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Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:08 pm

Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:I like a good conspiracy theory, go on tell us more

Shut up Ice. Duk was decent enough to admit the obvious. A mod or admin with privileges 'mistakenly' deleted the forums.
And since you have all decided to unfairly protect him even from being identified, you all deserve a share of the guilt.

...and that does qualify as a conspiracy. A banal and stupid conspiracy, but a conspiracy all the same.

So it wasn't you that broke the forum and deleted everything? That's what I keep hearing

..and we both know that what you've been hearing about me is total bs.
You, on the other hand, are a mod... and a mod with an unfortunate history of being exceedingly draconian about forum chat.
Maybe you overstepped your bounds and got happy-happy with the 'delete' key? Did bigWham give you a private spanking, Icy? lol.

Oh thats right, I did fall asleep on the delete button that one night. But I'm fairly certain the big purge was you?
If by exceedingly draconian about forum chat you mean, enforcing the existing rules then ...Yes that would describe me generally speaking quite well

You're not funny, especially since your attempt at humor is really an attempt to deflect attention from your guilt.

I have no guilt from you breaking the forums.

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby BoganGod on Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:23 am

Someone just admit to giving Sore tooth their loggin details. Which one of you time poor, trust rich mods was it?
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby mrswdk on Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:13 am

tbf if I was going to assume any mod deleted most of the forums like a bumbling clod, I'd assume it was IcePack.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:02 am

Ever time I get blamed, Thorthoth will delete an extra forum

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby mrswdk on Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:10 am

Can Thorthoth delete Suggestions next? If ever there was a totally redundant forum it was that one.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:12 am

I'll Thorthoth will head there next

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:33 am


God, you're painful to read. Nothing irks me more than a bad troll. Gone are the days of Norse, Dancing Mustard, Rhondalino and the many other greats that have blessed this site, and it's been diluted to a guy who necro-bumps threads as a way to troll.
Here's the problem with you. While I despise Owen for obvious trolling and Sym is someone I can actually read because I enjoy the rage he induces in people, f*ck, even xtra provided some level of content, you have provided none, 0, nada, nilch, nil.
Of all the forms of trolling you resorted to it's been necro-bumping threads and acting like an idiot like "Oh I caused this inadvertently? Nooooooo! It was the mods!".

If it were up to me, I'd have banned you on the God damn spot, so I wouldn't have to put up with your mind numbingly horrible trolling. I've met children that are smarter than you. You come across as a guy that has an IQ matching the room temperature in Celsius. You suck, everything about you sucks, your life sucks, and I hope Miley Cyrus comes in butt naked on a wrecking ball, so she can take off your empty fucking head.
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saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby Thorthoth on Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:23 am

I'm not saying it was definitely IcePack, though he definitely deserves to be held in suspicion. Mets is another likely candidate.
If the mods all going to try to cover the guilty party's ass, they must be willing to leave their own exposed.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:42 am

Thorthoth wrote:I'm not saying it was definitely IcePack, though he definitely deserves to be held in suspicion. Mets is another likely candidate.
If the mods all going to try to cover the guilty party's ass, they must be willing to leave their own exposed.

Covering your ass is not a easy task.
Maybe it was deletion by committee, have you considered that?
All the necro bumping and it was decided we had to trim the fat


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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby Thorthoth on Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:21 am

IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:I'm not saying it was definitely IcePack, though he definitely deserves to be held in suspicion. Mets is another likely candidate.
If the mods all going to try to cover the guilty party's ass, they must be willing to leave their own exposed.

Covering your ass is not a easy task.
Maybe it was deletion by committee, have you considered that?
All the necro bumping and it was decided we had to trim the fat

Please, just can it, Icy.

That contradicts Duk's statement and furthermore, it doesn't make any sense.
The oldest unbumped threads were deleted. The ones that I, or anybody else, recently posted on were the ones that were saved.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:42 am

Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:I'm not saying it was definitely IcePack, though he definitely deserves to be held in suspicion. Mets is another likely candidate.
If the mods all going to try to cover the guilty party's ass, they must be willing to leave their own exposed.

Covering your ass is not a easy task.
Maybe it was deletion by committee, have you considered that?
All the necro bumping and it was decided we had to trim the fat

Please, just can it, Icy.

That contradicts Duk's statement and furthermore, it doesn't make any sense.
The oldest unbumped threads were deleted. The ones that I, or anybody else, recently posted on were the ones that were saved.

How do we know that Duk isn't in on the grand conspiracy and spreading misinformation?

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby Thorthoth on Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:57 am

IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:I'm not saying it was definitely IcePack, though he definitely deserves to be held in suspicion. Mets is another likely candidate.
If the mods all going to try to cover the guilty party's ass, they must be willing to leave their own exposed.

Covering your ass is not a easy task.
Maybe it was deletion by committee, have you considered that?
All the necro bumping and it was decided we had to trim the fat

Please, just can it, Icy.

That contradicts Duk's statement and furthermore, it doesn't make any sense.
The oldest unbumped threads were deleted. The ones that I, or anybody else, recently posted on were the ones that were saved.

How do we know that Duk isn't in on the grand conspiracy and spreading misinformation?

His story makes sense: Forums deleted in a misguided attempt to save money & server space.
Yours does not: Some older threads were updated, therefore we must delete a huge majority of forum.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:04 am

Stops the potential for future necro does it not?

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby Thorthoth on Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:07 am

IcePack wrote:Stops the potential for future necro does it not?

Only in the way cutting off your hands would stop these fatuous rebuttals.
It might seem appealing but it would be completely insane.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:16 am

Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:Stops the potential for future necro does it not?

Only in the way cutting off your hands would stop these fatuous rebuttals.
It might seem appealing but it would be completely insane.

If I stopped posting here I'd get bored and risk falling asleep on the delete button again. Save the forums! Don't like me get bored :shock:

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby mrswdk on Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:05 am

IcePack wrote:Don't like me get bored
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby TeeGee on Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:20 am

IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:Stops the potential for future necro does it not?

Only in the way cutting off your hands would stop these fatuous rebuttals.
It might seem appealing but it would be completely insane.

If I stopped posting here I'd get bored and risk falling asleep on the delete button again. Save the forums! Don't like me get bored :shock:

Who bored IcePack?
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby Thorthoth on Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:39 am

TeeGee wrote:
IcePack wrote:
Thorthoth wrote:
IcePack wrote:Stops the potential for future necro does it not?

Only in the way cutting off your hands would stop these fatuous rebuttals.
It might seem appealing but it would be completely insane.

If I stopped posting here I'd get bored and risk falling asleep on the delete button again. Save the forums! Don't like me get bored :shock:

Who bored IcePack?

Who deleted the forums?
The mads and admins are never going to be able to sidestep away from this basic level of accountability.
All of your reputations, and that of CC as a whole, is suffering due to this dishonest and secretive coverup.
People aren't that dumb. They don't need to know all of the details to know that something crooked is going down.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:44 am

The fact that you've been disingenuous about your role in it is crooked, fucking hypocrite.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby Thorthoth on Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:03 pm

DirtyDishSoap wrote:The fact that you've been disingenuous about your role in it is crooked, fucking hypocrite.

(sigh) Okay... One. More. Time.
I had nothing to do with the forum deletions, other than serendipitously managing to save some of the oldest threads from loss and destruction by a timely vivo-bump.

So lets have all the mod hooligans turn off the hate, and instead, they can start campaigning to give me a medal and a red star.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:54 pm

That's extremely boring, I'm losing interest....zZZzzZzZZzzzzZZz

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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby Thorthoth on Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:56 pm

IcePack wrote:That's extremely boring, I'm losing interest....zZZzzZzZZzzzzZZz

I don't believe you. Your non-interest and disinterest are both feigned.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:41 pm

Great news! The forum has been restored it appears! Search functionality is inoperable but that's, whatever. This is a major step and the community owes its thanks to BigWham (I think this is the webmaster), TeeGee, and Co.!


I do not have a secure connection this week but, as soon as I do, I am going to buy three years worth of premium to show my appreciation and everyone else should look for ways to show their appreciation.

We also need to discuss (a) what we can do to ensure there is a secondary deposit location for the phpBB database files of the forums as a nuclear redundancy [Club Crisis 2017 was actually good as a wake-up call about our laziness in proper archive protection], (b) if the existence of a massive backlog of forum posts is a major expense for this site as has been insinuated and what can be done to transfer the burden from the the webmaster who should not be expected to absorb a major expense for the benefit of a small minority of this site's users. Duk put something in my box about this but I've never really known who runs this site for certain as I don't really come to General Discussion (except for an occasional panty paid) so I can't action on it. Plus, there should be some type of directional consensus, probably, as opposed to my dictates.
Last edited by saxitoxin on Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Status of the forum recovery: real-time updates

Postby IcePack on Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:46 pm

Great job & Co.! :D

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