Weeee're back! Here at Conquer Club's First Annual Global Warming Celebrity Premium Fundraiser!!Alllright troops! Give yourselves a hand!! Some good stuff here, I see a lot of participation and genuine emotion from the audience too. Which we are just feeding off of backstage let me tell ya. The Wayans Brothers cried, like little girls who had won their first cheer compition, there for a minute when we had to go off-air because everyone was just being so invested. Truly moving. Wow. Just, wow. It's really good to see people care.
Well I for one am having a blast and I hope you all will stick around and continue to express your feelings about Global Warming along with everything detrimental that it does to our wonderful world. Like look at all of this race fueled seperatism alone it creates. Things are going bat shit crazy out in the streets because of this and for some people, well feign just captures, so they bide in the everyday idea of media conceived Helter Skkkleter.
Let's all keep in mind though that this is a live public broadcast and what we type can hurt and effect others. Meaning it's hard to make amends there after, okay and so you may very well be escorted off the premises. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, troops. There has already been 1 technical difficulty with 5 voice dub overs and we have barely gotten into this mug. That's a lot of uh ohs. So I ask you please, cool those tits.
Troops, it took some doing but yes we've made it past the first week without any police shootings or city wide purges and with that has to come some reward
ammirite!? We've got some exciting guests still to come and up next is the announcement of this weeks big time ultra mega lucky premium recipient!
Now this particular player has been trying to help the community grow since as long as I can renember and I renember quite a bit. That doesn't mean he's had the greatest success story and well some even consider him to be a fly in the ointment. Never the less he's poor and we shouldn't be hard on him, he's got enough of that just from being born how and where he is. I hate seeing him heckled because he can only afford a flip phone leaving him unable to play games/organize tournaments. I've played him before in the years past and he is a worthy adversary. I know a lot of you by now are probably saying,
"Shut up Herp' and give us your money"! Well okay then!!
This Weeks CC Poor Person Premium Winner!
SymmetryFor some people, money just doesn't materialize. Income flow is permenantly on a slow drip. That blows chunks for those people. However for demonfork and I that is not the case. For instance he just bought a lifetime subscription to an underground Swedish twink magazine. Didn't even blink at the tax.
Me, I bought all sorts of stupid shit today. An online liberal arts degree, a box of Keno slips, 29 pairs of EVISU jeans from Japan, a crust punk album, some piranhas, you name it a psychiatrist, etcetera. So how do we do it, our advice, you might ask? We give you only two words:
Get money.