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CC ghost town.

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby elfish_lad on Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:23 pm

Well. It's clear. In the words of the Gunsligner, "the world has moved on, speak ye true and thank ya."

It was super hard to feel included back when I joined because things were so tight on the forums and in clans. There was an elitism. When TOFU and its ilk rose up we were told we weren't as good as clans back "in the day." So THAT wasn't good enough. Now I come back and whine about things being dull. Meh. As usual? I'm an idiot.

Plenty of fun here. Just not as intense.

My gaming intensity is in Clash of Clans anyway.

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby t-o-m on Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:43 pm

I've had a similar experience to you elfish_lad in that I've been away for a couple of years and I've seen how this place has changed.

I like Conquer Club. Always have done. However I feel that the site hasn't moved with the times and has been somewhat eclipsed by the rise of smartphone and tablet gaming, and on the community side of things, php forums feel a bit less relevant nowadays. CC is the only forum that I look at, so maybe I'm also out of touch.

CC has always felt a bit stagnant to me. I'm happy with the way things are, sure, but we've never had a leader active developing the game/website/forums, trying to make this place better - (actively being the key word there). Most of us log in every day to take our turns and check the latest in the forums. We are active. The management never took an interest.
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby ConfederateSS on Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:57 pm

t-o-m wrote:I've had a similar experience to you elfish_lad in that I've been away for a couple of years and I've seen how this place has changed.

so maybe I'm also out of touch.

CC has always felt a bit stagnant to me. I'm happy with the way things are, sure, but we've never had a leader active developing the game/website/forums, trying to make this place better - (actively being the key word there). Most of us log in every day to take our turns and check the latest in the forums. We are active. The management never took an interest.

------Lack didn't really play...ElJefe...played... both had their own ideas.....Both of them treated their mods/vols...LIKE CRAP...So nothing could get done...
------I razz The High Command on it's moves...There is room for improvement...Most ideas are not liked...The casual players get forgotten...
------BUT I WILL SAY THIS ...YOU ARE WRONG WHEN YOU SAY WE DO NOT HAVE AN ACTIVE LEADER...Big "W".....IS VERY ACTIVE...PLAYS...,AND GETS ALONG WITH HIS MODS/VOLS...SO YOUR STATEMENT IS INVALID... :-$ ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D :D ...You might be out of touch with reality as well. ;)
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby JamesKer1 on Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:47 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:------BUT I WILL SAY THIS ...YOU ARE WRONG WHEN YOU SAY WE DO NOT HAVE AN ACTIVE LE..Big "W".....IS VERY ACTIVE...PLAYS...,AND GETS ALONG WITH HIS MODS/VOLS...SO YOUR STATEMENT IS INVALID... :-$ ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D :D ...You might be out of touch with reality as well. ;)

Speaking of being out of touch with reality, please don't comment on something you know absolutely nothing about. While it's good behind the scenes in our current state, it hasn't always been with bW (rocky start with some mods who are no longer with us) and there is absolutely no way for you to make any judgement call without this knowledge. Things are good now as everyone has acclimated, but I absolutely cannot stand that you made that comment.

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:17 am

JamesKer1 wrote:
ConfederateSS wrote:------BUT I WILL SAY THIS ...YOU ARE WRONG WHEN YOU SAY WE DO NOT HAVE AN ACTIVE LE..Big "W".....IS VERY ACTIVE...PLAYS...,AND GETS ALONG WITH HIS MODS/VOLS...SO YOUR STATEMENT IS INVALID... :-$ ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D :D ...You might be out of touch with reality as well. ;)

Speaking of being out of touch with reality, please don't comment on something you know absolutely nothing about. While it's good behind the scenes in our current state, it hasn't always been with bW (rocky start with some mods who are no longer with us) and there is absolutely no way for you to make any judgement call without this knowledge.

-------In the past The past 2 drove their mods/vols ...away....THEIR MODS/VOLS VOICED THEIR PROBLEMS WITH THE PREVIOUS 2 site owners....SO THERE IS A WAY...THE FORUM...Like you said some mods/vols left...BUT THE MAJORITY OF YOU WERE ABLE TO WORK WITH Big "W"...More than the others were with their owners....SO I CAN MAKE A CALL. I CALL 'EM....LIKE I SEE 'EM...THE PROOF IS WRITTEN IN THE FORUMS....YOU'RE MORE OUT OF TOUCH THAN TOM IS...ALTHOUGH YOU YOURSELF WENT AWAY FOR AWHILE... ;)
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby TeeGee on Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:54 am

I do what I can, I think I moderate the forums in a more relaxed way than any other forum mod before me.. If I am doing wrong let me know,
I am not so active now as i mentioned in another thread, but anyone can reach me at any time.

Flame Wars? well, I petitioned for its return 3 times.

Permabans?? we have old permabanned members returning and welcomed, all they need do is hit the help button and file a ticket to be reinstated.

Let me know what else i can do.. the forum is here for the members, not for mods/admin
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby ConfederateSS on Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:04 pm

------You don't have to hide in PM James...
------I have no love for The High Command....But I will give credit where credit is due. Big"W"...Is more active than any of the other owners...To say he is not... is`crazy... for the mods/vols....those you mentioned quit of their own free will. I doubt any were fired or asked to leave...Like mods/vols under the previous owners...I'm sure if they were fired ,the forums would have heard an ear full.
------Some of those you mentioned still work on the site...Two of them tried to impose their way in the forum. When they were called out. They couldn't take what they dished out and quit...of their own free will. Four of them never should have been mods/vols. Just how they acted ,their persona(off their meds.)'re so smart,you figure out who is who...I understand after people kept getting their way. When all of a sudden things changed. They chose to leave. Which happens everywhere ,when new owners come in,the old workers are left to deal with changes.
------When Big"W" first took over. He tried to be public in the forums. Received tons of backlash. Yes,before you say it. I myself could have contributed to some of that lash. I don't know exactly what the final straw was. That made Big"W" zip up his lips and stop communicating with the Community. Let the mods speak for him. Maybe some day he will return to speaking in public again. Big"W" and Most of the Mods/Vols on this site are Active and Helpful...So Tom's saying they do nothing, are inactive with the community was not fair...So keep speaking out against what I was trying to say. WHETHER I LIKE THEIR CHOICES OR NOT. THE MEMBERS OF THE HIGH COMMAND ARE ACTIVE MORE THAN THEY HAVE EVER BEEN. TRYING...TRYING TO TURN THINGS AROUND. THAT CAN'T BE TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM. :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). :D
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby owenshooter on Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:23 pm

i'll tell you what... this wouldn't even be a discussion had the CC wiki survived!!!

Subject: CC wiki

*cough*, *choke*, *cough*... sorry, almost killed myself with that bit of hilarity...-JĆ©sus noir

p.s.-and if you want to see a prime example of the issue with the current mods, here you go: Subject: Deleted the wiki... i know who the good ones are, and i pm them and let them know and support them with all my black jesus juju...
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:32 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:
t-o-m wrote:I've had a similar experience to you elfish_lad in that I've been away for a couple of years and I've seen how this place has changed.

so maybe I'm also out of touch.

CC has always felt a bit stagnant to me. I'm happy with the way things are, sure, but we've never had a leader active developing the game/website/forums, trying to make this place better - (actively being the key word there). Most of us log in every day to take our turns and check the latest in the forums. We are active. The management never took an interest.

------Lack didn't really play...ElJefe...played... both had their own ideas.....Both of them treated their mods/vols...LIKE CRAP...So nothing could get done...
------I razz The High Command on it's moves...There is room for improvement...Most ideas are not liked...The casual players get forgotten...
------BUT I WILL SAY THIS ...YOU ARE WRONG WHEN YOU SAY WE DO NOT HAVE AN ACTIVE LEADER...Big "W".....IS VERY ACTIVE...PLAYS...,AND GETS ALONG WITH HIS MODS/VOLS...SO YOUR STATEMENT IS INVALID... :-$ ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... :D :D :D :D ...You might be out of touch with reality as well. ;)

I'll put up a defense for Lack. I don't ever remember him treating me like crap. Granted, he wasn't very... translucent with what he was doing, but not once did I ever feel disrespected by him. I had a ton of respect for him, and especially KA. I always tried to model myself after him (I just don't think it's possible to replicate him).

El Jefe, well, he wasn't around long enough to get to know him, and I didn't mod long enough under BW to know him either.
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:17 pm

ConfederateSS wrote:-
------When Big"W" first took over. He tried to be public in the forums. Received tons of backlash. Yes,before you say it. I myself could have contributed to some of that lash. I don't know exactly what the final straw was. That made Big"W" zip up his lips and stop communicating with the Community. Let the mods speak for him. Maybe some day he will return to speaking in public again. Big"W" and Most of the Mods/Vols on this site are Active and Helpful...So Tom's saying they do nothing, are inactive with the community was not fair...So keep speaking out against what I was trying to say. WHETHER I LIKE THEIR CHOICES OR NOT. THE MEMBERS OF THE HIGH COMMAND ARE ACTIVE MORE THAN THEY HAVE EVER BEEN. TRYING...TRYING TO TURN THINGS AROUND. THAT CAN'T BE TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM. :D ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion). :D

I try to speak for BW as often as I can. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It does sometimes frustrate the hell out of me that he refuses to engage in the forums, but while I don't like it, I do understand it. Like you say, he really did try to be communicative in his early days, but the community took a big dump on his face and he withdrew. But it wasn't just hurt feelings, I think. A lot of it was straight up a dispassionate cost/benefit analysis. Engaging in the forums burns up a lot of time that is better spent programming and bug hunting, so his withdrawal from the forums was to a large degree a rational decision based on the costs and benefits of the various uses of his time.

Anyway, I'm glad you see it, and I'm not the only one.
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby owenshooter on Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:28 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Engaging in the forums burns up a lot of time that is better spent programming and bug hunting, so his withdrawal from the forums was to a large degree a rational decision based on the costs and benefits of the various uses of his time.

or just being a pussy...

JUST KIDDING!!! i totally get it... however, what i don't get is the absolute feeling of alienation he has left forum goers with. we are some of the most passionate and loyal members of this site. we may shit on it at times, but we love it. when lack wasn't around, we had Twill... after Twill left, we had some good global mods that were underneath Andy (no comment. he meant well)... now, we have no global mod, we don't have a "TWILL", we really don't have anyone as the face of CC in the forums, responding to members. look at the suggestion threads and the ideas in GD for the site... how cool if we had someone like a "TWILL" that we knew took the good shit to the top and bounced it off the dude. no offense, but there are only a handful of volunteers i respect and consider peers on this site, and i know how hard they work/try. but after seeing nothing for so long and not having a sign of life from the top, you start to wonder. maybe he should make another foray into the forums... we don't bite that hard...-JĆ©sus noir
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby Paddy The Cat on Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:40 am

owenshooter wrote:
or just being a pussy...


What's wrong with cats? :cry:
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby nippersean on Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:34 pm

elfish_lad wrote:...........As a former headmaster of grade schools............


Now this!!! Well you had me fooled with this "Lad" business I can tell ya.

I think a lot of the super keen players, players who probably would have searched for a game like this, maybe suffered burnout / divorce / old age or just realized it was time to stop letting an internet game site rule their life?

I agree with Owen that the forums have deteriorated, some would say that Owen is part of that problem though, or that most things discussed are re-runs of an old topic, or that they are a bit valueless, since nothing will get done anyhows.
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby happy2seeyou on Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:29 pm

owenshooter wrote:
the "Calming of the bigger and controversial occurrences", shows how far off the path this site is. give me back wicked, give me back the old clans that gave a f*ck and came to kill in clan wars, give me back the forum i was afraid to post in until i had been here for a month (took me almost a year to go to off topics/flame wars), give me back members so impassioned they recorded songs on youtube about the site/moderators, give me members making instructional or ad-ish videos about the site on youtube, give me mods faking their deaths and banning anyone that called bullshit on it, give me SOMETHING to show people are passionate about this site... the controversies kept this place going, like a shot of adrenalin!! how many old clan wars were started in the forums and finished with a battle and locked clan war thread? and if you don't want controversy, how about the time a former mod was ARRESTED IN ALASKA FOR STEALING THE INTERNET TO PLAY CC and it hit the AP Wires?!! he "stole" the freaking wireless internet, UNHEARD of back then and ridiculous today!! what about Happy2seeyou going to a risk convention and giving the nerds mega boners?!!! this place was the tits (no, happy, multiple children later, you still do not have boobs)... sigh... THE. GOOD. OLD. DAYS...

I agree with all of the above plus whatever I deleted out because Owen, unlike in real life, can go on forever. Except there's one thing in this paragraph that is no longer true. :-$
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby riskllama on Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:41 pm

the forums seem much deader than usual, of late...
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby IcePack on Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:53 pm

Who dun it?

Colonel Mustard, in the ballroom, with the lead pipe!

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby owenshooter on Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:06 pm

riskllama wrote:the forums seem much deader than usual, of late...

is prince here?-Bj

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby elfish_lad on Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:14 pm

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby owenshooter on Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:25 pm

what about doris roberts?!!

it's getting crowded in Ghost Town!!!-Bj
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby owenshooter on Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:27 pm

elfish_lad wrote:Wow.

i think i just saw Chyna!!! i can see Chyna from my kitchen window!@!!

the forums truly are a ghost town...-BJ

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby Keefie on Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:33 pm

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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby jgordon1111 on Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:48 pm

elfish_lad wrote:I was gone from CC for a couple of years. Woo. Hoo. Big deal. I know. Zero care there. I burned out and left. Phffft. There you do go.

However, coming back I never would have believed that I would come back to a ghost town. I know there are tonnes of players. Last night, while I was giving a generous hummer all night long to the unbelievably still whacky dice (he told me I done good) there were over 500 people logged on. Cool. Yay Big Whammer. Make that scratch buddy.

But what has happened? There is no newsletter. No serious clan banter. No big activity on the community message board. I still see seriously good players offering games but they are all silent.

What, in your opinion, has happened? I'm curious on your take.


Do you seriously want the players take or was this rhetorical, most were speaking out when lack was still in charge and even today on occasion they still speak on occasion much like u.s. politics the top doesn't seem to listen
And woe to those who do speak,because the same individuals always counter them and fight any change that doesn't agree with THEIR status here wether it be rank, clan or longevity and to put it to rest this was not a shot at mods,it is a shot at those who for above reasons who believe only they have a say
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Re: CC ghost town.

Postby IcePack on Fri Apr 22, 2016 6:44 pm

I think the top (aka admin) have been more receptive than ever to changing things on the site. While changes have slowed as we all expected, BW has changed quite a bit since he took over and the majority of those changes were long standing requests from members.

Everyone has a say or is able to suggest changes, but not everyone will agree and have equal ability to speak out against / for suggestions.

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