15 pm

what,me worry? wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:WMW doesn't understand apparently his actions have consequences.

he comments on june 26th on a different thread about wanting to 'influence my mother's miscarriage".
39 minutes later he posts on this thread--> " I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together"

you can start WMW by not suggesting you would want their family members to go through something like the death of a child yet to be born..

I am not saying he has a mental disorder. but there is seriously something going on there. multiple personalities maybe.. or pyschosis ( I think it's Sally.... )

And our village idiot has arrived. See?


And that is a perfect example for using the FOE option.
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Re: Dear mods....

Postby NomadPatriot on Thu Jun 27, 2019 2:27 pm

what,me worry? wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:WMW doesn't understand apparently his actions have consequences.

he comments on june 26th on a different thread about wanting to 'influence my mother's miscarriage".
39 minutes later he posts on this thread--> " I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together"

you can start WMW by not suggesting you would want their family members to go through something like the death of a child yet to be born..

I am not saying he has a mental disorder. but there is seriously something going on there. multiple personalities maybe.. or pyschosis ( I think it's Sally.... )

And our village idiot has arrived. See?


your actually right about this WMW.. I did mess up the time frame..
you posted this at 6:24AM -->
what,me worry? wrote:I'm asking for the opportunity for the community to heal and come together

16 minutes later on another thread you post this -->
What,Me Worry? wrote:I'm now building a time machine to influence your mother's misccariage

I shrugged at the birth of Stalin and Hitler. Take that in for a moment

sorry I gave you that extra 23 minutes..
the 2 comments were not 39 minutes apart they were only 16 minutes apart..
my bad..
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