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Premium Membership- BTC

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Re: Premium Membership- BTC

Postby Gravityfailure on Mon Nov 06, 2017 7:52 pm

[/quote]Pot does count for profit whether there are those that approve of it or not, I'm rolling one up in a page of Genesis as we type. I see enough electric colored polyhedrons without LSD. I'm not going down that rabbit hole any time again soon, just look at the result. I'm a fucking mess!! However it seems as though you have your poop in a scoop and taking some chances in life that's what I believe it's all about. We win some we lose some and like our president says, "it's not whether you win or lose, it's whether you win". I take it you are a major Trump fan?[/quote]

Thank you King. I forgot to mention (for those who are not familiar with the coinmarket) that POT is a cryptocoin
Yes me too. I do not need to put that type of anesthesia in my life.
It's true , when my little daughter was born in 2008 I left journalism, music and put this game in the freezer to devote myself to her. I found a way to work without affecting my motherly side.
You know ... I could not hold an opinion on Trump if I did not even understand what the president of Argentina is doing !! Things that can only be understood from the idiocy side I guess...
And I don't think you are a mess haha!
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Sergeant 1st Class Gravityfailure
Posts: 43
Joined: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:10 am
Location: Uruguay


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