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C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

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Re: C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

Postby FreeFalling123 on Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:58 am

Extreme Ways wrote:For all TOP members that had good intent and were gullible/believed that GH was truly a new player...

Well, what is funny, to me, is that the things you guys find most certain about it being Paul, I find it most bizarre. It's like... why would someone who knows people would expect him to send pms, create Antarctica games and get closer to TOP do all 3 of those things immediately...

Apparently the bizarre is a region where manipulation confuses itself -- "if someone were to think I am smart, then I wouldn't do something so obvious or risky as to give myself away" except everyone else is just like naw he gave himself away... joining games on Swimmer's team maybe a back-up to confuse people even more... since he and swimmer don't get along XD
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Re: C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

Postby riskllama on Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:53 am

wouldn't it be nice if the mods would have just told us who it was in the original C&A thread?
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Re: C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

Postby nietzsche on Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:12 pm

Donelladan wrote:don't read anything written by nietzsche seriouly, everyone reading the forum regularly know that.
Consider him like a clown or a fool.


macken, no tomes en serio nada de lo que Donelladan dice, todo mundo sabe que tiene autismo.
el cartoncito mas triste del mundo
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Re: C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:03 pm

nietzsche wrote:
Donelladan wrote:don't read anything written by nietzsche seriouly, everyone reading the forum regularly know that.
Consider him like a clown or a fool.


macken, no tomes en serio nada de lo que Donelladan dice, todo mundo sabe que tiene autismo.

El hecho que tu dices lo en espanol no significa que este bien decirlo en absoluto.

Si, se espanol, pero un poco.
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Re: C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

Postby Keefie on Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:30 pm

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Re: C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

Postby macken on Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:48 pm

Keefie wrote:Image

:o You have it!! =D> GH was nitche!! ,....
I suspected it too ;)
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Re: C&A post locked. Where to ask about?

Postby jfm10 on Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:48 pm

Nietze use to have the best signature on Conquer Club but got it revoked :( . come to think of it please enter it for the TeeGee signature contest Nietze.
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