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Postby 2dimes on Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:02 am

...or, -this being the 1st time I've been able to spare $$$ for a quarterly PREMIUMship since joining in 2007 - i'm deadbeating.
17 days of Premium now, my lice stats in 4/5 of my games played w/majority adversaries are in the RED: both for battles and rolls. Double digits half the time. Began playing a 'Quest for the BLUE Stars' auto-tourney. the drops were a disadvantage and the lice have scheistered any chance of recovery.

"Enemy attacks me with 9 vs. 8= enemy only loses 2, i lose all 8."
"I fight enemy with 9 vs. 8= enemy keeps 6 standing(loses 2), I lose 7." :?:

"oh look! ...i can clinch the balance of this here game by popping that stack of 14. lemme just plop 34 armies down here, ahhh yes, good. Ok lets do this...."
*loses 32, kills 11 ; enemy has 3 armies standing* .... :?:

Somebody here has access to correct the this shit. NIX THE F**KING LICE, and their eggs that have plagued this once bustling hub of enjoyment, turning it into a shadow of its former self.

I was all excited like a little kid to finally get my own PREMIUM membership 2.5 weeks ago. and drafted a big post on how to make my time of use for volunteering, making fixes, testing out maps. Joining tons of tourneys. made dozens of games, sending invites, updating friend list, purged foe list, and was close to buying CC shampoo to do giveaways and learn to host a tourney.

F u c k t h a t

This mess changes now. Tell us how we can help whoever the person is that has access to a comb for the lice. Everyone talks about it because we all know its' true.

...and it IS the main reason we went from +25,000 monthly actives, down to a ghost town.
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Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:42 am

Sorry the dice do not go your way often enough. Please see my other posts on this subject.

NO, the MAIN reason is that there are so many options for people to play Risk and other gaming options.

Dice may be a reason for a temporary frustration and some leave CC as a result, no doubt, BUT NOT the Main reason. I saw the same thing happen at another gaming site I was at for YEARS.

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Postby 2dimes on Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:38 am

Vast amounts of new recruits that leave have likely not found more than 10 lice.
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Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:24 pm

2dimes wrote:Vast amounts of new recruits that leave have likely not found more than 10 lice.

and how many did you find?...

...asking for a friend, OF COURSE... :D :lol: =D>
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