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Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

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Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby King Engineer on Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:38 am

If I am playing a Flatrate or Escalating game, and intentionally don't end my turn to avoid getting a card/spoil for strategic reason, then is it legal or illegal?

This 'trick' can be extremely good strategic move in various different gameplays.

Also please tell if you consider it Legal, but 'dirty' trick.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby DiM on Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:45 am

King Engineer wrote:If I am playing a Flatrate or Escalating game, and intentionally don't end my turn to avoid getting a card/spoil for strategic reason, then is it legal or illegal?

This 'trick' can be extremely good strategic move in various different gameplays.

Also please tell if you consider it Legal, but 'dirty' trick.

it is perfectly legal.
some players frown upon the use of such a tactic while others don't.

it's most commonly encountered in nuclear spoils where if you get a card you'll be forced to cash a set you don't want to.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby chaos32679 on Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:55 am

King Engineer wrote:If I am playing a Flatrate or Escalating game, and intentionally don't end my turn to avoid getting a card/spoil for strategic reason, then is it legal or illegal?

This 'trick' can be extremely good strategic move in various different gameplays.

Also please tell if you consider it Legal, but 'dirty' trick.

its legal, but dirty imo. better strategy/planning and you can avoid this...

run into this all the time in nuke, drives me nuts...
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby JBlombier on Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:44 am

You'll only hear people here who will tell you it is either dirty or that you should use any means to win the game. I support the latter opinion, but I understand the dirtiness of it. If someone foes me for it, I find it kinda lame, but it's their right.

Anyway, it is legal. So you should use it, is my opinion.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Herbas on Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:46 am

This is just using a technical "loophole" for unfair advantage. I'm fairly sure that Lack didn't intend such thing while developing 1 hour timeout.
In real life game there would be no way to go "I made attacks and I WON'T take a card" route. You'd be just forced to take a card and that's it.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby betiko on Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:59 am

well in flat rate it's perfectly stupid to do it... unless it changes a lot the ballance and it will make people not to kill you in multi player games.
I wouldn't mind to see the coding changed for this.
don't want a spoil well don't attack. also in speed or freestyle, if you are slightly too slow it would avoid missing spoils when it's not your intention.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby comic boy on Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:22 am

Its legal but to my mind pretty low , would like to see a coding change to prevent it.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Crazy Frog on Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:44 pm

My biggest and only objection to it is that you are causing a delay of game for 55 or so minutes while your counter winds down... that is damn rude to the other players who are online for a limited time and are waiting for you to finish you move...
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby ooge on Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:04 pm

legal,I have done it all the time in nuke games,It is also legal to kill your teammate for his cards
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby agentcom on Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:03 pm

You should be warned that many players on this site adhere to certain unwritten rules and will foe and rate you accordingly if you violate them. Those rules include allowing your timer to run out to avoid a card, giving away certain information in fog games and intentionally missing turns.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby FamBonnet on Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:44 pm

As a new player, I would love it if someone wrote down these "unwritten rules".
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby DJPatrick on Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:56 am

It's a weak as piss ploy but quite legal...
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby SirSebstar on Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:57 am

FamBonnet wrote:As a new player, I would love it if someone wrote down these "unwritten rules".

I would love to help out here, however unwritten rules here mean unwritten peersonal preferances that change as they can see the advantage for themselves, or not...
My sincere advice to you would be to talk it over in gamechat, if you have questions about how nyou should act.
Just know, these epersonal preferances are not enforced. the unwritten rules (aka do not be an arse online) do get enforced if you make the abuse gross enough.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Viceroy63 on Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:56 pm

FamBonnet wrote:As a new player, I would love it if someone wrote down these "unwritten rules".

As far as I am concerned, one is either an honorable player or one is not. Honor to me is simply playing as you would like to see others playing with you. In a real game you would have to accept the card, no question about that. So how come we see a loophole and say, "Oh, I don't have to accept a card because the programmers forgot to include that in the script???" The honorable thing to do is to take your card and accept your destiny in the game.

If I am waiting to cash in for 20 troops but have to settle for 15 because the player before me made everyone in the game wait an extra hour so that he gained position but not the card, you can bet that I will give him the lowest rating and tag him a cheat with an explanatory note attached. I would not want anyone to do that to me so why would I do it to anyone else.

That is where my unwritten rules are. No has to write down what is right or wrong for me. I just ask myself if I would like for others to do that to me. And then I answer myself accordingly. It's a question of personal honor.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby MagnusGreeol on Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:22 pm

Viceroy63 wrote:
FamBonnet wrote:As a new player, I would love it if someone wrote down these "unwritten rules".

As far as I am concerned, one is either an honorable player or one is not. Honor to me is simply playing as you would like to see others playing with you. In a real game you would have to accept the card, no question about that. So how come we see a loophole and say, "Oh, I don't have to accept a card because the programmers forgot to include that in the script???" The honorable thing to do is to take your card and accept your destiny in the game.

If I am waiting to cash in for 20 troops but have to settle for 15 because the player before me made everyone in the game wait an extra hour so that he gained position but not the card, you can bet that I will give him the lowest rating and tag him a cheat with an explanatory note attached. I would not want anyone to do that to me so why would I do it to anyone else.

That is where my unwritten rules are. No has to write down what is right or wrong for me. I just ask myself if I would like for others to do that to me. And then I answer myself accordingly. It's a question of personal honor.

+10 Viceroy!! I'm marching beside you on this! ") 4 years later but still!! ")

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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:43 pm

I thought it was illegal? But I'm no expert on the rules here. Many rules seem to make no sense to me, while other things that should be obviously illegal are not considered illegal because they are too difficult to police.

Is this not illegal in certain tourneys or clan games? I realize magnus just resurrected a really old thread, but since Black Jesus isn't here to chastise me for writing here I thought I would ask for clarification on the current (4 years later) rules on this subject from a mod or someone 'in the know'
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby IcePack on Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:40 pm

"Oh, I don't have to accept a card because the programmers forgot to include that in the script???"

It wasn't forgotten it was intentional. So it does leave open both the opportunity to do so, and others to disagree with it.

mookiemcgee wrote:I thought it was illegal? But I'm no expert on the rules here. Many rules seem to make no sense to me, while other things that should be obviously illegal are not considered illegal because they are too difficult to police.

Is this not illegal in certain tourneys or clan games? I realize magnus just resurrected a really old thread, but since Black Jesus isn't here to chastise me for writing here I thought I would ask for clarification on the current (4 years later) rules on this subject from a mod or someone 'in the know'

It is frowned upon in clan events (not sure about tournaments but I'm assuming it's similar) and there are rules / punishments in most clan events in regards to this.

However, clan area tends to be very serious / very competitive compared to your "average everyday user" who is just here to play pick up games etc, and thus the site rules apply (allowing the activity) unless that persons internal honor system prefers to do so otherwise.

Some want it exactly the same as the board game, others like the differences, some want diplomacy like you would have in RL, others hate it and want silence, and others love fog, while on board game you wouldn't have that either.'s allowed, by the site. Disallowed in most competitive areas.
And a grey area / questionable from user to user outside of it.

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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Quirk on Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:24 pm

As a representative of the zombie community I would vote for a change. I haven't seen this done and I play almost exclusively zombie. I assume players don't know about it as this could affect the outcome of most zombie games.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby riskllama on Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:55 pm

stfu, quirk...
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby pmac666 on Sun Jun 19, 2016 8:05 am

wow im surprised that its considered as dirty to some, never even thought about that lol, for me its a perfect tactics sometimes to kill games off and it will be in future :D
after reading all that i would see it like in pool and the deliberate fouls.......maybe not the most beautiful thing but sometimes absolutly necessary to win!
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby ColinM on Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:32 am

I knew I'd seen this thread somewhere!

I'm of the opinion that it is not in the spirit of the game. As Herbas and Viceroy63 said, in real life there'd be no option to not take a card, and indeed as Crazy Frog says it slows the game down. I've just suffered a round with 30% no-shows and now I've got someone not ending their turn in a zombie game, presumably because he has the spoil for the territory where he's got 7 men piled up (now the largest troop on the board in a world 2.1 game). It may be a 'legal' move but to me it's unsporting.

It's been said that it was deliberately left out of the coding but why? Why not change the coding so that once a successful attack is made, you will get a spoil at the end of your turn even if you are timed out? Also, sometimes things happen in Real Life and you unavoidably can't complete your turn. It's bad enough that you are unable to complete your attacks and/or make reinforcements, without having to suffer a loss of spoil, too.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:35 am

ColinM wrote:I knew I'd seen this thread somewhere!

I'm of the opinion that it is not in the spirit of the game. As Herbas and Viceroy63 said, in real life there'd be no option to not take a card, and indeed as Crazy Frog says it slows the game down. I've just suffered a round with 30% no-shows and now I've got someone not ending their turn in a zombie game, presumably because he has the spoil for the territory where he's got 7 men piled up (now the largest troop on the board in a world 2.1 game). It may be a 'legal' move but to me it's unsporting.

It's been said that it was deliberately left out of the coding but why? Why not change the coding so that once a successful attack is made, you will get a spoil at the end of your turn even if you are timed out? Also, sometimes things happen in Real Life and you unavoidably can't complete your turn. It's bad enough that you are unable to complete your attacks and/or make reinforcements, without having to suffer a loss of spoil, too.

I agree.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby owenshooter on Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:43 am

not against the rules and shouldn't be written into the rules to do so. as far as the response from the NO FUN Clan zone, that is exactly what is wrong with the clan world. you guys create rules that are not site rules and then enforce them like the gestapo. YOU HAVE TO TAKE SCREEN SHOTS BEFORE FOG GAMES AND EVERYONE HAS TO SEE THE BOARD. YOU HAVE TO TAKE A CARD. the clan world is about choosing maps/settings that leave little to no chance of a loss for map/setting specialist, but only if you play the way they want. only if you don't make them think outside of your box. so yes, you are right, the clan world isn't like the rest of CC, the rest of us are here to have fun.

it wasn't a mistake, it is a great tactic, it should not be a rule.. we already had the clan world impose FOG and TRENCH and PARACHUTE and ZOMBIE upon us, please don't let them ruin the cards too... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

let's take all of the fun out of CC!!!
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby mrswdk on Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:53 am

Yeah, this thread should be merged with all the ones demanding that truce-breaking be made a punishable offence.
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Re: Is it illegal to intentionally NOT get a card/spoil ?

Postby Jurasu on Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:20 pm

ColinM wrote:It's been said that it was deliberately left out of the coding but why? Why not change the coding so that once a successful attack is made, you will get a spoil at the end of your turn even if you are timed out? Also, sometimes things happen in Real Life and you unavoidably can't complete your turn. It's bad enough that you are unable to complete your attacks and/or make reinforcements, without having to suffer a loss of spoil, too.

I believe the original intention was as a sort of punishment for people who forgot to end their turns. Losing the ability to finish attacks, forting AND losing a card are detriments more often than waiting out the timer to purposely avoid a card for some sort of strategic reason. Encourage people to fully complete their turns before moving on to whatever else. As you already brought up, if you are playing in real life, there is no clock you're running out to avoid getting a card. You have to receive one. Likewise, playing a game in real life, the game doesn't continuing playing if one player just ups and leaves during the middle of their turn, while it does on CC. Games run the smoothest and encourage the use of strategy when everyone is playing. It's why people tend to give low ratings and often foe deadbeats in their games.

Not exactly sure when this thread became an attack on clans though. Seems like a lot of that rant originates in a simple dislike of rules that others enjoy. Personally, I hate zombie myself. Been stuck in games getting blocked off from other players by hundreds or thousands of neutral armies. Not a big fan of parachute either since it takes a lot of the strategy out of forting if you just remove all the limitations. I do however really enjoy both fog and trench as I feel they add a lot of strategy to the game as you need to pay more attention and plan things better. I'm in a clan and really the only unwritten rule I like to follow is allowing the other team a chance at seeing the map before moving. I feel you exaggerate quite a bit since you don't NEED to take a snapshot. It is only a 12 hour courtesy. I've had plenty of games where teams will fail to take a screenshot in that time, say "darn it," and move on. However, the 12 hour fog rule makes a lot of sense to me, whether in clan games or in games I play by myself. In clan games, you tend to the clans make their home games, invite their own players, then invite the players from the other clan afterwards. The last person to start controls when the game begins and can use that to their advantage. When I was younger and had more free time to play and would have over a hundred games going at once, a good number of them 2 player fog games, I actually kept a (short) list of players who would attempt to abuse this. I show what country I'm from and I've always left the settings on to show when I am online and when I was last online. I would create games and wait for players to join them, often logging off and going about my day or going to bed without anyone having joined them yet. Then I'd log in the next time to find someone had joined within 10 minutes of me logging off previously and taken their turn immediately. Even went so far as to test it, leaving games up, logging out and then relogging 5 minutes later to find new games started with the other player's turn in progress. This didn't happen often, but it did happen. It always seemed silly to me that people would want to play a strategy game and try to get an advantage without any strategy at all. I'd rather beat someone because I played better rather than because I intentionally waited until they logged off to move just so they wouldn't get any info they would otherwise have if they were online.

It is kind of amusing that you try to create this "us vs them" dichotomy. I'm pretty sure everyone on this site is here to play a game they like for fun, especially considering how long many of us have been here for. I also like the sweeping generalizations. Yes, there are certain maps/settings that some clans like to run because they have a high win percentage on them. I enjoy playing them, whether its one that favors my clan or trying to upset the other team who has more experience with it. I also really enjoy clan games on random maps, of which we've had quite a few. No one is trying to ruin your game. On top of all that, from everything I've seen you post owen, which is quite a lot, I doubt that you of all people are going to give into someone browbeating you over something that they insist is an unwritten rule. I feel like you've grown rusty during your extended absence.
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