iAmCaffeine wrote:That's better, but nowhere close to looking good from an aesthetics perspective. None of the dates are important in my opinion. I think the old game finder is still the best. The new one has potential, but its colour scheme makes it look like it doesn't belong on this website and the bugs need working out. It should also not show the options once the search is done.
This was just a rough mockup to show the possibility of having a list-based format with columns that could be hidden. It was not meant to be a representation of what it would look like when it was finished. Changing the color scheme, adding or removing columns, and putting the search and results on separate pages is the easy part if you start with a system that presents the data in a logical and customizable manner. It could also be possible to allow the user to re-order the columns, depending on how much effort they want to put into it.
The old Game Finder was useless to me because I wanted to easily find multiplayer games that were almost full, and there was no way to do that. The new one is even worse, because it's difficult to scan through, and the card format wastes a lot of screen space. I was trying to present something that would allow everyone to find games in the way that was most useful to them.