owenshooter wrote:Condestável wrote:Extreme Ways wrote:Condestável wrote:I invite you to play a game with me and tell if I need advice,
You do.
I've won 47% of games.
You have won 42%.
What type of advice can you present me?
um... scoreboard? 2866 > 1312... much, much greater... i hate when people say shit about percentages, etc... hell, i have a 56% win ratio, means nothing to people that don't play team games... you have to take into account a lot of factors before you straight up try to compare your stats against another players stats... you kind of come off looking like a dolt with the statement you made... you should have taken him up on his offer, it might have gotten you out of the rank doldrums...-Jésus noir
Don't be a dolt yourself. He was being scornful and patronizing, to which I politely replied with a fact. And you are whiteknighting him and being even worse.
I get -5 to -20% (3.0 to 3.3 vs 3.6 to 3.7) in the dice rolls that matter against most people I've played with since I came back. And it was already like this when I left.
Read above, I already compared rolls with sites like
It's ridiculous.