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The don

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The don

Postby Flanking You on Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:40 pm

I don't know how many have played donelladan, he is just not good but very helpful, IMHO my rank is bcos of him, there are only so many others that are nice and strategic. So since I'm giving a shout out, I will name them in order. 1- donelladan, great skill, and expertise, so smart its not fair, I thought I knew chess, 2- concrete, nice guy, loves his map but try if you dare!!!, 3- innyaface, great guy, funny, friendly, and yes, he too has his map, I dare you play him, 4- Emily wink, only teamed once but that's one bad b!!!!!!, I would not mess with her, 5 my clanmate Robert e lee772 , cool guy and knows ESC fog, same here, just doing this bcos sometimes you guys/ gal(hi em), are why people play, you make the game better!! If I ever make colonel, hats off
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Re: The don

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:43 pm

You named some cool people, props. In my opinion Don is the best all-round player on this site.
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Re: The don

Postby riskllama on Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:53 pm

helpful & polite AF, he is. his broken english is pretty cool, too... ;)
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Re: The don

Postby nietzsche on Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:08 pm

my broken english is best.

if i had to rank CC members's broken english and coolness, the list would be as follows, 1. nietzsche: his broken english is so-so but his coolness puts him on top; 2. qwert: his broken english is the best in all of CC, and he makes pretty maps too; 3. sekretar: good combination of broken english & coolness; 4.-1-1-3-: good broken english, good coolness, better name; 5. Flanking You: good broken english, makes good lists; 6. betiko: he's ok. 7. the rest.
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Postby 2dimes on Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:39 am

Where does Burn S end up? I mean he is not very cool but his broken English must be pretty up there, yes?
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Re: The don

Postby nietzsche on Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:40 am

7. the rest
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Re: The don

Postby betiko on Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:55 am

Yes, don is definitely one of the best all round player, not sure if the best... but maybe.
Josko: i think he is the best in strategy but not as good freestyler as don
Great ollie: i think he s a better freestyler than don, but not as good in strategy
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Re: The don

Postby Flanking You on Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:18 am

The best advice I ever got was from concrete, this is verbatim game chat I said a great loss is better than a lucky win. Concrete said, your thinking will take you far in this site. As for a teacher??? Don knows maps and turns . and he said making others good and loving the site makes better games and grows the site. BTW, I can will broken ingles some times future. But my tongue, is English, but dad from Sweden so I know not broken but English is OK. Today I study more ingles, but my turn is not forefront, bcos I see fog but read English. If snap is good, then battle. But bad snap so war later!! Haha, enjoy, thanks for responses. Most on this site are really cool people, I thought to give you thanks, and yes under 400 games, but I appreciate all the help. You guys make this site fun. Thank you all
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Re: The don

Postby Flanking You on Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:20 am

Well tarrawander and I have freestyle set up, join rosko, and others!!!!
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Re: The don

Postby fairman on Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:11 pm

Not sure that Don is so good ...
We had a lot of discussion before letting him the chance (I mean the honnor) to join our clan.
For sure his dices are but then ... be honest everyone know that it's easy to become a general ...
I got a proof of that I've been once for few days ...

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Re: The don

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:02 pm

betiko wrote:Yes, don is definitely one of the best all round player, not sure if the best... but maybe.
Josko: i think he is the best in strategy but not as good freestyler as don
Great ollie: i think he s a better freestyler than don, but not as good in strategy

For sure these are 3 of the best all-around players and it's really a discussion that wouldn't have a definite answer. I'd put Don #1 and Josko #2.
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Re: The don

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:34 pm

Until klobber was unfairly banned, he was probably the best.
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Re: The don

Postby IcePack on Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:35 pm

The Don Father

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Re: The don

Postby Arama86n on Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:58 pm

@OP: We are firmly in agreement [in regards to don]!

Just played a game with him recently. One game was more than enough for me to count him as one of the absolute best team-mates I've ever encountered, and a brilliant player.
Let's just say that I've played with enough absolute CC Legends to know a Grandmaster when I meet one.

Much respect.
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Re: The don

Postby iAmCaffeine on Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:15 pm

Arama86n wrote:Let's just say that I've played with enough absolute CC Legends to know a Grandmaster when I meet one.

Thanks mate.
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Re: The don

Postby MTIceman41 on Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:33 am

I love me some Don...especially discussing French vs California wine :D
Solid dude and very good player. He is up there with josko, fyrdraca, COF...many others that are very well rounded...we could list a top 25 of many from S&M, Fall, tofu, foed, osa, top, etc
We should do a CC all stars tourny that would be fun ;)
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Re: The don

Postby Arama86n on Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:22 am

MTIceman41 wrote:I love me some Don...especially discussing French vs California wine :D
Solid dude and very good player. He is up there with josko, fyrdraca, COF...many others that are very well rounded...we could list a top 25 of many from S&M, Fall, tofu, foed, osa, top, etc
We should do a CC all stars tourny that would be fun ;)

My mind always springs to the likes of Seulessliathan, Big Whiskey & Comic Boy from days of yore. Perhaps Master Fenrir.

One would really have to clearly define the criteria for inclusion in any such list though. Are we talking about an amazing player, or an amazing teammate, or both.
Chariot of Fire for example might not be THE best player on the site, but he is in my opinion one of the best, and THE best team-mate. Which overall makes him the greatest player I have ever teamed with.
I've played with superstar strategists that are rather poor teammates. And of course awesome teammates, that aren't that good strategists. :)
Hard to find that beautiful mix, and to get back on subject, Donelladan doubtlessly has bucket-loads of both.

MTIceman, I am not sure how long you have been around in KORT, perhaps not long enough to make you the best candidate to do so; But it would be very interesting to hear some old-time cows ponder over the 5-10 greatest players in the clan through the ages.
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Re: The don

Postby betiko on Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:29 am

The problem with don, is that he's like your wife... we've played so much with and against him that we don't apreciate his qualities anymore. Maybe it's time for him to move on!
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Re: The don

Postby MTIceman41 on Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:56 am

Arama86n wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:I love me some Don...especially discussing French vs California wine :D
Solid dude and very good player. He is up there with josko, fyrdraca, COF...many others that are very well rounded...we could list a top 25 of many from S&M, Fall, tofu, foed, osa, top, etc
We should do a CC all stars tourny that would be fun ;)

My mind always springs to the likes of Seulessliathan, Big Whiskey & Comic Boy from days of yore. Perhaps Master Fenrir.

One would really have to clearly define the criteria for inclusion in any such list though. Are we talking about an amazing player, or an amazing teammate, or both.
Chariot of Fire for example might not be THE best player on the site, but he is in my opinion one of the best, and THE best team-mate. Which overall makes him the greatest player I have ever teamed with.
I've played with superstar strategists that are rather poor teammates. And of course awesome teammates, that aren't that good strategists. :)
Hard to find that beautiful mix, and to get back on subject, Donelladan doubtlessly has bucket-loads of both.

MTIceman, I am not sure how long you have been around in KORT, perhaps not long enough to make you the best candidate to do so; But it would be very interesting to hear some old-time cows ponder over the 5-10 greatest players in the clan through the ages.

I was around back in the THOTA days...first clan was with MYTH...then took a break..I know the KORT guys' b/c I used to play against them...Master Fenrir was solid, Seul, Big whiskey yes...the THOTA boys were good, so were the IA, LOW, then came the TOFU, KORT...Empire had chephren and some others that were solid...that being said many good players now in other clans
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Re: The don

Postby betiko on Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:51 am

At the end of the day, we ve all had this conversation thousands of times.
I remember a post from laughing cavalier a few years ago.... And he emphocized on the "time in your hands" variable. It all comes down to that. Playing well, and mostly in team games require a lot of time. Some great players don't have the time.
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Re: The don

Postby josko.ri on Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:50 am

To give my 5 cents, I have positive head to head score (1v1, Poly and 2 sides Team games) versus all above mentioned players.
To highlight some...
42-29 (59.2%) vs Donelladan
28-11 (71.8%) vs Chariot of Fire
16-7 (69.6%) vs Kaskavel

Another interesting head to head score is versus all Conquerors together, my score in that case is 220-154 (58.8%).
There are 17 Conquerors that I have positive head to head score and 7 Conquerors with negative, the worst being jalijoo with 4-7 and thebest712 with 2-5.

My the toughest head to head opponent ever is ISN2, versus him I have leveled 49-49 score. He is also the player who I surpassed when became Conqueror for the first time ever with about 4250 points, it was that low at the time.
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Re: The don

Postby Flanking You on Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:27 am

Josko, we have freestyle game waiting if you know good players. I heard 113 is good, just a thought, up to you
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Re: The don

Postby josko.ri on Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:07 pm

Flanking You wrote:Josko, we have freestyle game waiting if you know good players. I heard 113 is good, just a thought, up to you

To all of you who question my Freestyle ability skills, just a reminder that I won the New Year Battle Royale event 2017 with 321 points, which is for comparison more than triple more points than winner of this year event djelebert, and more points that anyone ever did or will achieve in the New Year's event. What else need to be done to prove my Freestyle skills?

-1-1-3- was not even close to top in any of these events. And thanks for comparing me with -1-1-3-, just for your information I played 54 Freestyle Battle Royales versus him, and result is 8 wins for me and 7 wins for him, 39 wins by another player ;) ... vent_id=53

321 points - josko.ri 2017
237 points - Gabriel13 2015
110 points - djelebert 2018
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Re: The don

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:22 pm

In all seriousness, what you achieved in the event is obviously impressive, but in earlier years there were a lot more dedicated and skilled freestyle players than in 2017. The whole discussion is kinda pointless unless there was somehow a tournament of the best ever freestyle players.
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Re: The don

Postby josko.ri on Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:39 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:In all seriousness, what you achieved in the event is obviously impressive, but in earlier years there were a lot more dedicated and skilled freestyle players than in 2017. The whole discussion is kinda pointless unless there was somehow a tournament of the best ever freestyle players.

As shown above, in 2015 Gabriel13 who won the event scored almost 100 points less than me in 2017 ;)
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