xroads wrote:I just couldn't take the Douchiness anymore and had to add a poll to see if I am the only one who thinks Zeus111 is a Douche.
ok i can take it as well as i give it thats freaking hilarious..timmy try not to use big words till we cover that subject im not so sure douchiness is a word ...how do we know the poll isnt all u we have to show the voters if this is to continue ,,,
lets recap my cc club history so our audience can make a fair assessment of my douchieness as u put it ....i play fair fast if i see a player missing turns i wall them ..last year took a shot at creating the world cup and even paid for 14 members premium accounts to join sadly i couldnt play as poker took me overseas for 7 months.in the past i have supported our site by gifting several premium account s to dvdmara conquer 10 to name a couple from memory .i follow the rules on site but admit im over zealous when it comes to issues i feel strongly about like cheats aka multi accounts and most recently the state our speed side side is in ..prior to taking a 7 month break we had at least 2000 more members leave and thats when i started to take a look into things ...i seen in my opinion the site turn into clan wars and tournaments the once plentiful speed player roster simply vanished then in december i seen the format for cc cup and spoke out as my background is gambling realated sought the advise of a organization that deal with this type of issues only to have it confirmed this was in fact considered gambling ...for trying to bring this forward members like timmy and the special ed class went postal ...everyone said what they had to say and that issue died till i posted on the dead beat issue we currently face on the speed side of the site ..
now timmy what have you done ..this is my opinion only but what ive seen from u is a pisspoor attitude coupled with some one coming into c$a forum s posting zero facts name call ppl trying to level our play ..question does it make one a douchebag as u put it to post in these forums on other members ..i recall post u have made on other members that have resulted in a site ban ..this bring us to present day were u decide to post this thread again mostly name calling like moron douchebag ect..then when u realize oh snap this guys cutting me deep you on your own stood zero chance in a battle of intellect others come to your aid bringing up the whole gambling issue ..oh ya then there was the ban zeus comment ...is that your answer to all life issues ..again its just my opinion but your a hypocrite who resorts to name calling hate spreading and offer zero input on how to better our site in most cases you just criticize with comments like the sites like a restaurant were u have to do your own dishes ,,im certainly not saying i have the answers but at least i tried to do something ...what do i get for this effort a senior mod calling me a liar lamma hate mail and your constant gibberish so i spent today to show just how sad you are timmy .. had a belly aching laugh in the process with not lowering myself to your level and only name you were called till now is special ...
finally i leave you with this i think this site is toast but time will tell but its members like you who post on members then chastise others for doing the same we can do with out ... if trying to fight through all this to get our speed side back on track it s worth it but sadly have my doubts so if posting in c$a makes me a douchebag so be it ..like stated prior the special ed class opinions mean zero to me as not one of you have come up with one idea on how to fix things ....
no need for more talk timmy quite simply on a one one basis you just dont stand a chance here clearly ..my offer to help u learn the basics is still on the table i guess im just a big softie for u special types ..oh ya when im out at happy hour last thing on my mind is cc club or posting in online forums timmy i see i rattled ya real good so much so u took time during happy hour as u put it to post thats just sad man ...
viewtopic.php?f=239&t=227529viewtopic.php?f=239&t=228698zeus111 out ........