Dukasaur wrote:Yeah, I know. The point is, we're doing what we can, including what catnip suggested, of having new arrivals get a clear link to a game from their initial sign-in, instead of having to go through the Join game process. Even with that, something like 98% of new arrivals never take a single turn, and that's although we are doing what people are suggesting and leading them past the "confusing" menus and directly into a game. Whatever they're expecting when they sign up -- a laser light show, a rock'n'roll soundtrack, naked women, Orcs hitting each other with hammers, who knows -- they're not getting it from the simple, basic 2D game map and its "battle" without blood or the sounds of explosions.
I haven't played a guide game, and pay no attention to the log in screen (I just go right to what I want to do - games and clan), so I can't say personally if it is less confusing now than when I signed up a few years ago. I do know that I check out game sites that other people recommend, and my typical behavior is to find the site, glance briefly at the home page, and bring up the game. I want to see the game immediately, and be playing it immediately. I don't want to read about the rules, or options - I just want to see what the main game looks like. If it seems interesting, then I might look more closely at the details. But if I have to fuss at all, I'm out of there...
There are a lot of first person shooter games with all the sounds (
smells, someday!), and so on out there - they personally do not appeal to me at all. I like strategy. Just strategy - it's nice if the maps look pretty, but I want to figure out the strategy, and hope that the dice are not too annoyingly streaky. Maybe CC is struggling to find it's identity? I don't understand the additional non-risk games (apparently I can't even access them - went to look at the tic-tac-toe game that was mentioned here, and got hung) - the other site I mentioned has tons of "other" games on it, all pretty nicely implemented - CC is a specialty site, and I think it's fine to stay that way.
Do we know who actually stays on CC? What they actually like about the site? I don't regularly read the forums, so my apologies if this is already well understood. But it seems to me that this site is a niche site, and should not try to be everything to everybody. So making it look bloodthirsty and Orc-like, when it is not, would not lead to retention for bloody Orc kinds of players. How about getting the core message on the log in page? For me, the core message is that CC is NOT a bloody Orc site! I'll tolerate it (like I tolerated the terrible bot comments until I stopped reading them), but I only tolerate it because I know what lies underneath.
Maybe some kind of poll about what people look for in CC? NOT another knock down, drag out, unending series of posts about this tweak or that tweak, but more of a "core mission" kind of poll?
Hmmmmm.... Maybe a totally different approach? When you first hit the home page, you can instantly play a Classic standard speed game (one at a time), with bots, no log-in, no username, nothing at all to do except play instantly? And you can keep coming back, and play as often as you like, but just Classic speed with bots. Nothing else, no other settings, no other maps, no real humans, no userid/log-in. At least half of the home page is taken up with this free game, and when you click on it, you get it full screen, so you don't have any confusing options (and no ads!). Then once people have been able to casually play the free game, and they are used to it, and they are hungry for more, then they can sign up, wade through all the options, and whatnot.