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Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

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How much of a Douche Bag is Zeus111?

Biggest Douche in CC history
2019 Douche Leader
Mildly a Douche
Total votes : 12

Re: Daily Douche Bag Report

Postby Symmetry on Fri Mar 22, 2019 8:15 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i post on a serious issue thats driving our members away

The possibility of winning prizes is driving members away? Or is it Daily Douches that are driving members away... hmmm

zeus111 wrote:in my defense when i joined cc club i was hooked on pain killers

You're going to make a great witness when this makes it's way through the courts.

I don't know if anyone else bothered to google, but it has nothing to do with enforcing laws in the state of New York. It's basically just a petition site, where you can create meaningless petitions and try to get people on facebook to sign them.

Rose wrote:Can u provide the name of the site please and any other screen shots u may have regarding the event both past and present.

Beyond that 'Rose' really needs to work on her grammar and spelling, especially if she's working in on filing law suits.

This is definitely the funniest thread of 2019. Forget the day, I nominate him Douche Bag of the year!

Make ITS way through the courts. ITS, a pronoun indicating possession, not "it's", a contraction of "it is."


There are two ways to use "it's", not one.

Sure, a right way and a wrong way. That's kind of the point, no?
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby xroads on Fri Mar 22, 2019 9:03 pm

I just couldn't take the Douchiness anymore and had to add a poll to see if I am the only one who thinks Zeus111 is a Douche.
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby zeus111 on Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:51 am

xroads wrote:I just couldn't take the Douchiness anymore and had to add a poll to see if I am the only one who thinks Zeus111 is a Douche.

ok i can take it as well as i give it thats freaking hilarious..timmy try not to use big words till we cover that subject im not so sure douchiness is a word do we know the poll isnt all u we have to show the voters if this is to continue ,,,

lets recap my cc club history so our audience can make a fair assessment of my douchieness as u put it ....i play fair fast if i see a player missing turns i wall them ..last year took a shot at creating the world cup and even paid for 14 members premium accounts to join sadly i couldnt play as poker took me overseas for 7 the past i have supported our site by gifting several premium account s to dvdmara conquer 10 to name a couple from memory .i follow the rules on site but admit im over zealous when it comes to issues i feel strongly about like cheats aka multi accounts and most recently the state our speed side side is in ..prior to taking a 7 month break we had at least 2000 more members leave and thats when i started to take a look into things ...i seen in my opinion the site turn into clan wars and tournaments the once plentiful speed player roster simply vanished then in december i seen the format for cc cup and spoke out as my background is gambling realated sought the advise of a organization that deal with this type of issues only to have it confirmed this was in fact considered gambling ...for trying to bring this forward members like timmy and the special ed class went postal ...everyone said what they had to say and that issue died till i posted on the dead beat issue we currently face on the speed side of the site ..

now timmy what have you done ..this is my opinion only but what ive seen from u is a pisspoor attitude coupled with some one coming into c$a forum s posting zero facts name call ppl trying to level our play ..question does it make one a douchebag as u put it to post in these forums on other members ..i recall post u have made on other members that have resulted in a site ban ..this bring us to present day were u decide to post this thread again mostly name calling like moron douchebag ect..then when u realize oh snap this guys cutting me deep you on your own stood zero chance in a battle of intellect others come to your aid bringing up the whole gambling issue ..oh ya then there was the ban zeus comment that your answer to all life issues ..again its just my opinion but your a hypocrite who resorts to name calling hate spreading and offer zero input on how to better our site in most cases you just criticize with comments like the sites like a restaurant were u have to do your own dishes ,,im certainly not saying i have the answers but at least i tried to do something ...what do i get for this effort a senior mod calling me a liar lamma hate mail and your constant gibberish so i spent today to show just how sad you are timmy .. had a belly aching laugh in the process with not lowering myself to your level and only name you were called till now is special ...

finally i leave you with this i think this site is toast but time will tell but its members like you who post on members then chastise others for doing the same we can do with out ... if trying to fight through all this to get our speed side back on track it s worth it but sadly have my doubts so if posting in c$a makes me a douchebag so be it stated prior the special ed class opinions mean zero to me as not one of you have come up with one idea on how to fix things ....

no need for more talk timmy quite simply on a one one basis you just dont stand a chance here clearly offer to help u learn the basics is still on the table i guess im just a big softie for u special types ..oh ya when im out at happy hour last thing on my mind is cc club or posting in online forums timmy i see i rattled ya real good so much so u took time during happy hour as u put it to post thats just sad man ...


zeus111 out ........
Last edited by zeus111 on Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:19 am

Does anyone else skip over the ridiculously long posts in this thread?
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby zeus111 on Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:34 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:Does anyone else skip over the ridiculously long posts in this thread?

lmao ill give ya that one whiskey and cannons are in full on mode
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Symmetry on Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:47 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:Does anyone else skip over the ridiculously long posts in this thread?

Aye- tldr version, it's a thread targeted at another member. The OP is pissed off about people. He's a colonel, so he can get away with his dickery being considered GD, even though it's obviously ban worthy trash.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Bernie Sanders on Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:23 am

This thread should be moved to The Street Corner. Cause sooner or later R Kelly impersonators will piss all over this thread.

Wait a minute......I smell urine.....
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:30 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i post on a serious issue thats driving our members away

The possibility of winning prizes is driving members away? Or is it Daily Douches that are driving members away... hmmm

zeus111 wrote:in my defense when i joined cc club i was hooked on pain killers

You're going to make a great witness when this makes it's way through the courts.

I don't know if anyone else bothered to google, but it has nothing to do with enforcing laws in the state of New York. It's basically just a petition site, where you can create meaningless petitions and try to get people on facebook to sign them.

Rose wrote:Can u provide the name of the site please and any other screen shots u may have regarding the event both past and present.

Beyond that 'Rose' really needs to work on her grammar and spelling, especially if she's working in on filing law suits.

This is definitely the funniest thread of 2019. Forget the day, I nominate him Douche Bag of the year!

Make ITS way through the courts. ITS, a pronoun indicating possession, not "it's", a contraction of "it is."


There are two ways to use "it's", not one.

No, "it's" with an apopstrophe is a contraction of the words "it is". It's always used to represent "it is".

"Its" the possessive pronoun has no apostrophe. Ever. Unless used by an ignoramus.

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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby KoolBak on Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:41 am

That was an entertaining rant. Now, he IS trying to do a positive thing, in general, however that long horrendous post shows that yes, he is a douche. Would have just said "dork" before that, but......the ego, lack of verb conjugation, ridiculous excuses, drug addiction and general douchbaggery are glaring. However.....i can easily think of 2 members that make him seem like a saint :lol:

And what was the "whiskey" comment? You don't drink Canadian Whisky and you live in Canada? WTF, over??

And who the HELL is Timmy?
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riskllama wrote:Koolbak wins this thread.
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:50 am

KoolBak wrote:
And who the HELL is Timmy?

A 60-year old meme.

ā€œā€ŽLife is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.ā€
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Mad777 on Sat Mar 23, 2019 10:21 am

Dukasaur wrote:
KoolBak wrote:
And who the HELL is Timmy?

A 60-year old meme.


:lol: good one...good laugh there too
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:08 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i post on a serious issue thats driving our members away

The possibility of winning prizes is driving members away? Or is it Daily Douches that are driving members away... hmmm

zeus111 wrote:in my defense when i joined cc club i was hooked on pain killers

You're going to make a great witness when this makes it's way through the courts.

I don't know if anyone else bothered to google, but it has nothing to do with enforcing laws in the state of New York. It's basically just a petition site, where you can create meaningless petitions and try to get people on facebook to sign them.

Rose wrote:Can u provide the name of the site please and any other screen shots u may have regarding the event both past and present.

Beyond that 'Rose' really needs to work on her grammar and spelling, especially if she's working in on filing law suits.

This is definitely the funniest thread of 2019. Forget the day, I nominate him Douche Bag of the year!

Make ITS way through the courts. ITS, a pronoun indicating possession, not "it's", a contraction of "it is."


There are two ways to use "it's", not one.

No, "it's" with an apopstrophe is a contraction of the words "it is". It's always used to represent "it is".

"Its" the possessive pronoun has no apostrophe. Ever. Unless used by an ignoramus.


If you think I'm gonna let a Canadian call me a wanker and take it sitting down, you're wrong!(this time I have my contraction correct)

I'm lying in bed not sitting down.
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:25 pm

zeus111 wrote:
xroads wrote:
riskllama wrote:just stfu, ya douchebag.

Man its Friday happy hour. And you just made me spit out a mouthful of beer all over my phone.

ive been lmfao most of this day timmy ..but all this aside for a moment your multi no one ever has said the cc cup is driving away players ..2nd watch dogs online are many

example ... 62c9857ef0 ... index.html

the watch dogs i speak of are set up by online gambling community ...ones that were partially responsible for this ... -in-court/

looking into game history we have never met so there is that ....if it takes a lil name calling to improve the sites speed games what this thread was made over im like teegee and have my big boy pants on !!! bring it on ...

back to you timmy the thought of you drinking whoa thats got to be something like this ....

The moment we all realize we are fighting with a 13 year old...

To your examples:
1. Oh my god you didn't tell me you were in communication with the US justice Dept! This case could make the Supreme Court before RBG retires if you hurry up! Oh wait, this old article is about asset seizure/forfeiture not gambling, and the Supreme Court just had a case a few months ago on the exact subject this article is about and has basically ruled that proportionality is key and the Gov't has exceeded it's authority.

2. Again this article isn't even about the subject your talking about. It's about gov't overreach using asset forfeiture laws and it's just all been unwound by the Courts.

3. Really Fult Tilt poker circa 2012? This is old news, and is specifically about actual cash payout online gambling. Some famous poker players lost millions of dollars... because they were actually gambling not competing for low value gift certificates. Also the laws and court rulings have changed since then. Here read this!

@Mods just ban him from speed games, and then he won't experience as much dead-beating anymore! Problem solved
Dukasaur wrote: That was the night I broke into St. Mike's Cathedral and shat on the Archibishop's desk
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report

Postby zeus111 on Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:28 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:
zeus111 wrote:
xroads wrote:
riskllama wrote:just stfu, ya douchebag.

Man its Friday happy hour. And you just made me spit out a mouthful of beer all over my phone.

ive been lmfao most of this day timmy ..but all this aside for a moment your multi no one ever has said the cc cup is driving away players ..2nd watch dogs online are many

example ... 62c9857ef0 ... index.html

the watch dogs i speak of are set up by online gambling community ...ones that were partially responsible for this ... -in-court/

looking into game history we have never met so there is that ....if it takes a lil name calling to improve the sites speed games what this thread was made over im like teegee and have my big boy pants on !!! bring it on ...

back to you timmy the thought of you drinking whoa thats got to be something like this ....

The moment we all realize we are fighting with a 13 year old...

To your examples:
1. Oh my god you didn't tell me you were in communication with the US justice Dept! This case could make the Supreme Court before RBG retires if you hurry up! Oh wait, this old article is about asset seizure/forfeiture not gambling, and the Supreme Court just had a case a few months ago on the exact subject this article is about and has basically ruled that proportionality is key and the Gov't has exceeded it's authority.

2. Again this article isn't even about the subject your talking about. It's about gov't overreach using asset forfeiture laws and it's just all been unwound by the Courts.

3. Really Fult Tilt poker circa 2012? This is old news, and is specifically about actual cash payout online gambling. Some famous poker players lost millions of dollars... because they were actually gambling not competing for low value gift certificates. Also the laws and court rulings have changed since then. Here read this!

@Mods just ban him from speed games, and then he won't experience as much dead-beating anymore! Problem solved just have a lil listen

above is just lol point is there are more then one online watch dog ...usa hey thats explains it!!! canadains rock by the way ..hey hows the wall coming ..
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Donelladan on Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:14 pm

Symmetry wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:Does anyone else skip over the ridiculously long posts in this thread?

Aye- tldr version, it's a thread targeted at another member. The OP is pissed off about people. He's a colonel, so he can get away with his dickery being considered GD, even though it's obviously ban worthy trash.


Basically xroads is pissed that zeus want to stop people breaking CC rule.
But everyone is ganging up on zeus.

True zeus's post are difficult to read sometimes, and I have no clue about this stuff about gambling and CC cup but that wasn't even the topic...

Too bad no mods did even see the topic. I didn't know creating a thread to insult someone was OK.
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby zeus111 on Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:39 pm

Too bad no mods did even see the topic. I didn't know creating a thread to insult someone was OK.[/quote]

the senior mod teegee has seen it and posted in this thread just goes to show yet again if ole teegee does not like you site rules dont apply ..recently a member was chat banned for calling another a wanker yet this is allowed to go on ..not to mention a current c$a matter remains pending and locked ,,

as this thread is going nowhere its time to say goodbye here
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:54 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
iAmCaffeine wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:
zeus111 wrote:i post on a serious issue thats driving our members away

The possibility of winning prizes is driving members away? Or is it Daily Douches that are driving members away... hmmm

zeus111 wrote:in my defense when i joined cc club i was hooked on pain killers

You're going to make a great witness when this makes it's way through the courts.

I don't know if anyone else bothered to google, but it has nothing to do with enforcing laws in the state of New York. It's basically just a petition site, where you can create meaningless petitions and try to get people on facebook to sign them.

Rose wrote:Can u provide the name of the site please and any other screen shots u may have regarding the event both past and present.

Beyond that 'Rose' really needs to work on her grammar and spelling, especially if she's working in on filing law suits.

This is definitely the funniest thread of 2019. Forget the day, I nominate him Douche Bag of the year!

Make ITS way through the courts. ITS, a pronoun indicating possession, not "it's", a contraction of "it is."


There are two ways to use "it's", not one.

No, "it's" with an apopstrophe is a contraction of the words "it is". It's always used to represent "it is".

"Its" the possessive pronoun has no apostrophe. Ever. Unless used by an ignoramus.


Nobody mentioned being correct.
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Bernie Sanders on Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:30 pm

Drama, scandals, treachery and douche what's new here?
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Symmetry on Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:49 pm

Donelladan wrote:
Symmetry wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:Does anyone else skip over the ridiculously long posts in this thread?

Aye- tldr version, it's a thread targeted at another member. The OP is pissed off about people. He's a colonel, so he can get away with his dickery being considered GD, even though it's obviously ban worthy trash.


Basically xroads is pissed that zeus want to stop people breaking CC rule.
But everyone is ganging up on zeus.

True zeus's post are difficult to read sometimes, and I have no clue about this stuff about gambling and CC cup but that wasn't even the topic...

Too bad no mods did even see the topic. I didn't know creating a thread to insult someone was OK.

It's not really ok, as far as I can tell. It really should be moved to OT.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby xroads on Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:47 pm

What I would like to know is it spelled constant or consistent?

You see Zuess always refers to me as timmy, a special ed student. But I am really confused as to what he is trying to spell here.

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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Mad777 on Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:49 pm

xroads wrote:What I would like to know is it spelled constant or consistent?

You see Zuess always refers to me as timmy, a special ed student. But I am really confused as to what he is trying to spell here.


Pretty much meaning this: ... y&amp=true
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby iAmCaffeine on Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:49 pm

I don't think you can criticise someone else's spelling when you consistently spell "lose" as "loose".
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby xroads on Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:52 pm

ya, well sometimes I am a looser
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Re: Daily Douche Bag Report (Poll Added)

Postby Razorvich on Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:30 am

This feud between you two has to stop. It is now bordering on violation of the Forum Guidelines, and I am sure will be reviewed as it is now taking up the time of numerous Mods.

This thread is a bait thread, has been reported with all the boxes ticked.

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