I really don't know what you guys did in December to the site, but I have to congratulate you on your awesome screw the pooch session! Neither of these are a MAJOR deal, but yes, annoying. First off, to all reading this I am Canadian, not American as the site would tell you on my profile. Yes, I did report this and yes KA you did get back to me. This was never an issue before December and stand alone not really a problem other than having to explain the issue numerous times, I really don't think I should have to, the site picks up my IP address and assigns my country, CANADA (or USA in this case). I know it still works as I had an emergency a couple weeks ago and voila I was from Spain (for a bit Aussie...clanmates had to sit for me) My son is also a member living in an entirely different province of Canada and guess what, he to flies an American flag!
So on to more annoying...at about the same time I can be mid turn/attack and BAMMM all question marks "you are logged out login here"...this becomes VERY frustrating especially when it happens a couple times in a big turn. Honestly, I am sick of that one and I think something should be done about it.
If this site were "entirely free" then sure, whatever, have sub par things like that! Thing is many of us pay for this, the suckers we are. This along with the dice for this site (not even close to realistic) and other issues that others have pointed out...how long will people continue to pay? There has been a DRASTIC decline in "paid" memberships over the last 3 years (I was tracking for an undisclosed reason) many have posted on this. I don't know perhaps FREE is where the money is with ads and all, if so why aren't we all free in this sub par enviroment?