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St. Patrick bug?

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St. Patrick bug?

Postby Zemljanin on Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:34 am

Macro level: (not related to St. Patrick)
I've always had problems with scenarios. I join successfully only when I am the last missing player. When not, a certain infinite loop begins. Whether I'm in the queue or not, it's impossible to tell. Don't remember successful joining, except in already mentioned case.
Now I am waiting for Luck of the Draw scenario, but don't know whether I'm really waiting, if you know what I mean...

Middle level:
I am also waiting for The Quick and The Lucky scenario, but the loop is different (it's the St. Patrick map). This time I don't have the proper scenario page, it just says: Largely This Part Relates To Bennie, Sidekick To Erstwhile

Micro level:
I can't open St. Patrick map at all, even the games where I already played the first move. (Same loop as on Middle level)

The state is obviously temporary, nonetheless the bug is nasty...

P.S. I tried to log off and sign in again. Nothing changed...
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Re: St. Patrick bug?

Postby Zemljanin on Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:31 pm

So nobody except me had any problems? And no officials had a need to say something?
I am starting to ask myself - who are Bennie and Erstwhile... Mapmakers? Hackers? Leprechauns?

Anyway - after missing several moves, I remembered to try Chrome (instead of Firefox). It worked and I've managed to collect 44 clovers. So I'm satisfied if problem gets solved before next St. Patrick Day...
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Re: St. Patrick bug?

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:32 am

Zemljanin wrote:So nobody except me had any problems? And no officials had a need to say something?
I am starting to ask myself - who are Bennie and Erstwhile... Mapmakers? Hackers? Leprechauns?

Anyway - after missing several moves, I remembered to try Chrome (instead of Firefox). It worked and I've managed to collect 44 clovers. So I'm satisfied if problem gets solved before next St. Patrick Day...

Yeah, I've found that CC has become totally unplayable in Firefox now. As much as I hate Chrome, I've had to fall back to using Chrome only here.
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